Which historic personalities would have been Veeky Forums users?
Which historic personalities would have been Veeky Forums users?
Also he would have been called "faggot" all day every day.
>sits in his room all day
>ugly manlet (his face was covered in scars)
>purges all the chads in his country
>spergs out around women
>lacks any form of empathy
>implying he wouldn't just post nudes on /soc/
That greek guy who jacked off in public and lived inside a pot
Drumpf was a complete normie chad in his teens and 20s
I really doubt that.
The meme thay successful people used to be losers isn't true. People who are huge losers at a young age tend to stay being losers their entire life.
It's not about losers in relation to money. Trump is clearly on the spectrum. I doubt he was some normally functioning young adult 50 years ago.
ayn rand because desu she definately had social issues
Saint-Just desu
/x/ and /pol/
>I really doubt the son of a millionaire who was a notorious new York playboy financial success was a Chad in his younger days
If you have money you can get away with pretty much anything desu
good answer!
>ywn have barrel groupies
>fucking normalfags and their shitty slave morality
>tfw ubermench but can't get a gf
>christcucks BTFO
>overthrow the Reich, Morality war now!
>if you have money then you're not autistic
Flawless logic.
Nietzsche was an INTJ autist, so he would have definitely lurked Veeky Forums if he could.
well he certainly was autistic enough to come here
God yes
Mozart, he already posts regularly on /mu/ anyway
>jobless, sad looking man who sits at home and calls people jewish niggers all day