Post troops unique to your nation. Bonus points if they were non-elite.
Starting off with a kosynier.
Post troops unique to your nation. Bonus points if they were non-elite.
Starting off with a kosynier.
these dirty fuckers
too bad all the osprey crap is so sterile, they should be depicted by mataković, they were dirty brutal balkan mercenaries, people made up prayers against them
Post name for lookup.
also these guys, they were even worse
just type in croats
yes that was actualy the name of the unit, just, croats(even tho there were serbs and bosnians among them, a general balkan mishmash)
The Gallowglass
Deadly yet fashionable
What about these ?
those were called panduri, they made their fame under baron trenk, grass didnt grow where they passed, later most european armies adopted their style of fighting and imitated their dress in specialist units like sappeurs and various skirmishers
these guys were called uskoci, meaning 'the ones that jump in', they were like a mountain peoples guerrila/pirates, mostly fought turks and raided venetians, rarely allied with austrians, austria didnt have a lot of control in the high mountains
and then there was a dosen types of these guys, graničari, meaning border-men, mostly they were made up of people that settled the border areas after whichever war depopoluated the place, they didnt have to pay taxes or realy do anything much except serve as armed guerrilas loyal to the crown when need arises, and need arose on a yearly basis
so in their spare time they mostly did smuggling and baked rakia
>Caroleans (Swedish: karoliner) were the soldiers of the Swedish kings Charles XI and Charles XII whose notable tactics differed from that of Western Europe through a greater reliance upon pikes, rapiers, bayonets and the spirit of the offensive.
Those predate Gallowglasses by like 2000 years my man
>hearth-shaped tatoo on the knee
what the fuck
they are Veeky Forums as fuck tho
you can just imagine the guy going to war and the key thing on his mind isnt the enemy or strategy or whatever, its showing off, and all the other guys in camp talking shit behind his back because hes got that massive furr cloak with polka dots and its exactly that shade of black and they didnt get around to buy one from the catalogue that season
like that scene from american psycho with the eggshel calling card
its not a tatoo they are mostly wearing tights
The Birkebeinar or in English, the Birchlegs
They basically ended the 110 year long civil war by saving the deceased king's 2 year old son. They started out as a bunch of landless men and ended up as the new aristocracy. The term "bitchlegs" is a piece of propaganda that they later accepted as their name. Apparently they were so poor they had to use birch bark as shoes
The Scots got u beat I'm afraid
Janissaries; Elite infantry forces of the Ottoman Empire recruited from children. In the case of recruitment from Christians they were often recruited forcefully, albeit in accordance with a few rules(families with 5+ children, only limited amounts from each village etc)
Gallowglass started out as Scots mercenaries though
it was a tax, it was 'forcefull' in that it was a imposed tax, in children, it was all official and by state decree, a normalised thing, thats how things worked in the ottoman empire, the rest of us all at least had the decency to do shit and pretend it was just a thing, like fuck you its war, or fuck you youre subhuman or something, but not the ottomans, they institutionalised every fucking atrocity they did, like nothing personel kid, sulatans orders, oh and by the way well need your foreskin
Sıpahi: Turkish(by law the position could only be taken by Turks) heavy cavalry. They formed the backbone of the Ottoman military for a long while. They were well trained horsemen who mostly descended from the settled Turcomans. They were given under the service of Beys(Lords) to feed and arm during peace time and were called upon during war to serve as as shock cavalry.
>Apparently they were so poor they had to use birch bark as shoes
and skis?
Deliler: Literally translated as "Crazies". They were light cavalry who served as raiders. They wore weird clothing and were known as fearless soldiers, thus the name. Mostly formed by Turcomans employed by the Empire and local beys as border-raiders. During war time they served to strike behind the enemy lines, do flanking operations and disrupt enemy forces in general.
Polish "Hussars" are a derivation of this cavalry brought to Hungary by defecting Serbians.
sure it was blood tax and even slavery
these children would become the elite of the government or the army after their training. around 1/3 of vivizers came from the devshirme background. in any case the practice was stopped in early 17th century.
also that kind of social mobility was unseen in anywhere else in europe and has not been seen ever since
Roundheads/new model army
but thats the point, the ottoman empire was a unique form of slave state, in the sense that once you became a slave, you were the state
i mean every sultan was born by his fathers favourite sex slave and raised among eunuchs inside his dads fuckslave dungeon slash apartment complex for fuck sake
once you became a slave in the ottoman empire you won the lottery, you just had to know when to clench your teeth and take it and when to bite
>by his fathers favourite sex slave
well there is a really good reason for the entire harem system
you see ottoman royal family did not descend from a royal turkic/mongol blood line. as such they were in constant fear of another turkish family(descending from the anatolian beyliks) capturing the state by force
as such after a few generations they began to marry non-turks as a way to block other turkish houses from gathering any meaningful power within the state
>raised among eunuchs inside his dads fuckslave dungeon slash apartment complex
this is a 17th century system. normally the princes would be sent to sancaks(provinces) at an early age. later they would be appointed as governors and learn how to run the state from there. problem was that every time the sultan died these princes would go to war with each other over succession so in 17th century a sultan who was particularly butthurt about the civil war happenings created the "cage system", which meant that the princes would not be able to leave the palace grounds
Suicide troops - When Jap left, they left the Lunge AT mine behind and Vietnamese soldiers also make a replicate of this type of mine and using it fight again Frances light tanks - can only be detonated by those 3 "ticks" contact at the same time - like Jap soldiers this is a kamikaze type of weapon, the risk is very high and those who handle this weapon will have a memorialize ceremonies before they take a step outside
The Streltsy(cтpeльцы). This word means "shooters". These guys were the first regular army regiment created in Russia. Before them, infantry in Russia was nothing but militia and mercenaries.
Read as
>Sweden was so poor, that it couldn't arm it's forces properly, so to avoid being outgunned they just used pikes and charged,
>Dominates the Baltic for a hundred years
I didn't say it wasn't effective. It was just outdated.
>for a hundred years
>Rough riders
>Literally just carabineers
IIRC, Sweden kept using the pike well into the 1700s after everyone else abandoned it.
Literally the rangers of the north
Norwegian Ski Trooper (nr.3)
Yeah and they were fucking awful. Within a century of their initial organization, they had already gone full Janissary in Moscow.
Props to Peter for putting his foot down on that shit so decisively.
Not really just us but we were the first to create such units.
Bashi-bazouk/başıbozuk (literally 'damaged head')
Ottoman irregulars, often came from various backgrounds in the empire. Armed and maintained by the government, but not payed (got by on plunder).
Devoid of any discipline, they were not used in major campaigns, and instead confined to tasks like recon and outpost duty. Still, they were so prone to rioting and raping that Ottoman regulars would sometimes forcibly disarm them.
Had less to do with inferior military technology or a lack of funds, and more to do with the fact that the Swedish military c. 1700 was comparatively quite small. They just didn't have the manpower necessary to line soldiers up for a series of meatgrinders with the Russians or the Danes.
Retaining pikemen as a significant portion of the infantry was part of the larger Carolean strategy that relied on shock assaults to break the enemy's morale before the Swedes' numerical disadvantage came into play. The pikes were meant to be a sort of wildcard in the sense that most of their opponents lacked the training or equipment to properly respond to a charging block of pikemen.
Cavalry in the age of gunpowder. Named after/modeled on Turko-Tatar cavalry, they could be armed with whatever, but most famously used lances.
Effective in light cavalry roles (i.e. recon) through Napoleonic Wars and into 19th century
Originally developed by the Polish in 18th century, and later adopted by various other countries.
Germany and Austria had several uhlan formations that fought in WWI; Poland still used them in WWII, this time with guns, but that led to the 'charging-panzers-with-sabers' myth
>a charging block of pikemen.
Did they actually form blocks? I was always under the impression that the Swedish pikemen were deployed towards the rear so that their line infantry could fight several ranks deeper than their bayonet-armed enemies.
Almogavers, basically border men than raided muslims (the name its in arab, meaning those than raid or something like that), they were used as a very poli-valent light infantry, used in sieges, recon, military police, campal battle, raiding, punish parties and whatever. Brutal men, they were only half Christinied. They were used as Mercs too, the Catalan company, apart of Knights and more common soliders was mainly made so the king of aragon could let those fuckers out of his recent conquered places because with raid and being a bunch of cunts.
They prefered to travel light and used Javelins of different kinds, a war knife, light armor etc.
They did a number in the ERE and Illirya/balkans, I think they still love them there.
in the dusk of the Papal States, the papist army decided to hop on the zouave bandwagon (much like the Americans), i.e. making their infantry wear puffy pants and look like Berbers
this unit, formed in 1861 under French command/equipment, were mainly young, unmarried Catholic men, who volunteered to assist Pope Pius IX against the Italian Risorgimento.
they managed to defeat Garibaldi's troops at Mentana (1867), and fought for the Pope until Rome was captured in 1870. the Italians executed several of them even after surrender.
>by May 1868 numbered 4,592 men. At that time the unit was composed of 1,910 Dutch, 1,301 French, 686 Belgians, 157 Romans and Pontifical subjects, 507 Canadians, 1,400 Irish [pic related], 87 Prussians, 50 English, 32 Spaniards, 22 Germans from beyond Prussia, 19 Swiss, 14 Americans, 14 Neapolitans, 12 Modenese, 12 Poles, 10 Scots, 7 Austrians, 6 Portuguese, 6 Tuscans, three Maltese, two Russians and one volunteer each from the South Sea Islands, India, Africa, Mexico, Peru and Circassia.
>you will never dress like a circus clown and defeat redshirts
Argentina's Mounted Grenadiers
>peasants with slightly adjusted farming tools.
Billmen are the same thing.
Why the butthurt bruv?Why not use the minorities for something useful like dying in your wars and shit?
>Named after/modeled on Turko-Tatar cavalry
Sort of. A Polish Tatar nobleman Aleksander Ułan was tasked with creating a light cavalry force for the king of Saxony, who was the king of Poland at the time as well. He used some Tatar traditions, but the establishment of Tatar community in Poland-Lithuania predates any Turkish influence on them.
kill yourself yusuf
mighty medieval panzer
From left to right
Aztec commander
Jaguar warrior
Eagle warrior
Aztec warrior priest
Portuguese "Caçadores" (literally "hunters"). Elite light infantry troops that fought remarkably against the French in the Pensinsular War.
here's pic
Me greatgreat grandfather served as a caçdore
We still have his hat somewhere
Such many doges; wow
ready for combat
The only student body to fight together in a battle and win.
Get out, papist scum
their warcry was "aur aur, desperta ferre" which i think means something like "wake up iron"
More or less, "Desperta Ferro!" while clashing fling and the iron of they war knives, "Sant Jordi!" or Saint George was another popular chant, being the Aragonese, catalan, Valencian and Balear war saint.
not troops, but this weapon is pretty much only used in flanders