I know there's the meme number of 6 million which has religious significance to the Jews.
I went through Shirer's book on the Hitler regime and if I recall correctly he cited estimates in the range of 3 - 5.5 million.
I know there's the meme number of 6 million which has religious significance to the Jews.
I went through Shirer's book on the Hitler regime and if I recall correctly he cited estimates in the range of 3 - 5.5 million.
Other urls found in this thread:
It's very likely to be 5.1 million, Raul Hilberg lists the dead from each country
>How many Jews died in the Holocaust?
>which has religious significance to the Jews.
6 is a religiously significant number, they used 6 million to describe the holodomor too.
>that fucking festive hat on the picture
Realistically? Probably around 1-2M.
Jews had a freedom of movement before 1940 and were treated better than Poles.
>I know there's the meme number of 6 million which has religious significance to the Jews.
[citation seriously needed]
>I know there's the meme number of 6 million which has religious significance to the Jews.
Stormfags like to claim this, but whenever I ask them for a verse, they balk and try to change the subject.
No, they didn't.
>1.2m at Auschwitz
>1.2m at the three Reinhard camps combined
>400k at Madjanek and Chelmno
so if the 6 million is real that means another ~3 died in SS massacres and concentration camps?
6 figures liberally.
5-6 million is the accurate number.
And in ghettos.
It includes all the sporadic acts of violence by anti-Semitic volunteers during the German advance as well
No they don't, estimates range from 1.5-7.5 million for Holodomor.
and another thread about jews
go back to /pol/
I could see that adding up to 6 million then. It's actually kind of hard to figure out a complete breakdown of the causes of death, on Wikipedia at least
6(ish) was total deaths of all groups I thought
Tbh the problem is its so taboo to discuss that noone will touch it. The initial reports and figures that were thrown around by the Russians were obviously bollocks, but noone will discuss it who isn't a neo nazi with a clear agenda or someone just recounting the existing stories. Any attempt to examine the record just out of interest or inquiry is suicide, so no historian will touch it. In the long run thats a boost for the deniers, because it ends up with people who agree it happened but perhaps think numbers are wrong getting lumped in with the "hitler dindu nuffin" brigade. Which is patently absurd
How is there even a question about it?
Surely you could just compare census numbers taken prior to WW2 with numbers taken after WW2, and just look at how many fewer Jews there were.
not enough imo
It's not. 12-14 million is total deaths of civilians (or POWs) deliberately murdered by the Nazis. If we include military deaths and people who died as a result of the war (military operations, starvation, disease) then the number will be much higher.
>deliberately murdered by the Nazis and their collaborators
Fixed that for you
We have these threads every week. Do poltards have a memory of a goldfish or something?
PoWs are not counted in the holocaust, it's strictly a civilian murder thing (by mainstream definitions). Usually when you see someone claiming it jumps up a couple of million into the 15-20 range, it's done by counting executed PoWs.
> The initial reports and figures that were thrown around by the Russians were obviously bollock
Soviets didn't gave a flying fuck about investigating dead Jews, they had enough of their own murdered. The ones who did the first inquiry on Holocaust were Brits and they arrived to roughly six million dead.
>Tbh the problem is its so taboo to discuss that noone will touch it
Stop talking out of your arse. There are plenty of historians who researched this.
Not all would have died in the Holocaust. Some would have died from mundane stuff, others would have died from the war, but not in a Holocaust-related way. Some would have simply been missed by one or both census. Some would have been born between the censuses.
Reminds me of one Goebells quote, tbeh.
But it's interesting they are getting more and more docile.
By holocaust, do people mean literally 6 million were executed or passed away in camps pursuant to Nazi policies and procedures, or that 6 million Jewish civilians died during ww2? Because if it's the latter, it doesn't seem particularly special.
Soviet POWs are counted to Nazi war crimes. I don't think anyone except the Jews should be counted as victims of the holocaust.
It's that 6 million Jews died to a multitude of reasons because of anti-semitism
Take a fucking guess.
Then the special reverence people have for the jews that died in ww2 is unjustified. We should stop promoting religious reverence for jewish losses, and regard them as any other group of people who died during mankind's countless wars.
You mean...like continuing in the current stance?
I'd actually agree with that, the Holocaust gets far more media attention than the other fucked up shit Germany did in WW2
>like continuing the current stance
Holocaust remembrance is an industry now, and the Jews have a monopoly on it. They even got a whole country because of it.
Not all German war crimes are the holocaust though; PoW murder was a separate thing, as was the unrestricted submarine warfare.
>Holocaust remembrance is an industry now
Poles and Czechs making money on the Jews who visit the camps?
>They even got a whole country because of it.
Which one? It sure as hell ain't Israel, since as you may know they waged wars for it.
I fail to see how any of this is relevant.
It IS Israel. Why do you think the British gave them Israel?
>the British gave them Israel
Greif tourism isn't unique to Auschwitz and the holocaust camps, go and look at the shit they carry on with in Borneo and the Philippines about Japanese camps, don't see you complaining about their exaggerations and glorification of suffering
The British didn't GIVE them Israel, there was a fucking war about it where the British said "fuck this" and left the Arabs and Jews to fight it out
>Balfour Declaration, 1917
>Caused by the Holocaust
It wasn't Hitler who collaborated with Jewish groups, rather the other way round: Jewish groups tried to broker a deal with the early National Socialist leadership in helping them with their goal of getting Jews out of Germany via the Haa'vara Agreement. This only saved the lives of 60,000 Jews. They saved their asses via a shitty deal rather than remaining in the Reich until things worsened to the point of ghettos and forced deportation to concentration and extermination camps.
I didn't believe this until I looked it up on the NYT website but these headlines exist pre-WW2
See for the picture and for the text.
Around 6 million.
>I know there's the meme number of 6 million which has religious significance to the Jews.
Oh great, it's ANOTHER /pol/tard believes everything he sees in meme infographs thread.
did you come across the pre-war newspaper articles that spoke of 5 million Jews??? No? How about 4 million Jews? No? What about 7 million Jews? No? Well I have, see the pic above. All these other newspaper articles exist. It's just that the guy who posted the "omfg 6 million" pre-war newspaper clippings conveniently does not show the other numbers also listed in pre-war newspaper snippets. Why should he? It would detract from his intended message of somehow making the 6 million number unique and prophetic. In reality, all of these were rough estimates of the Jewish population in Eastern Europe and Western Russia, being in danger due to the turbulent events of the early 20th century happening there (war, famine, revolution etc.).
>See pic above: i.4cdn.org
Quality post.
>How many Jews died in the Holocaust?
Not enough.
We really gonna have to do this again?
not if you stop replying to them
It's the sacred founding event of the American West.
Quality post.
You should really consider reading an actual history book.
4.1 million because the gas chambers never existed. *sips weak bear and reads his mail*