It is time for a Veeky Forums meme thread
It is time for a Veeky Forums meme thread
this but unironically
What is the text referencing?
Elder Scrolls Morrowind
should be Poland desu
t. Pole
When you're on the losing side of World War 2 and you still win
>comparing religion to states
>implying empire of japan is dead
this is the fucking worst polandball meme i've seen
>empire of japan isn't dead
user, I.......
I don't know much about Montenegro. They were part of the Yugo at one point, right? I just don't know about their people/language/history/culture. They have a cool flag though.
Orwell was an inveterate fuckhead half the time and not-so-bad writer the rest.
Old but timeless
France actually won WWII tho
Good chuckle 'ere lads.
Another Ugly Son of a Bitch meme
You should've post the entire thing
mumbo jumbo because of a timer and something about duplicate replies
Japan is still ruled by an Emperor, which means Empire of Japan is not dead yet.
>When you lose WWII twice, cancelling out each other so you actually win
Bugs... easy on the purges
Mario Party 4 - The Death of The Mario
>this is what anglos actually believe
>ceasius faithfully loves (name lost)
every time
that last one is the dumbest thing ive ever seen
the true power of german autism
Does anyone have that picture with the questions about the Holocaust to holocaust deniers. It's not a meme image but I need it
incoming /leftypol/fags
these things are fucking gold
not bad lol
My favourite detail is the plan to float up the St. Lawrence River. That always gets me.
That man right next to stalin look creppy
he looks like kane
I hope you niggers are aware, that there is a book about that with 1000 quotes.
please post some
Post post a random apge number. The quotes are from 31 to 341. Will post a reply to your request with the aforementioned page. Every page has something stupid in it. example pic related. page 154 is gone.
It's Serbia's New Zealand (or Sparta, as they used to boast, once upon a december, before communism)
great stuff
It was from a Canadian newspaper trying to speculate on what they totally could have done during the war and how close and self-defensive the war was and all the other excuses the West gives for why a second rate power with mediocre resources, technology, and manpower took them 7 years and several failed attempts to put down.
>this is what whereboos actually believe
I'm saying that Nazi Germany was just some mediocre power at it's height and it's only through sheer luck on their part and incompetence on the side of everyone else that they ever achieved any military victories. How is that wehraboo?
>Japan is still ruled by an Emperor
But not a god
>bothering to stand up
otherwise perfect
>nazi: 1+1=2
>middle ground: 1+1=3
ok m8
these are supposed to make me hate muslims and laugh at them, but it only makes me like them
Is memri tv doing this shit on purpose to make me laugh?
>at least yo still real country and not worthless shit rectangle
Why syria though?
Memri TV is an institute which studies middle eastern television programs. Take a guess where it is seated.
makes me sad
England or Sweden
Says the US, but honestly I always assumed it was an actual tv station in the middle east