>Wake up
>Remember i live in the communist caliphate of germanistan
>Remember i don't have the money to escape
>Remember that bitcoin isn't worth 1MM yet
>Remember that this shit is gonna collapse soon
I need the money now, not in 5 years
>Wake up
>Remember i live in the communist caliphate of germanistan
>Remember i don't have the money to escape
>Remember that bitcoin isn't worth 1MM yet
>Remember that this shit is gonna collapse soon
I need the money now, not in 5 years
halte durch user.
we are going to make, i wanna be gone from this shithole in 5 years aswell!
see you in Trabantland
>Wake up
>Remember i dont live in europe where everyone gets free education, healthcare, housing
how the FUCK do you still have no money
how do i have more money than u when im living in a 3rd world hellhole
fuck, dont germans get PAID to go to university?
Allahu akbar bruder. Ich arbeite bei den Bergjuden (CH). They do not tax cryptogains as stocks. So gains are much better here. It is still not a caliphate it will take much longer.
I plan to buy a Vault (Wolfsschantze) for my cryptos in the future.
Isnt Poland like a 3 hour drive away? You have no excuse.
Germancuck here, i pay 800€ a month for university. Free education my ass
Poland is a fucking shithole even without sandpeople. Literally the last place on earth I'd like to live at.
don't be stupid and don't be an outlaw
expose yourself to the ponzies at the absolute minimum as per law
believe in crypto, believe in your local community
be the change you want to see happen™
Its Germany with out sandniggers.
I lived in Poland for half a year. It was not bad at all. Pretty 5/5 actually
t. Finn
what the fuck? is it private?
i study at LMU but i wish i didnt
i fucking wish my parents would have gone to your country and not to germany :(
They have nice girls there who go for money.
Actually you can get everything there for money.
My ancestors came from there, been there a lot. It's not that bad there WITH MONEY
Never been there actually, just don't plan on going there EVER as a lot of polish people live in my area and theres not a single one of them thats not a fucking cunt. Seriously way worse than arabs here. Maybe the ppl in Poland are different
Probably like the Turks
They behave like shitbags outside their country, the people in their country are embarrassed because of them.
Similar with the Polish, most are nicer there, not cunts like here
Free education is only for refugees. If you're born in a middle class native family and don't take on debt to pay for new TVs and phones every year, you'll be told your parents can pay even if you're estranged from them.
The system is designed so any show of initiative and financial responsibility is mercilessly crushed, not through hardship like in your country but through subsidizing retards with the money of everyone else.
you're a fucking idiot
you live in the one country that offers more opportunities than any other in europe right now and you're trying to leave
I'm busting my ass to learn german and finish uni so I can go get a masters in frankfurt and you're being a little bitch with everything given to you already on a silver platter
kill yourself
enjoy frankfurt, europs capital city for drug & human trafficking. Rich people live in gated communities there in case you don't know
can't wait for someone to try and snag a 2m 120kg tall me, I'd give them a run for their money for sure
you have to pay 18 bucks per month so the government can pay for their propaganda TV. They dont even care if you actually own a TV.
A woman went to jail for not paying for this shit.
stay safe user
What is high taxation, what is low salaries.
Being a PIGS is suffering, worst of everything, corruption, low salaries but high cost of living because of euro. We should have made two kinds of euro.
Fuck that, Im in roo' land, want to go to Germany for cheap coke, fkks and techno.
>europe where everyone gets free education
Only til the age of 19 in UK, after that you have to pay for everyting. +University is a lot more expensive in England than it is in the US.
Also the taxes here are fucking high compared to the US/Canada