Mods, you pieces of human garbage, do your subhuman job for once and remove the /pol/ infestation in this board. It's even in the fucking rules and yet every second thread is /pol/ brainlets ruining everything for everyone.
Mods, you pieces of human garbage, do your subhuman job for once and remove the /pol/ infestation in this board. It's even in the fucking rules and yet every second thread is /pol/ brainlets ruining everything for everyone.
LMAO t. libcuck assblasted that their candidate lost
moot was right. Veeky Forums Has become /pol/ with dates. Or in some cases just straight up /pol/.
&humanities doesn't help either.
This board was a mistake.
I'm not sure what this post is but it definitely doesn't belong on his.
>m-mods! s-silence these dissenting opinions AT ONCE, my fee fees demand censorship!
There's a lot of /pol/ shitposting but that shouldn't preclude certain topics being discussed from a non-PC point of view.
but where else will i post my hitler fan fiction?
No one here is PC. Serious academic study of a subject demands exact and concise terminology and an objective perspective.
Why do subhuman inferior eurangutans want to make Veeky Forums their safespace?
>Veeky Forums
>having mods
Pick one.
I am glad we can agree on something! With that in mind, would you like to discuss some of Lynn's research and its historic implications? Sounds like you value credible academic literature just like I do
And yet there's a bunch of pro-Stalin threads too
I don't want to pressure the mods to turn Veeky Forums into /leftypol/
No everything as well
This. It's still Veeky Forums in the end of the day. We really shouldn't be demanding that everyone we disagree with gets banned. The best option would be to start 'policing' them ourselves the same way they go around policing everyone else. They need to be mocked and insulted until they eventually get the idea and realise that they don't belong on Veeky Forums. We need to do to them what the oldfags did to the scientology protestors. Just keep reminding them that they're a bunch of cringeworthy pseudo-intellectual teenagers everytime they open their mouths.
This would require the userbase to not be 90% windowlicking newfags who respond to even the most obvious bait.
Lol, typical leftist SJW response.
>hey lets discuss math
>ok, how about we start with 2+2
>hold on there
this is you right now.
THis is not Veeky Forums related.
Could a nazi sticky/faq solve some of this faggotry? It could be updated with new questions and answers that would come up and the daily naziboo threads could just be pointed to the sticky as a rule.
Don't know what you expected. There are no real historians here, just kids who get all their knowledge from Paradox games and wikipedia articles and LARPing faggots trying to justify their flavor of the month ideology.
They won't get the idea because they were influenced by Veeky Forums in the first place. Their worldview was literally formed by memes.
>IQ is arithmetics
Try again with more effort, subhuman.
That 25 year old rule should be changed to nothing after 1900 or something to avoid all the communist and nazi threads.