When and why did authorities stop telling the truth that some races are lower life forms than others?
When and why did authorities stop telling the truth that some races are lower life forms than others?
>Africa is less populous than Europe
Because eurangutans have feeligs too. They don't need to know about their inferior gene pool.
Yeah, the percentage of the global population that are whites have decreased a lot.
Wh*te people have very frail egos
They were red pilled about Russia even before crocodile or communism existed? Impressive.
It was never the truth. It was a pseudoscientific lie meant to justify imperialist and racist narratives.
And this is bad because...
Did I say it's bad? Learn to read, nigger.
The fact that imperialism was possible is proof that it was justified.
Barbarians had empires too so....
The fact that european replacement is happening makes it justified...hmm...
Europe had all the cities.
After whites brought medicines and other things to undeveloped races, the infant mortality went down but they kept breeding like rabbits. A population explosion is the result.
correction, not just infant mortality but death rate in general
You mean after eurangutans gave them Amerindian crop consequent products.
Why do people always fall back in that shifty modern medicine meme lol.
Back then when they did use it in colonies fir shit like sleeping sickness the pops were still low as fuck.
What's your point? Of course the population was small back then, it only started growing a lot then. And it's not just medicine, it's basically any technology. I personally got it from a book.
Because then that will proof that germanics and Slavic are inferior people that took civ from roman/greek
>Anthrocuck baitposting
Pop only started really risING sometime after independence.
>this is what anthrocucks actually believe
Because more often than not the science behind it was bastardized into a lies-for-children narrative to give false credence to oppressive morons' latest scheme for stealing control from legitimate authority.
It's easier to convince the proles to execute the ones trying to help them if you first convince the proles that their benefactors are stealing from them to serve a people who are inherently evil.
They're called "developed, developing, least developed" economies these days.
I guess the slave trade, the world wars, the Holocaust, and Stalin's purges were all justified as well. Might makes right after all.