Why didn't Rome just conquer Persia? Did they fear the aryan warrior?
Why didn't Rome just conquer Persia? Did they fear the aryan warrior?
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Because the persians were conqured by alexander. At the time of the romans the parthians ruled the east.
Jesus fuck, It's October. Find a new fucking meme.
Romans were weak against steppe cavalry like every other civilization in pre-modern history.
>"Steppe" cavalry
Roman-Parthia/Persian Wars started almost 400 years after Alexander's conquest of the Achaemenid Empire. The same Greeks/Macedonians that gave the Romans trouble are the same ones the Parthians and Persians expelled from their homelands.
Too many mountains and not enough riches. Anatolia, Egypt and the fertile crescent were the only rich lands in the persian empire.
The Caucasus is pretty rich too. Sassanids and Romans fought a lot over Armenia, even.
Parthians were definitely Steppenigs.
Rome tried to spread into Parthia, although was defeated and unconvinced. A lot of hard terrain and not enough rich stuff to take.
No, they weren't. The Dahae Confederations got assimilated culturally and language wise by the Persians and Parni/Parthians living in the Iranian Plateau. They were sedentary from then onwards and not nomadic at all.
Romans only once made it PARTLY into the Iranian Plateau and that coincided with the Iranians putting up such a stiff resistance that the Romans were forced to pull out to their recently annexed Mesopotamian holdings.Also Persia/Parthia was urbanized as hell, rich as fuck, and incredibly wealthy with natural resources, trade, and craftworks. So you are absolutely wrong there.
I think a better question is why didn’t Persia conquer Rome? Did they fear the latin warrior?
The only time Parthia directly instigated a war with the Romans as an antagonize instead of vice-versa, the Romans nearly lost all of the Western Asian holdings. Same with the Persians actually trying to outright expel the Byzantines from Anatolia.
>At the time of the romans the parthians ruled the east.
The Parthians were native Persians tho.
Parthians were closely related to the Persians even among other Iranian tribes but they weren't Persians per say. The Parthians and the province of Parthia is directly next to the province of Pars in modern Iran.
>No, they weren't
Back to r*ddit.
But they didnt, parthia and sassanids wanted anatolia and the levant but couldnt get them from the romans and if romans would have put effort, they could have conquered them, achaemenids couldn't conquer greece and alexander rekt their shit
They didnt have any excuses, they werent just strong enough, i bet that if the power had it the assyrians, things would have been different
oh please the Persians got sparked repeatedly by Rome. Their greatest moment was getting to Constantinople against half of the Roman Empire. And then they got sparked by Heraclius and then got folded up by Arabs within twenty years.
Parthians were a iranian tribe that came from central asia, their home was the land in turkmenistan, if only parthia or persia would have conquered whole central asia then they would have the force to conquer the levant and anatolia
Were they too evenly matched?
ERE had a little of upper hand
Rome had the upper hand throughout most of their history.
Super retard.
What? Are you some kind of new age idiot? Most of the time the Sassanids were beating the Romans, not the other way around. And Heraclius was scared shitless of having to fight Shahrabaraz so much that he had to make a separate diplomatic overtures and pay him to leave Roman occupied territories in Egypt and the Levant rather than fight him off a full year after the war was already over.
Don't be stupid man. The last four or five of wars between the Eastern Romans and Persians were the Eastern Roman Empire losing, or having to pay off the Persians from constantly breaking their shit in the Near East and Caucasus.
No they didn't, you samefagging retard.
fucking shitskin, is that your only argument?
you know very well parthia/sassanids couldnt do shit against them, you are pathetic, i wish things woould have been different but they werent so we must accept it
Jesus christ so you are a moron and need to be range banned with the rest of your retarded sub-human T*rk kind off the site for good. You are too stupid to be allowed to get anywhere near the internet. For one, the Parthians have already been settled on the Iranian Plateau for about the same fucking time as the Persians and Medes had. They did not "come" from Central Asia by the time the Parthian ethnic group had risen up unlike their Proto-Indo-Iranic predecessors. Stop fucking confusing the Saka and Dahae Confederation with the actual Parthians, you piss-ant mongoloid mentally unhinged and clearly handicapped autist.
Sudoku yourself.
Reminder to filter and ignore Domincan's posts.
and they get fucked by alexander, that was humilliating, alexander with less men conquered persia, Darius had plenty of time to defend the empire, if i was him, i would get scythians and add them to the army
parthia was there, yes but the people from the parthian empire came from central asia
Reminder to filter and ignore Dominican's posts.
so what happened before the islamic conquest?
ERE resisted arabic invasion while the sassanids got conquered and raped, you see the result today in iran
Reminder to filter and ignore Dominican's posts. We got rid of Constantine that way and it'll happen again with this monkey too.
who was that?=
you are so annoying you shitskin, you are just mad that people that arent related to you couldnt beat the romans
Dominican pls kill yourself
no, u
I'm serious. Your points are all mute and rebutted, yet every thread you repeat them. You're the definition of a shit poster. Not to mention you have the complexion of a shit skin.
so parthians could conquer the levant and anatolia but they didnt want it?
sassanids conquered levant/anatolia and drove out the romans forever?
achaemenids didnt lose against alexander?
what the fuck are you trying to say?
everything i said is right and happened yet you are here all butthurt, go fuck yourself
ancient iranians couldnt against alexander/romans, deal with it
ERE never had the upper hand against the Sassanids. There was not Greece, just a bunch of City States, most of which fell to the Achaemenids. Scythians were present in the Achaemenid army when Alexander invaded, same with the Assyrians.
Your anger is a testament to your shitskin heritage.
>ERE never had the upper hand against the Sassanids
so why did it take the sassanids 400 years to conquer the levant/anatolia and egypt?
and still they couldnt hold it and lost in the end
>just a bunch of City States, most of which fell to the Achaemenids
and still lost the greco-persian wars
>Scythians were present in the Achaemenid army when Alexander invaded, same with the Assyrians.
and still fucking lost to alexander, look man, that make mad as hell but you must accept it, i accepted it
Ad naseum.
Just ignore the retard.
>so why did it take the sassanids 400 years to conquer the levant/anatolia and egypt?
You're assuming it was Sassanid strategy to just conquer till their hearts content, completely ignoring shit like overextending your army and the difficulty of incorporating large swaths of land into the empire. It's like asking why the fuck didn't the Romans invade Iran proper if it was so powerful? It's a stupid fucking quesiton.
You're also ignoring the fact that they regularly invaded the Levant, especially under Shapur and Khosrau I. They were not beaten back either, they just decided to pack their shit up and leave once they sacked the cities and the Romans were faced to pay them Atilla-level money.
Then you're ignoring the fact that the Sassanids DID later incorporate such a strategy of taking traditional Roman lands for themselves, and they were wildly successful. They completely overran the Romans from Anatolia, the Levant, and Egypt with ease, and the only reason why they lost is because of domestic disputes (Sassanid generals no longer supporting Khosrau II).
So no, ERE never had the upper hand against the Sassanids.
>and still fucking lost to alexander
Admit you were wrong you flaming faggot shit skin lol. You said Scythians and Assyrians weren't present. You lack basic knowledge of anything Iran related.
Go wewuz about how you're Spanish.
I think you are legitimately stupid. Not the offhand comment calling someone stupid, but actually an idiot.
That is just your opinion, you are just making excuses, you are pathetic
You see, this is why you're a shitposter. Hence my original request - kill yourself.
>durr it's okay to shitpost if I'm calling out a shitposter!
But what's there to rebut in his reply to me? Nothing. Perhaps you should both kill yourselves.
Go read your post and then read history, you are just making excuses as why the sassanids never got a hold of the levant/anatolia, etc
Kill yourself, you are pathetic and cant accept reality
Not an argument.
They fought continuous wars but outright conquering the other just wasn't in the cards for either power. Too much territory to hold down and administrate while being so far flung away from the cores of their empires, in both cases.
Aside from Trajan's victory that saw Rome take the Fertile Crescent for a few years, the only major attempt at conquest was during the Byzantine-Sassanian war in the early 600's which probably best exemplifies a case of a total Rome/Persia total war scenario, where Persia attempted to capture Egypt, Anatolia, and the Levant, but were crushed by Heraclius. Once the Imperial army moved in and captured the Sassanian capital, the Eastern Romans were too exhausted to hold on to any long term conquests, so the war ended with Persia paying immense tributes.
But it was obvious that even though the Byzantines were exhausted, Persia was in shambles from the war, where just a decade later, the Arabs managed to conquer a weakened Sassanid Empire within 30 years, where the Byzantines held on for over 800 years against Islam.
In short, the Romans could win against Persia in a straight up slugfest, but the cost would be so high that any territory gained would not be worth the losses.
>were faced to pay them Atilla-level money.
How much money are we speaking?
>where the Byzantines held on for over 800 years against Islam.
They got crushed nearly every time they weren't hiding behind behind their castle walls. The only part they originally ever kept was Anatolia and that was gone around the 1000's onwards.
2,000 lbs of gold each year from 545-550 AD.
30,000 nomismata annually for what was agreed to be for 50 years (lasted for around 10 years).
11,000 lbs of gold in 532 AD.
Those are off the top of my head. Not sure about Shapur's era.
Plenty of regions in Iran are very fortifiable as well. The Sassanians had nobody to blame but themselves. They signed their downfall in blood.
500,000 denarii under Shapur (around 4200 pounds).
The reasons why the Sassanids fell is a lot more complicated than exhaustion after their war against the Byzantines.
tl;dr internal feud between Persians and Pahlavis completely tore the empire at the seams.
Basically both empires were spent as fuck. Econmy is shit, provinces in brink of revolts, best soldiers dead. That's why they just waltzed in the place, they were not confronted with proper force.
The Arabs conquered two exhausted old men.
The Persians weren't crushed by Heraclius. Shahrabaraz's army remained completely intact even after the war's end post-629 AD occupying Roman Egypt, Syria, and most of Roman Levant for that matter. The Persians held Egypt perpatually for more than 10 years before being paid off to evacuate from those holdings by the Romans. The Romans also NEVER captured Ctesiphon or even had the capability to siege it in the final Roman-Persian War, the Persians had destroyed all of the bridges across the Tigris and Euphrates rivers and Heraclius had no siege engineers or troops to ford or breach its reinforced walls and gates.
The Romans also perpetually were co-opted by the Persians to pay the Persians to man and garrison fortresses and castles in the Caucasus areas against nomadic invasions from the Huns and Turkic tribes as well.
No. Persia is literally far closer in proximity and distance to Arabia then Anatolia is. On top of that mountainous areas in Iran don't really come up as a natural defense or barrier until you get to the Zagros or Alborz mountain ranges. You have no idea what you are talking about here.
There are two main factions in both the Arsacid/Parthian dyansty and Sassanian/Persian dynasty; the Parsigs (Persians) and the Pahlavi (Parthian/Parnis) that were fueding over succession to the throne following 629-630 AD after the war. The throne had no issue until AFTER Kavadh II, Khosaru II's second eldest son, died from Justinian's Plague returning. Then the next 7 years would see the western half of Persia's population drop on top of unseasonal floodings and inundating of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers that destroyed considerable important farm and croplands in Mesopotamia leading to widespread famine. Coinciding with this, a string of Sassanian rulers died due to civil war before Yadezgerd III came to the throne.
He has a strange obsession with calling modern Persians mongrels and spouting shit about our history. He's been doing this for over 2 years.
I agree, he should kill himself.
He also claims he isn't black. Just filter him with 4chanx. Wasting time and energy with a retard namefag like him is an effort in futility.
>our history.
So are you saying that sassanids wouldnt be able to hold anatolia, levant and egypt?
Just ignore him.
He really does fit the stereotypes of shitskins himself. Each time he is blown-the-fuck-out with evidence in the form of genetic data from Ancient Sassanids and artifacts of Sassanids depicting themselves, his brain doesn't process it. Normally you'd expect someone to accept their ignorance and modify their views, but he seems to lack the capacity for this.
Genetic studies have already BTFO your shoddy claim why do you persist? Literally equivalent with a evolution denier.
>aryan warrior
>calling modern Persians mongrels
he's right though
>genetically almost completely identical as their predecessors in antiquity
Autsomonal DNA > Haplogroup memery
>implying autosomes from more than 200 years ago are even reliable
Ask Crassus
More than haplogroups are certainly since its more precise for one. Besides that:
>PCA charts link Iranians solely closest to Caucasus peoples
>autosomal genetic testing show Persians and their ilk are largely unchanged in mainland Iran
>"Nah haplogroups only giving vague generalities should be preferable though"
No, but they should have marched on the Persians and crucified anyone who resisted.
Yes, actually. The Persians were their most recurring and powerful rival, and the only one they really respected.
>I don't understand autosomal decay
>I don't understand why haplogroups are frowned upon
Even with decay its the most accurate scientific method for determining, so I'm not really sweating it dude.
I do. My point is autosomes from 200+ years ago are pretty much worthless.
they were just some regional problem very far away from rome
They were neighbors.
And haplogroups don't even work that well regardless. mDNA, autosomal DNA, and y-DNA show a genetic level of consistency between Iron Age Persians to modern ones.
for romans, it was just some regional problem, they knew that persian would never get to their city
Reminder to always filter and ignore Dominican's posts.