How did the United Kingdoms manage to remain the second most relevant power?
How did the United Kingdoms manage to remain the second most relevant power?
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An autistic obsession with roads through Africa.
lmao @ "the British Isles hold a commanding position over the European mainland"
fuck off anglo shill
London is the NYC of the old world. Also oil. Americans may have convinced the Arabs to do all of their dealings in dollary doos, but the Arabs decided to have the anglos do all of their banking and wealth management.
It helps that they are allied with the first most relevant power, for starters.
we do
>United States
>100 diplomacy
no you don't
>above France militarily
Lmao, let's just ignore that France has
-more troops
-more tanks
-more nukes
-better planes
-more experienced troops (constant deployment in Africa as opposed to occasional deployment in US wars for British troops)
*notice Britain is above Russia militarily*
How so it was a troll pic all along?
Is that from the
they are that delusional
>The Henry Jackson Society is a neo-conservative British think tank.[1][2][3][4] It has been described as right-wing, but positions itself as cross-partisan, with support from a small number of left-leaning politicians.[5][6][7]
Really makes one think
>*notice Britain is above Russia militarily*
Its because MUH SPENDING what they ignore is that you can field a million Russians for the price of a million vodka bottles (cheap kind) and a supply of borscht while British troops actually expect to be paid.
Guys I know the US military is strong and all but a score of a hundred whilst the rest doesn't make it above 4? that's abit ridiculous don't ya think?
^this should answer your question; MURICCA STONK, y'all others are just weak fags
shhh, dont break the delusion, just let them get themselves killed.
>Hitler and Napoleon invade all of Europe
>can't crack Britain
>no you don't
really jogs my noggin
>not getting invaded = power over the rest of Europe
Anglo delusion at its finest
Depends how you interpet 'commanding position' doesn't it? Vague language which could be seen in a defensive way, like how you might describe a castle having a 'commanding position' over nearby landscape.
How is this bait? This map is created by Henry Jackson society, a respected neo-conservative British think tank. A lot of effort and research went into it
>neo-conservative British think tank
Pick one