ITT: We call the bottom.
My prediction: $2700
ITT: We call the bottom.
My prediction: $2700
between $1k and $2k, let's say $1.5k
Barring any more bad news, 3000 is the absolute bottom. Below that and we're pre-August levels.
There is no bottom
$1200 by midnight Friday.
There is no bottom this is it. It's all over.
hope so, good buying time.
Crypto is too good
i wish you're right!
cuz this weekend i going invest like a jew and we're going to the moon!
Guys, I have a newfag question:
Payza is the only website where I'm able to upload USD/EUR and exchange them to BTC. (My account there is validated before all this ID bullshit became a thing).
On other websites, I need to upload passport/drivers license etc. before I'm able to upload USD from a credit card.
The problem is that Payza takes 3-5 business days to send the BTC from my account there to my wallet.
If the BTC hits a 3000 $ low and I exchange my money at that rate on Payza, then send it to my wallet, I won't lose money during those 3-5 business days if BTC suddenly moons back up to 3500 - 4000 $ right?
wait for the weekend dip, when the normies see their money tree they will sell their bitcoin packages asap.
prepare to buy, this will be awesome.
Bitcoin won't exist in 3-5 business days
This is the bottom.
We playing it like The Price Is Right?
> $2699.99
Probably about 1500 but in all seriousness we can't let him get the nuclear codes.
nice dubs 2699.99 it is
Sell off all of your shitty magic internet money and short the stock market.
I'm calling bottom at $3050
$2500 but it'll shoot back up and stabilizer around $3000-$3500
Screencap this.
>bitcoin packages
Those are actually a thing?
bottom for today is 3400, bottom for next days is 3000 at worst I think
Staceys buy those.
I can see that.
Pulling the price into the 2000s seems a fitting catharsis for the last two weeks.
That would make it a 46% drop, which is slightly more than the two 40% drops we've already had earlier this year.
Bottom is either 3140 or 1950.
Just depends how many people keep panic selling
Its buy time fellas
dubs says 3100
There is no bottom
it will briefly dip to ~2900 then bounce to ~3100, move sideways for 2 days and then will explode.
I am also forecasting the Chinese taking back the "bans". Something in the line of "The people of China made mistake, crypto money good for now"
Can't kill crypto. It's rebounding already.
I'd say the drop is going to be around 70-90 % since that has already happened twice within a short time span. So if Bitcoin topped at 5000 we'll se a bottom around 500 - 1500.
infinity and beyond
Goldman Sachs says so. It will be.
QUESTION: I have some btc, should i sell it and get Tether and buy later? Should i just get USD? What's the move here?
dubs and i buy another 200 euros of bitcoin
Your call. I got tether at 3530 and I'm losing money.
fuck it. bought it anyway
$1100 USD - $1600 USD by February.
Screencap this.
I'd say the drop is going to be around 70-90 % since that has already happened twice within a short time span. So if Bitcoin topped at 5000 we'll se a bottom around 500 - 1500.
No one will screencap this.
this whole drop is about some retards panic-selling because everybody else does. the butterfly effect. Since the darknet and other stores arent really threatened or havent blocked btc its gonna continue rising steadily until doomsday
It could bottom out a lot lower than that. Look at the past Bitcoin bubbles. Bitcoin once collapsed with 90 %.
You are half way into understanding how a bubble works.
Just a couple weeks ago you guys were calling people retarded for saying it was going below 4k. Maybe you fags should just hold and shut up. lol
3100 min
3.5k is showing some resistance, will it break?
the dubs have spoken
Yup. Good chance we will taste, very briefly, 2950 before going up. 3200 would be a good buy price.
Bitcoin will never reach $5000 again.
*looks around*
*crowd shouts*
*holds up fingers*
*looks at drew*
*looks at crowd*
*more shouting*
>1 Dollar!
*crowd erupts*
2400 screencap this boys
$100 it's all over, keep selling keep selling keep selling
Also betting on $2500. Whether or not it will come lower, I will buy at $2500 to be sure, and if I have some extra money, I'll buy in again at the lowest price
back to USD or your fiat
Yeah and you who have been involved for like 2 months know nothing about the crashes in the past.
The market can not be compared to then and china shutting exchanges for a while is not going to cause a 90% crash idiot
guys quick question, my dad told me about OneCoin, is it legit? my dad seems to b really into it...
It is:
This will be the lowest price of one Bitcoin, it will never again go any lower than that. $2284.7 will happen on 09/19/2017.
I'd say around 3k
2100$ and then a slow long slide downwards over the next months to the 800$
he knows the future
my last 4 digits will be the price of bitcoin in 2 weeks
It was my buy order :)
last 4 digits decide
nice poster, guy
better be fucking $0 or at least $500
then i can finally get a new GPU from the miners who hung themselves.
I've got my hopes up again, oh no not again...
Kim dog com says hold until December. I will hold until December.
Possibly around $2750 before bouncing back.
Anything lower than that is crash territory and you should sell.
The floor is 4,300. We are just chilling in the basement while our parents are fighting for now.
>BTC goes down, all other coins go down with it
What does this mean?
And fuck this CAPTCHA
(the bottom is in, only up from here now)
where does he say this? I searched his twitter and found nothing. provide a source or fuck off.
just bought 100k
hell yeah
$15,000 USD
It won't dip below $1800 which was the last crash. I say 3100 bottom
This. It'll drop below $3k briefly and all the smart money jumps back in when it's oversold. Strong support at $3k for sure.