>mfw everyone on this board critiquing liberalism, Marxism, capitalism, neoliberalism, nihilism etc
>they still haven't figured out the real problem is industrial society
It's ok guys, I'll be here when you wake up
>mfw everyone on this board critiquing liberalism, Marxism, capitalism, neoliberalism, nihilism etc
>they still haven't figured out the real problem is industrial society
It's ok guys, I'll be here when you wake up
Well, I agree, but I think Ted Kaczynski left out something:
>the problem is with being human
I could go in-depth, but I'm basically an antinatalist who is anti-nihilist and misanthropic. In other words, I view the extinction of mankind as objectively good.
>tfw can't access his doctoral dissertation even though it appears to be quietly sitting in a few libraries on the east coast which haven't purged it or made it special-access or anything like that
>tfw have repeatedly asked any DC area anons to check out the libraries and make a copy of it and upload to the internet
>no one has delivered. to be fair, it would be a tedious and time-consuming task but a worthwhile one for sheer curiosity alone - everyone talks about the thing, but no one has actually seen it
I do think the problem is industrial work. If we all went back to subsistence farming everyone would be fine.
People that lived in settled agricultural towns and villages lived unhealthier lives compared to their Hunter Gathering counterparts as well. But you don't see many hunter gatherers left around do you?
>yfw Pandora's Box and the Fall of Man are both metaphors for agriculture
this is only the second edgiest thing I've seen today. Try again tomorrow
You're all fools. I am the Saoshyant, and I know what is best for this world.
I don't want to say because my idea would be plagiarized.
who the fuck uses black font on a gray and black picture you nancy
>not being able to understand the finer nuances of a meme
>im not dumb, you just don't get it!
He's right though?
okay, so what's the nuance?
All memes are cancerous. Learn to speak with substance.
Viper is DaDa Trap
viper memes are supposed to be poorly done album covers. the black on black font is a part of the amateur graphic design motif
wow, that's pretty edgy
>anti natalism is a reddit posture
Wtf I guess Cioran is the philosophical equivalent of Rick and Morty
>inb4 yeah he is
So punk rock is edgy too?
I know you said 'inb4' but I can't just let you get away with trying to distance yourself from it when those are very much the philosophies of rick and morty
>t. Top 40 brainlet
>those are very much the philosophies of rick and morty
It's not. Ricky and Morty espouses an nihilist* philosophy, I don't. Also, I do not think there is any antinatalist tinge to the show.
nah, just old you dumb knave
>people still take retarded anprimism seriously
>the real problem is industrial society
>Dying of polio, smallpox, and dysentery in infancy is preferable than living in modern society.
His problem wasn't even industry. It was the fact that industry created a society which deprived us agency and control.
Why are you so obsessed with delay effects on your guitar?
Hell I'll do you one better. I see the extinction of life as something good.
Human societies don't tend to prioritize the individual
Kill 98% of human beings.
pick one
Anti-natalism is the most black pilled philosophy. Reddit couldn't handle that shit.
are you the guy from sci who uploaded a few of the pages? I have about 15 of them and was transcribing them into LaTeX to practice LaTeX and just to have an excuse to read them.
Yes, that's me. Good idea for a project - perversely, I love the idea of capturing Kaczynski's work in re-TeX'd .pdfs in frozen light for the ages, in tech that he himself abhors.
I made a project of looking up his math output which culminated in a general wiki edit giving them context - was a table but it was bounced back as a citation list which makes more sense I guess. At least at present people can easily find the pdfs... except the damn dissertation! It really sticks in my craw so I mention it in these quarters periodically now.
Any user in the DC area: please find one of the libraries (Worldcat, Boundary Functions) and access and upload K's dissertation to the internet. You'd be doing historical meme-curiosity a service.
start with yourself faggot
Related: I have also transcribed some of K's earlier, much simpler items into TeX for personal use, in a similar sort of exercise.
This "match stick" problem, his last communication before going off, as it were (he'd already quit teaching and thought he'd just put one more problem) is a funny suggestion next to his later criminal record.
Kaczynski is like Stirner in that nobody really takes their philosophy seriously but their arguments are a useful critical thinking exercise.
Kaczynski relied on generalizations that weren't quite accurate a lot of the time. Have you read either one?
Yeah I've read both though it's been years since I read "Industrial Society". I mean Kacynski's whole outlook of questioning the actual beneficiality of 'technological progress' is a useful thinking exercise even if its moot. In my mind it's much like Stirner's concept of egoism, even if it's not exactly something totally applicable, is a useful tool to help see through and deflate certain abstract arguments.
The only thing either is useful for is weeding out the plebs who take them seriously
You can't put the toothpaste back in the tube. The problem is industrial society doesn't match a proven system of morals, the way that agricultural society matches Christianity.
We cannot undo industrialization, so we have to figure out what makes a moral system work and develop strategies to cope with industrialization without collapsing our species, our races, our nations, and our families.
>Human societies don't tend to prioritize the individual
He didn't care about individualism. He cared about the lack of meaning behind our choices. An example he explicitly uses, I believe, is how the daily choices made by the tribe, which any individual of certain age would have measurable input on, would result in the survival or death of several people in the tribe. The decision move North to hunt Mammoth, regardless of whether it results in success or failure, intrinsically holds more meaning and value than any decision made by individuals in modern society, outside of a select few.
Lack of meaning predates industrialism and already has a school of thought behind it. Teddy was a hack