Fun fact the first romans was ruled by kings who was black. Tarquinius superbus the last black king of rome was overthrown by the whiteys who ruled rome for a couple of centuries. Until sulla the great black general overthrew the whiteys and exterminated them in the social war. Now blacks was running rome again and a whitey wasnt seen in the region again until it was sacked by alaric and the whiteys eventually killed or sent the black romans to africa. Julius caesar was black
Fun fact the first romans was ruled by kings who was black...
His real name was actually Dindus Nuffingus
It's a well known fact Latin was a member of the Niger-Congo language family.
That explains why Italians aren’t white.
There are niggers who actually believe this
We wuzzing isn't a meme, I've seen it firsthand many many times in Atlanta
Theres no we wuzzzin here white boi. This is all basic history
LaNigrius Jamarcus Jones Niggerstein Jr.
Jesus Christ is /pol/ hijacking Veeky Forums again? Fuck off.
they have been since this board was created
Reality and history have a white supremacist bias you retarded faggot
Wrong. His name is correctly translated as 'Apaius Kangzemnius'.
His name was Tyrone niggurius he was Turkish
He was Ugabuga Muhdickii
Pro-tip: try to niggerize romans known to have darker complexions like the claudians rather than those traditionally remembered pasty white to the point where they're called deadly or sickly pale and campaigning in north africa and even anatolia burned their fucking skin off.
romans didnt give a shit about skin colour and anyone who thinks so has never read original roman sources
>the first romans was ruled by kings who was black
Let's play guess the OP's race
it's bait, obviously.
t. Ugus Bugius
>romans didnt give a shit about skin colour
Probably because there were only shades of white skin.
The romans were definitely familiar with niggers though. And he's right they didn't care. Medieval Europeans didn't care about race either. Race only became a big thing when it became profitable to exploit non-whites.
>Medieval Europeans didn't care about race either.
Why would they care about something that doesn't exist in their society?
Romans were not "familiar" with blacks, they knew they existed but there is no reason to think they were more than a handful in the society.
>Fun fact the first romans was ruled by kings who was black.
Wrong they were rule by Argentinians
I didn't even need to check to know OP's pic was a BBC production.
Medieval Europeans were familiar with middle easterners and to a lesser extent blacks, there was no formal classification of them as a different "race", they were just different people. Europeans invented racial hierarchies and such when slavery and colonialism kicked off and they needed to justify exploiting them.
>Medieval Europeans were familiar with middle easterners
Of course not, what do you think? Only people working in ports had a chance to meet a middle easterner, otherwise the only encounters were during wars. You bet they hated them! They already ostracised native gypsies and jews, why in the name of god do you think they would have welcomed arabs and niggers ffs?
They "hated" them purely for religious reasons, not racial. And they didn't unilaterally hate Muslims all the time. Your average medieval person in Europe would have been far friendlier to a black guy than a 1940s American.
>Your average medieval person in Europe would have been far friendlier to a black
Your average medieval person would have throw rocks to this unknown demon and run in panic, everything black was considered devil creature, roosters, cats, crows etc.
You're just projecting your fantasies, medieval people were not friendly hippies.