post your favorite pieces of propaganda
Post your favorite pieces of propaganda
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Crucifixion Woods at the Road of Sacrifices?
This makes the Nazis look cooler though.
whats it say?
there is no other home
American propaganda about Japs is hilarious.
Looks like the end of evangelian tbqh
Fascist Italy had the best aesthetic desu
Are you fags even trying?
Not a Nazi but their Charles Manson Shtick is pretty interesting
This is really cool
I like the little details. The overlapping lines, like a kid drew it. It's very wholesome.
No chill. Italians are very good. For Britain all races are equal: Boers, Indians, Egyptians, Arabs and Irish.
I like how it dehumanizes the german.
This is probably the most badass one.
Always found this one hilarious.
They weren't exactly lying. Or at all for that matter.
The Virgin Shah vs. the Chad Ayatollah
God tier.
>reeeeee gibe kolonies or I report
fucking G*rmans
>Entente justifies Central Powers territorial losses with the right to self-determination
>this is somehow not hypocritical
truly a board of highly educated historians
>self-determination WASN'T just wilson being fucking retarded and hypocritical
Very ironic
I don't get it
Manuel-Miranda initially pitched the play to the Obama White House. The final play heavily promoted pro-Democrat talking points (often at the expense of both historical accuracy and narrative consistency), and lyrics were frequently quoted by Clinton and other national Democratic candidates throughout 2016.
Finally, since Obama went to the premier, there was a media full court press to push the show as the greatest play in a generation, with constant coverage of which Cool Hollywood Progressive Celebrities™ were seeing it. This was all capped off with the cast literally berating then Vice President-Elect Pence about how he should be more receptive to the pluralistic message of the play.
I remember seeing one in a book depicting columns of troops shaped like swastikas marching and as they go further along they gradually morph into grave crosses.
Does anyone know the one I mean?
>not eating the marrow
>strike the whites with a red chisel
if anyone cares
I was under the impression it was federalist propaganda trying to imply Hamilton wasn't a shit person.
Many thanks to you, user. Do you know what the Russian says?
The transformation of the Nazis.
This caricature was by made by
why did anti-communists love drawing nude Trotsky so much?
transformation of the fritz, according to google translate
I always liked the meta aspect of this poster. It shows the stereotypical Hollywood gangster movie as something Italians would associate with America. But said gangster movies were based in large part on American stereotypes about people of Italian descent. It's like an Irishman portraying an American as a leprechaun.
when America attacked Sicily they released all the mafia members that Mussolini locked up
Destroy This Mad Brute – Enlist is a north american propaganda poster created by Harry Ryle Hopps in 1917
Peronism copied much of the Italian Fascist "modernist" aesthetic
why do people keep thinking anybody cares about some nobodys opinion
i swear to god its just one guy that keeps doing this
the proportion/perspective is way off
I also love this one from South Africa
Partially, but it's really heavy handed with the immigrant angle, going so far as to imply that the reason Hamilton was disliked was because he was an immigrant, not because he was a shithead. It also conveniently ignores that Hamilton opposed immigration, while Jefferson supported it. Jefferson is portrayed as an out of touch Republican ("He's so elitist") instead of a rural populist
Well that's really dumb
I love the really old propaganda/political cartoon from before it was they sort of figured it out so it everything is labeled and described.
What do you mean, Ben Garrison exists.
Propaganda tends to be once you recognize it for what it is
Marxistshits, both of them
That sun in the background is hilarious.
these are really interesting, thank you for postan
Italians really are niggers, look at Mussolini's dumb nigger lips
>>Entente justifies Central Powers territorial losses with the right to self-determination
>this is somehow not hypocritical
The british colonies had an identity that was codified by the national struggle of world war 1 and 2, and the new zealanders in particular were angry about the post ww2 settlement because of the opening of the imperial trade system to America, causing their butter business to get a kick in the dick.
Oh my, how that has changed.
>people still claim the nazis were capitalist, without realising both the communists and nazis were against the 'evil' capitalists