Dumping my 2500btc I bought 2 years ago

Hello Veeky Forums, I've been holding my Bitcoin for almost 2 years now. At first, I thought cryptocurrency has a future, but I was young and deluded. I realized now that Bitcoin and all currencies have no future, so I decided to dump before it's too late. I'm selling while it's still at $3k mark. You will never see 5000. Bitcoin is a spent meme. The bubble is slowly deflating. I suggest you leave this globally coordinated ponzi scheme before it's too late. Thanks for your money though.

proof that your not a larping faggot and donate some to this address


I'm holding.
Don't care.

Hi JPmorgan cubical slave, How much are they paying you?

>was $5000 a week ago
>You will never see $5000
Lmao. BTCfags can't handle a little volatility.

Welcome to what the entire rest of the market has been experiencing forever. Grow up and get used to it.

OP, can i beg you for 0.5 BTC?
it would restore my will to live


Post proof or forever remain a faggot

dumping my 520k btc that i bought for 1 cent each. bye guys crypto is dead. it will never work without china

WTF I sell all now because Jamie Dimon who predicted a Hillary president and OP clearly won me over here

oh ok, billionaire who happens to frequent this nothing neverhavbeens neverwillbe subforum of societal and workforce rejects, and just happens to be dumping it all after cryptos went down with no major news, as expected.

Donate for proof


Care to donate to a poor boy who still wants to believe?


smart. It's only normies and those poorfags with chump change (

Good decision OP. Make your 5M+ and don't look back. Now you can invest in safe dividend stocks and bonds, earning ~4% annually. That's 200K income per year. You probably want to test the waters with only half your wealth for 100K/yr and still be happy. I'm happy for you. Very few people get to this point with such wealth.

194B5KRh MZzapKU uvjtN8vpa G5oZC3VF16

Think you could spare a little for a poor college student?

Dump away. I have buy orders below 3000€ every 200€ for 10k€. Already got my first set. When everyone else is selling you..

>I suggest you leave this globally coordinated ponzi scheme before it's too late.

We are indeed leaving the central banking system. That's why we buy more Bitcoin. Its growth remind me of early Facebook.

OP here, consider my warning as a donation. Leave the ponzi or risk losing all your money.

>op is a faggot


We know that the banking system is a ponzi scheme. At least read the posts.

Pls screenshot for proof

you are poor if you cant even tip us a little morsel


Why are there so many larping faggots here?

Look at the timing of these dumps you'll see the pattern. It's east coast US / euro manipulators trying to get people to dump so they accumulate.

China had nothing to do with it but to provide the scare for the mongering.

That, and these threads. That's it

You noobs are going to cry when you buy back your ETH, btc, omg etc. At a premium from them

plz ;_;


im a wealthyfag and feel at home browsing this Arzebajani fishing hook subforum

No one cares.

>2500 btc

>OP is literally a millionaire

>he wastes time on /biz

>I believe you

>you could buy out the entire ethbet crowdsale with this amount
please. bullshit

fuck off rat

Veeky Forums usually always says that BTC will go up forever.

t. (((purely coincidental central kiking system drone)))
you'll lose your job because of crypto, eh?
hope you KYS