Was the German Revolution of 1918–1919 a Jewish plot to destroy Germany? Is the stab-in-the-back myth not actually a myth? Why isn't this taught in school?
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there was a high number of Jewish communists attempting to take down Germany through communist revolution. Most of the newspaper in Germany at the time were controlled by Jews. Hitler hated the Jews for a reason and not just because he was a "hateful bigot"
>a Jewish plot
this is where most people get it so wrong with antisemitism.
they think that Jews are "behind" Marxism like it's an end-goal of some much larger plan.
An ideology as internationalist and social-order destroying as Marxism leaves the Jewish community with everything to gain, and little to lose.
Jews are segregated from the rest of society, if they aren't kept out by their religion and even language differences, they keep themselves out with their own Jewish identity which doesn't want to become like the gentiles.
They don't have a country to call their own, and they are kept as a distinct class oftentimes, so an ideology that seeks to tear down nationality and engage in class warfare is especially appealing to the Jewish community, and that is why you see Jews as disproportionately Leftist.
it's not some not some thousands year-old judeo-satanic gambit, it's simple incentive. But to say that Jews have any sort of relationship with Marxism as an ethnicity makes you a FUCKING NAZI so shut up you hate speech monster.
>They don't have a country to call their own
Uhh.... user?
i was referring the the time and place that OP was talking about
also, notice that the communist idea isn't so strong in Israel now that they have a nation to call their own.
Proof for those claims?
There were two different German revolutions.
One happened when the German admirals ordered the German Navy to launch a suicidal attack on the British for no good reason.
The second started when the filthy reds saw that the post-war government was weak and attempted to overthrow it.
Germany lost WW1 because they were dumb faggots, and the Spartacist revolution was crushed immediately by the Social Democrat government then in power.
>Why isn't this taught in school?
But it is, it's part of just about every course dealing with the rise of Nazism
>a Jewish plot
Stopped reading.
>notice that the communist idea isn't so strong in Israel now that they have a nation to call their own.
It's almost like the Jews aren't a hivemind.
The Socialist Revolution happened after the war in 1919 and was put down in a matter of months. The Revolution that happened during the war an undermined the already lost German war effort was the Kiel Revolution that was caused by German sailors in November 1918.
Also most of those people in the wiki list are literal who's who were barely there. The leaders were Liebknecht, who was not a jew and Luxemburg who was.
How do you stab a country in the back when you've already lost?
Jews in Germany were not as united as you think. Yes some Jews opposed the war for religious reasons, but 12,000 Jews died on the front lines fighting for Germany.
Because Ludendorff didn't want to accept responsibility for being a loser
>Is the stab-in-the-back myth not actually a myth
It is. Germany wasn't winning in 1918, problems with morale, losses in manpower, and supplies were too great. Even if they were winning they wouldn't be able to logistically support any decisive breakthroughs. Germany had only 23,000 iron-wheeled trucks, compared to the Allies 100,000 rubber wheeled trucks.
or more like the Jewish communities lean certain ways depending on their socioeconomic circumstances.
your accusation of my claiming a "jewish hivemind" is exactly the sort of conspiratard nonsense i am throwing off.
>Was the German Revolution of 1918–1919 a Jewish plot to destroy Germany?
Were the sailors from the kiel mutiny jewish?
>Is the stab-in-the-back myth not actually a myth?
It is.
>that pic
The people highlighted are from the spartacist uprising, not the german revolution. It ignores fundamental non jews like liebknecht. The part that mentions "hand power to soviets" refers to councils, not to the soviet union. Christians in the soviet union were as persecuted as any other religion, including jews. Of course, you already know all this, you are here to spread propaganda.
>Why isn't this taught in school?
The german revolution isn't exactly some kind of mysterious hidden history.
Do you need to make this thread every day.
The stab-in-the-back myth never made sense anyway. Yes Germany surrendered when their troops were still in French soil and really the Germany homeland had never been invaded, but what did they think was going to happen? Their allies had been essentially destroyed, famines were happening on the homefront due to extreme rationing, and the Allies were now being revitalized by the USA bringing in not only supplies but 30,000 fresh soldiers a month.
Best case scenario, the Germans could have dug in purely defensively and their army could've lasted via attrition until 1919, 1920 maybe. There were many opportunities where the Germans could in fact have won the war, but at this point they were just drawing out their inevitable defeat.
No, you are simply a retarded newfag that is so lazy, he hasnt even bothered reading the wikipedia page on the German Revolution. It wasnt just one single event. It started with a mutiny in the german navy called the Kiel Mutiny which snowballed into a week long bloodless revolution that ended with the Kaiser abdicating the throne and a democratic republic being established in its place with Friedrich Ebert of the social democrats in charge. The communist party of germany sought to overthrow this newly established government in a very similar way that happend in Russian when the bolsheviks took over thr country by simply over throwing the provisional government. But Ebert crushed them, but the leader of the communist was a non jew called Karl Liebknecht. No one was trying to destory germany, each side obviously saw what they were doing as the best option for Germany. Stop being a stupid stormfag
Every day*
>yfw Germany sent Lenin to Petrograd in 1917 to destabilise Russia
>muh jewry
read through all the parties associated with lenins communist international movement and you'll be shocked at how jews managed to find themself in leading position for communist movements in virtually every single country in europe all of which were openly attempting to force their politics on the countries they inhabited
jews are completely retarded
That's not because of jewry though, that's because communism is unable to coexist with capitalism, so of course the groups they were in were trying to force it.
> French soil and really the Germany homeland had never been invaded
So why this map show allied troops on Germany before the armistice?
I'm just saying with Ludendorf said on that part.
>to say that Jews have any sort of relationship with Marxism
Fun fact: Marx was a Jew.
Not only do many Jews advocate for socialist policies (see: Bernie Sanders), the founder of socialism itself was Jewish.
And it wasn't just the German Revolution that had Jews at the helm. The leadership of the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia - Trotsky, Lenin, and many more who took seats in the new government- were Jewish.
This information isn't even controversial except for that some people mistakenly believe that sharing it is some sort of hate crime, which really illustrates how the very idea of "hate speech" or "hate crimes" serve those who wish to censor and control.
>each side obviously saw what they were doing as the best option for Germany.
by destroying it with communism the same way bolsheviks had done to the rest of eastern europe?
>This information isn't even controversial
It is, it's mostly a mix of lies and misrepresentations. Marx never gave a fuck about judaism, lenin wasn't jewish, the german revolution didn't have jews at the helm (you are mixing the german revolution and the spartacist uprising as /pol/tards always do, I assume at this point that it's purposeful). Using bernie sanders as an example of socialism is laughable btw, he'd be a centrist candidate anywhere else in the world.
You don't know what you are talking about. And I think you've been spamming the board the last few days.
Toppest of keks. He had a single Jewish grandfather who converted to Eastern Orthodoxy well before he was born. He would not be considered Jewish under Jewish law. He would not be considered Jewish under the Nuremberg laws. He certainly never considered himself as Jew. But of course, stormfags like you know better.
>Fun fact: Marx was a Jew.
Wasn't he a German? Hmm and wasn't Engels? And wasn't Lenin a crypto-German.
jews are such twisted little pathetic creatures
like a rat waits on an injured hiker to starve to death before he has the nerve to feast on him the jew waited until europe was on its knees before it attempted its knife in the back
>Bernie is a socialist
Die in a hole you uneducated retard
>Now all of Eastern Europe fell to the Bolsheviks
These claims get more fanciful every thread
Bolsheviks were accused of being german agents by tsarists. It was a popular conspiracy theory right after the revolution.
I mean, it's not like the Germans were paying for Lenin's tickets, supplying him with funding, providing the main source of instability the Bolsheviks were taking advantage of, or mauling the shit out of Tsarist/White forces or anything.
>Bolsheviks were accused of being german agents by tsarists.
Well Lenin WAS sent to Russia by the Germans
M8, if you are going to samefag you shouldn't write in the exact same retarded style each time (no capitalization or punctuation, double spacing, etc.). I saw you do the exact same thing yesterday. Stormtards really are a special kind of stupid.
>Not only do many Jews advocate for socialist policies (see: Bernie Sanders), the founder of socialism itself was Jewish.
This is completely irrational though. First off, Marx wasnt a practicing jew and seemed to not like them, and second, even if his family is of a jewish backround, how does that in any way mean communism is a JEWISH ideology in the sense that it does nothing but seeks judeo world control or whatever the conspiracy theories say?
Like the other user said, its pretty obvious that jews in the 20th century tended to like communism simply because the rhetoric of it appeals specifically to outsiders and seeks to obliterate the social order. So of course jews living in a Christianity and waning feudalism based society in Europe is going to like it.
You also dont take into account that jews werent even close to making up the majority of communist as plenty of non jews were involved in communism. Seriously, how do you explain communism in China? inb4 you cherrypick some random jew who wrote a favorable essay on Mao in 1959. And you also fail to realize how completely opposed to Zionism, the actual jew supremaciest ideology, communist were.
yah uhhh totally
Which is funny seeing as the Bolsheviks only got as powerful as they did through the Tsarist Okhrana supporting their efforts to shit on other revolutionary groups
>First off, Marx wasnt a practicing jew and seemed to not like them
Didn't Marx actively say he doesn't trust jews?
Hey dipshit, that map is from at least the late 40's, not 1917
they attempted on many occassions and got btfo everytime
you can find jews at helm of every single workers revolution all across europe. fucking disgraceful
Well, the conspiracy went a little further than that.
>the present Bolshevist government is not a Russian government at all, but a German government, acting solely in the interests of Germany, and betraying the Russian people, as it betrays Russia's natural allies, for the benefit of the Imperial German Government alone. And they show also that the Bolshevist leaders... have equally betrayed the working classes of Russia whom they pretend to represent.
See Stop samefagging, retard.
I've been looking into leftism in general and its interesting. Proudhom makes Hitler sound like a SJW tumblrfag compared to what he had to say about jews.
The Soviets weren't that pro-German, but they had their fair share of aid.
>also, notice that the communist idea isn't so strong in Israel now that they have a nation to call their own
Do you have no idea about the Mizrahi–Russian Jewry beef? In the early years there were many scuffles between Communist Jews and anti-Communist Jews in Palestine. The commies got shit on.
no those are all just coincidences
Poeple like to say that the world is too political now and people are too radical, but people were WAY more radical 100 years ago. This was when the "bomb-throwing anarchist" cliche wasn't a cliche, it was a reality.
>Was the German Revolution of 1918–1919 a Jewish plot to destroy Germany?
>Is the stab-in-the-back myth not actually a myth?
It wasn't.
>Why isn't this taught in school?
You know why.
>in palestine
wow its almost like jews dont like radical authoritarian politics in their countries
>a Jewish plot to destroy Germany?
Including these guys?
>Hey dipshit, that map is from at least the late 40's, not 1917
rude but what does that have to do with anything?
>First off, Marx wasnt a practicing jew
neither was theodor herzl, an atheist who is considered one of israel's "founding fathers"
>And you also fail to realize how completely opposed to Zionism, the actual jew supremaciest ideology, communist were.
it wasn't so in the beginning
In January 1919, it wasn't yet clear that Bolshevism was a disaster. The Bolshevik takeover of Russia had just happened a little over a year previously. Yes, the German communists saw what they were doing as the best option for Germany - or, at least, for Germany's working classes.
Also, like the other person pointed out, Bolsheviks had not taken over "the rest of eastern europe". They had just taken over Russia.
>what does that have to do with anything?
You're implying the Spartacist Revolution happened concurrently with the end of WW2, but you're an absolute fuckwit so I'm not surprised
wasn't Lenin's mother of Jewish descent?
>neither was theodor herzl, an atheist who is considered one of israel's "founding fathers"
Herzl embrassed his jewish identity while Marx didnt.
>it wasn't so in the beginning
You should read about this more. The only reason they supported Israel at first is because it was a part of the british empire breaking off AND because they thought the new state would turn to communism. And it was Stalin who led that initial support in the first place. Communist have always, and even today, HATE Israel and zionism.
Have you never heard of Meir Kahane? He would have been the PM, Israel would be a theocratic state, and Palestinians wouldn't exist if he had gotten elected. His party was banned for being racist once he became too popular.
>neither was theodor herzl, an atheist who is considered one of israel's "founding fathers"
Not him but it's a completely retarded comparison. Herzl was a zionist who believed the emancipation of jews relied on having their own country. Marx wanted the jewish identity and culture destroyed.
>The social emancipation of the Jew is the emancipation of society from Judaism. Once society has succeeded in abolishing the empirical essence of Judaism -- huckstering and its preconditions -- the Jew will have become impossible
Her mother was a Goy, which makes her a Goy.
posting some more anti-israeli soviet proapganda
Ha, that's a great one.
It blows my mind how consistently jews find themselves the head of these destructive positions. I honestly cant tell if its an intentional action or a part of their very nature. I suppose it doesnt matter
>lean certain ways depending on their socioeconomic circumstances.
yes, because german jewry, all 500k of them, had the same socioeconomic circumstances? otherwise you're just saying "hivemind" in more jargonistic terms.
>Seriously, how do you explain communism in China?
Borodin :^)
They do it by accident i think. When karl marx wrote the communist manifesto he didnt write it with furthering the position of the jewish people in mind he wrote it because he is jewish and thats what a jew does
It ended up conclusing itself a perfect reflection of the jewish condition. Same thing happened with lenin. You could raise a jewish child from birth and not even tell him he was jewish and he would still end up fucking up society some how. Its just how they work
>Was the German Revolution of 1918–1919 a Jewish plot to destroy Germany?
No. The first thing you must understand is that there were multiple revolutions in 1918-9. The most important one began with the Kiel Mutiny, and there was nothing particularly Jewish about it. It was a broad revolution that began among military personnel and spread throughout the rest of society, and it resulted in the formation of a new government led by mostly social democrat non-Jews like Friedrich Ebert. A few months later, in January 1919, there was an attempted communist uprising by a group called the Spartacists, which did have a lot of Jews in it. However, the members of this group didn't support communism because they wanted to destroy Germany, they supported communism because they thought it was the right thing to do in order to help the working classes. And the uprising wasn't some carefully planned plot. It was a badly executed desperation move that the communists sort of stumbled into doing, and it was quickly crushed by the social democrat-led government.
>Is the stab-in-the-back myth not actually a myth?
It's a myth. Germany didn't lose the war because a revolution had started. Quite the opposite - the 1918 revolution started because Germany had lost the war. Read about the Kiel Mutiny. German sailors rebelled against orders because they were going to be sent on a suicide naval mission when the war was already winding down (the German government had already sent requests for a cease-fire to the Allied Powers). The German armies were being broken on the West front and Germany was crippled by the Allied naval blockade. There was no hope of victory. If Germany hadn't signed peace terms, it would have been entered and occupied within months.
It is true that during the war, communists advocated peace and organized strikes. However, none of those strikes were large enough to do any decisive damage to Germany's war effort. And besides, what the communists were doing is understandable. Keep in mind how badly the Kaiser's government had fucked up, first entering the war and then failing to wage it effectively. People were dying by the millions at the front and working extra-long hours in factories, basically conscripted by the state to try to win this war that had been entered into due to the government's diplomatic incompetence. It was perfectly natural to want to see the war brought to an end in those conditions. It wasn't some subversive plot by Jews, it was just a bunch of people who didn't think the working class should suffer for the ruling class's geopolitical fuckups.
By and large, German society supported its government during the war. The government failed the people, the people did not fail the government. That's why there was discontent, and that's why there was a revolution.
> Same thing happened with lenin
why do you keep raising this meme when Lenin was 1/4 jewish and 1/4 fucking T*RK (kalmyk)? Your genetic determinism is based totally on wishful and sloppy thinking of someone who doesn't know shit about genetics or heredity.
Yes, lenin's 1/4 genes magically convinced him to participate in a communist revolution. It's more likely than him simply reading marx and becoming a communist and you having confirmation bias.
>there was a high number of Jewish communists attempting to take down Germany through communist revolution
Ah, typical stormtard logic. When communists try to take over the state and destroy the liberal, democratic government, it must be because they're trying to take down Germany. But when Nazis try to take over the state and destroy the liberal, democratic government, it's because they're trying to save Germany. It can't just be that communists have a different vision for Germany, it can't just be that they're misguided and dumb, it must be some secret Jewish plot aimed at destruction. Yet when the Nazis actually do seize the state, and actually do lead it to destruction, stormtards usually make excuses instead of admitting that Hitler was an idiot when it came to geopolitics.
>You're implying the Spartacist Revolution happened concurrently with the end of WW2, but you're an absolute fuckwit so I'm not surprised
still so rude and how did i ever imply that?
>Also, like the other person pointed out, Bolsheviks had not taken over "the rest of eastern europe". They had just taken over Russia.
they had taken over the russian empire, which held a sizable portion of eastern europe yah?
>Herzl embrassed his jewish identity while Marx didnt.
at first i thought you said embarrassed and i was like "what?"
so you agree that there is jewish identity without actually needing to practice the religion
>You should read about this more. The only reason they supported Israel at first is because it was a part of the british empire breaking off
then why didnt they support the antibritish arabs instead of israel?
>AND because they thought the new state would turn to communism.
but communism and zionism are diametrically opposed you said? or maybe someone else in this thread
>And it was Stalin who led that initial support in the first place. Communist have always, and even today, HATE Israel and zionism.
but as you yourself just said they did not originally hate it when israel was founded, soviet union was the second country to recognize them
its an example of being able to be 'jewish' or a zionist without being religious i dont think thats a retarded example
>they had taken over the russian empire, which held a sizable portion of eastern europe yah?
No, Russia had lost all of its holdings in Eastern Europe because of the treaty of Brest-Litovsk. In 1919 the Bolsheviks were busy fighting a civil war. They didn't even control all of Russia.
>Proudhom makes Hitler sound like a SJW tumblrfag compared to what he had to say about jews.
More like bakunin
>its an example of being able to be 'jewish' or a zionist without being religious i dont think thats a retarded example
It's an example that doesn't apply to marx, which was the subject of the discussion you were having with the other user.
user, I really don't know what else to say. I explained very clearly why ussr supported Israel for like 1 year and then completely went back on that support and spent the rest of time shitting on them, yet you are choosing to ignore all this in order to preserve this conspiracy theory you have.
yeah its just purely accidental that kikes lead virtually every single marxist movement across europe in that period and were openly connected through lenins communist international movement. maybe marx was just a kike kikeing but jews 100% intentionally pushed communism for their own benefit
>call non jews like lenin jews
>ignore non jews like liebknecht because they don't fit the narrative
>look! they're all JOOS!
but they eventually won, and went on to take a large portion of eastern europe, which subsequently went to shit
its an example that applies to being zionist without practicing the religion
it wasnt for like 1 year though, and while their relations became strained after the 1956 suez crisis they only broke off diplomatic relations after the six day war
i forgot to add how is soviet support of israel in its early years a conspiracy theory?
>but they eventually won, and went on to take a large portion of eastern europe, which subsequently went to shit
This comment: makes it clear that you were trying to argue that German communists IN 1919 were trying to destroy Germany with communism.
were they not?
irregardless of their true intentions, which i think are malevolent, doesnt marxist ideology call for the destruction of the nationstate and in its replacement an international communist society?
they cant help themself. its just who they are
>no reply two hours later
like clockwork
The real jewish horror story is the hungarian soviet republic, and doubly so the post ww2 jewish communist rakosi regime.
Literally every single communist leader pre-1956 and a huge proportion of the secret police were jews and they were especially repressive. Read up on it and you'll be amazed, really, it was so bad that many USSR leadership were like, "there are too many jews running the show in Hungary and this will get ugly"
Horthy's white terror killed more people than Bela Kun and his friends.
not same person but in regards to the newspapers
had a large amount of jewish editors in the weimar period
>newspapers were controlled by jews!
>these 3 newspapers had some jewish editors
Yeah the leadership of the Spartakists and KPD counted more then a few Jews amongst their ranks, but the revolution was kicked off by a naval mutiny and the SPD were just as responsible for the revolution as the commies, combine this with the fact that the communists got pretty heavily BTFO and had their entire agenda quashed by the Freikorps and the Social Democrats and it becomes a bit of a stretch to pin the blame for the defeat in WWI on the commies much less the Jews who helmed the faction.
Now read how many newspapers were controlled by a right-wing politician Hugenberg. I think there is a list on German Wiki. He later cooperated with Hitler.
When you say they were "trying to destroy Germany with communism", I thought you were implying that destroying Germany was their goal. This I disagree with. If you're just saying that the communists were trying to set up a communist state (obviously), and that communism sucks, then I agree with you. I'm just pointing out that the actual German communists didn't have destruction of Germany as their goal. In their minds, they were fighting to free the working class from oppression.
As for the destruction of the nation state... yes and no. The communists did want to replace nation states with an international communist society. However, I think that in their minds, whatever loss of national culture might result from international communism would be completely worth it if it resulted in the liberation of the working class from their miserable conditions. I can't really disagree with that, even though I'm not a communist. My problem with communism isn't that I disagree with its goal of liberating the working class. My problem with communism is that it basically always fails to liberate the working class and that it tries to liberate the working class at the expense of other groups. If the only bad thing about communism was that it wanted to abolish nation-states, I wouldn't be opposed to communism. Nation states are a means to an end. If communism really did offer something better, I'd be all for it. The problem is that communism doesn't offer something better. But this would have been difficult to know in 1919.
>whatever loss of national culture
Luxemburg was a nationalist in regards to culture, actually. See "In Defense of Nationality".