>be me
>28 years old
>appartment for rent
>rusty car
>not the nicest neither the worst job
>still poorfag
>then suddenly see that someone send like 1000+ bitcoin to my 5 years old wallet like 1 year ago
what do?
>be me
>28 years old
>appartment for rent
>rusty car
>not the nicest neither the worst job
>still poorfag
>then suddenly see that someone send like 1000+ bitcoin to my 5 years old wallet like 1 year ago
what do?
wake up
I will suck you dick user and you can fuck me many times.
Pls send some bitcoins
Send a poor college student something to celebrate your goodwill
as that guy on another thread explained. Just make sure you get at least $20 per cock sucked and you will be OK
Shut the fuck up you rats
Kys larp pajeet
Send me 5?
>join 21 club
>what do?
Prove that you're not lying and send some Bitcoins here.
This thread would be considered legendary for decades or just another shit thread on Veeky Forums, your choice OP.
Sell them now before the price bottoms
If you do consider sparing some, any little bit would help. I just finished five years of college with 79k of loans. I'm working 60-80 hrs a week since May and havnt had a day off in over a month. It would be a blessing.
My BTC wallet:
send some satoshies for doggies from random place in the world, karma will get back to you :D ('karma' means in polish 'food for dogs/cats') ;)
I must suggest them to open DOGE wallet :3
also find other good will organisations, diversify hehe
you will be richer man helping others
Send some user, help me escape neet life and escape my narcissistic mum.
I knew i wasn't the only one who daydreams about this
i will get in on this, pls help i cant get any monies into btc until tomorrow and i gotta buy ark. let my numerical value vouch for my need
I just need 0.02 BTC, so if you want to help...
dud ill suck your dick so hard fucking lost so much money to my ex wife in the last weeks and cryptos fucked me too today
May Satoshi Nakamoto bless you
sell half of it. start a good life and new business.
keep and forget the other half until 2020.
Make us feel good too, could use it....
what's with Veeky Forums and the pajeet boogeyman?
Send me 1?
>join 1 club
send a couple to your bros, be remembered forever.
Prove it
What's the point of this thread again? Besides getting beggers and poorfags to suck your larper dick?
I'm the same, except not having a rusty car. Share your wealth you larper hahaha
I'll turn this thread into a begging thread!
>1 post by this ID