This is a hypothetical question to help resolve a little debate that me and a friend has...

This is a hypothetical question to help resolve a little debate that me and a friend has. I am a male-to-female tranny and I told my friend that if I traveled back through time against my will and ended up in medieval times then I would be executed for being a degenerate almost immediately or as soon as I make contact with the first person native to that time. He argues that wouldn't happen so soon, as they would still have to discover that I am a tranny especially since I am post-op.

So who is in the right, Veeky Forumstorians? How long would I go in medieval times before being executed for degeneracy? Why did it seem like medieval peoples had the right idea when it came to an organized and civil society?

Pic is unrelated.

Other urls found in this thread:*.html#79-16

I honestly think it will depend wether you are attractive or not.

I think you'd burn pretty much everywhere at anytime, unless the 21 century which is a shame

another victim of estrogen in the tap water

Transgenderism is a modern phenomenon, they would've just thought you were an ugly woman with a weird voice.

Yeah, I'd say this. They simply have no concept of changing genders. Unless you personally force the issue, you'd probably be as fine as anyone else in that time would be.

The concept of "degeneration" wasn't an issue in Medieval times, thought. Femenine men were mocked, yes, but they weren't attacked. Unless you said "hey guys, I was born a man but now I'm a woman thanks to ways you cannot possibly know about, and I've got a huge stash of thingies that keept me like this" or went around asking for special pronouns, you wouldn't really face trouble (as said, at worst they'd consider you a really ugl woman). And, even if you did, the accusation would have been heresy ("God doesn't make mistakes") and, assuming you're not in a backwater village, all you'd need to do would be simply say "it's true, I was never a man, I was born a woman" in front of the Ecchlesiastical tribunal.

Guess how i know you're actually just a poltard.

They'd think you were an ugly, manly woman and probably you'd become famous throughout the local area.

>Why did it seem like medieval peoples had the right idea when it came to an organized and civil society?

What do you mean by this? I can't understand how you came to that conclusion based on what you wrote earlier.

Also since I don't come across them so often, may I ask what's your reasoning for being MTF? I'm not an anti-trans person but I wonder if they would exist in a society where there are no gender roles or assigned genders. What I'm getting at is if gender is a social construct and trans-genderism sexist by its very nature.

I'm not questioning the legitimacy of how you define yourself, I just want to better understand the situation.

Depends how well you pass,
If you look like a man with a wig, you'll be strung up in the stalks fairly quickly, or put in an insane asylum depending on what time/Kingdom.
But if you're fully convincing than they'll never know, you'll still be treated as an infertile peasant with no family though.
The real question is, how would they react to your hight

>modern invention
>a roman emperor was a tranny
>tranny underclasses have existed for thousands of years in eastern societies
Before medical science existed to do anything with transgender people and early western psychologists classified them, they were just lumped in with homos in general.

They would see you as an ugly woman at worst.
The problem would be the fact you'd be a woman who can't have kids, nor has a family. Find an occupation for Christmas cakes like a nun and you'll be good. Plus points if you end up with Buddhists as the ideal for their nuns was to become men... which you would once the hormone pills ran out.

Sounds like a tranny's dream, but what if OP passes?

> you'd probably be as fine as anyone else in that time would be.
So does that mean OP would die from disease?

> which you would once the hormone pills ran out
Not if they received an orchi. Can a femboy become a manly man? Not completely.

You could pass as an eunuch.

So a tranny would die from the same diseases that everyone else would have faced?

> a roman emperor was a tranny
Provide proof that isn't just a bunch of SJW bullshit that is trying to rewrite history for their own agendas.

>He was described as having been "delighted to be called the mistress, the wife, the queen of Hierocles" and was reported to have offered vast sums of money to any physician who could equip him with female genitalia.
From the writings of cassius dio*.html#79-16
now move those goalposts!

Trannies have existed a long time. That does not mean they are healthy or good for a society though.

>and others because they committed adultery with him. For he wished to have the reputation of committing adultery, so that in this respect, too, he might imitate the most lewd women; and he would often allow himself to be caught in the very act, in consequence of which he used to be violently upbraided by his "husband" and beaten, so that he had black eyes.

Care to post a source that isn't influenced by social justice retards?

And how, pray tell, are they not good for society or healthy?

i dont like thing

What thing?

You'd be a pariah, like all people with mentall illness in that age.

They're a sign of moral and spiritual decline.

>Suicidal people with self-esteem issue are good for societies

How so?

I guess this means you're not good for societies since you are projecting very hard with that post. I am sorry that you feel so lost in life that you often have thoughts of ending it.

At least you tried

You always find it emerging in cultures during their period of cultural decline and decadence. Why? Because it's fucked up and gross.

what examples in history do you have of this in cultures experiencing decadence and decline?

you still look like a dude so you could easily hide it

you don't know that. I want to imagine OP is a faggot, but a beautiful feminine faggot. honestly post op is disapointing.

Yeah there is no friend and your not a tranny. You just want to talk about burning faggots.

Post op actually looks better than a lot of vaginas I've seen, but then again, it is plastic surgery for a reason.

Why haven't you committed suicide yet?

>what are mukhannathun, hijras, fa'afafine, etc.

i just want feminine dick in my ass. post op couldn't give and recieve, though i guess strap on is an option.

You could find out by just going to Armenia.

I wasn't aware that Cassius Dio was an SJW? Who is revising history now.

Don't respond to bait.

>Also since I don't come across them so often, may I ask what's your reasoning for being MTF? I'm not an anti-trans person but I wonder if they would exist in a society where there are no gender roles or assigned genders. What I'm getting at is if gender is a social construct and trans-genderism sexist by its very nature.
Not her, but another MtF here. It's kind of a complicated topic that not enough of us talk about.
But basically anatomic dysphoria (so body stuff) is generally assumed to be not be influenced by society, so it would be there in a genderless society either way.
As for gender roles, ultimately we live in a society with them and cross boundaries is difficult without suffering a lot of abuse. Someone who anatomically wants to be female, wants to act feminine and be perceived in a feminine manner, is better off integrating themselves into society as a woman rather than attempting to reject the binary and having to explain why gender roles are bollocks to everyone they meet.
Basically if a society where 'men' and 'women' didn't exist (as social roles and gender norms, not biological categories) then the social dysphoria basically wouldn't be there, but the anatomical dysphoria would.
Hope that cleared things up.

>you are projecting very hard


I want trannies to fuck off from my board.

Related to topic, Chevalier D'Eon was a crossdresser and managed to keep people confused until his (her? can't remember what he turned out in the end) death.

I doubt that anyone would understand anything unless you specifically told them, in which case you'd probably get locked into a mental asylum rather than get burned at the stake (unless you insisted, from what I understand following the law to its word wasn't that common a phenomenon in the past and people often tried to convince those in trial to take routes that made less of a hassle).

I know the other two are Samoan and Hindu in origin, but what the fuck is that?


You are forgetting that not all trannies are Tumblrinas.

Nice source there, bud. Now please provide one that is legitimate and clickable.

> implying there are trannies here
See .

Ok then, some think gender roles and gender are innate and that's why they are women.

Arabs execute degenerates so how could there be trannies in the Middle East, retard.

They would have been instituted for homosexuality since there was no definition for transgenderism yet.

Trannies are tumblrinas by their very nature. Literally mistaking their mental illness for physical reality and trying to get everyone else to play along.

What? There's plenty of historical documentation of the Mukhannathun and they generally weren't executed.
I mean for fuck's sake, Iran performs the second most amount of sex reassignment surgeries in the world.

>OP says xe is a tranny
>another tranny chimes in
Top kek.

> believing the bullshit lies that liberal cucks tell themselves to make Muslims look peaceful

This is why this board is cancer.

> usatoday
Nice fake news.

>reddit spacing
>outright denying well attested historical fact
hang yourself

Like what you are doing?

This isn't Reddit spacing. People were doing it before Reddit existed. Don't you feel silly, libcuck.

Nice GNAA link.

This is what Veeky Forums has become

>t. tranny trash

Nice madpost, I'm not a degenerate unlike you.

>defends trannies
>i-i'm not one I swear

If your sexy enough and they didn't botch your crotch then you'd be fine just don't let it slip, honestly depending on your male features you might even be able to get away with looking a bit manly.

You're projecting, tranny sucker.

How come it's only Iran that performs sex reassignment surgery?

Egypt does too I think.
As for why I'm not 100% sure. I just know that they like it as an alternative to homosex

>I was just pretending

Wouldn't that case problems if they perform sex reassignment surgery on someone who is solely homosexual and not transgender?

Gender dysphoria goes both ways.

Keep projecting.

Because they feel as if the economic situation might be bad enough that they might as well try to make the population happy by letting them decide their gender.
>Still absolutely haram

How am I projecting? I was replying to the tranny retard (probably you) who claimed trannies are not suicidal.

Keep sucking that tranny dick, fag.

So none of them realize that someone can just be gay and not trans?

/pol/ is right, these people are moronic.

>tranny mental ilness strikes again

>I am a male-to-female tranny
And a mental disability patient, evidently.

Feed me more projections.

Making trannies transition doesn't make them happier. Empirically proven.

Tranny industry are literally just a pack of jewish psychiatrists and plastic surgeons trying to make a quick buck of out mentally ill people. It's pretty disgusting when you think about it.

Of course.
I never said they do SRS for good reasons!
This is just outright denial of statistics.
SRS has been empirically proven to cause the opposite - most transwomen report very low regret rates and say it alleviates their dysphoria immensely.

What were the replies to this post?

Nice /pol/ flaring.

Not clicking that retard link.


> nice image of /pol/ board


This is why /pol/ needs to be euthanized.

Why is /pol/ and /lgbt/ in bed together if you hate them? That sounds like a very abusive relationship.


That doesn't answer the question.

How come the trannies portrayed in these images look like your usual /pol/ posters in wigs and bras?

Is /pol/ full of trannies? I don't know, I don't go there.

i think he means they look like people from /pol/, other than the fact that they're trannies

This thread is disgusting. It just goes to show how the liberal cucks are trying to take over Veeky Forums.

No, certainly not. The social deviants of the time, for example witches, were only ever executed because they were a threat to society. They proselytized satanism, or sold poisons, or performed abortions. I assume you pass on some level, and even if they saw your genitals, the concept of catistrati existed back then ( to explain that away. Hell, Catastrati even existed within the hierarchy of the church. Honestly, the biggest red flag for you would be the fact that your language would be nigh intelligible pretty much everywhere.

>they look like trannies except they're not trannies

> your usual /pol/ posters
You mean "men"?