Holy shit, BTC BTFO, this guy tells it how it is

Holy shit, BTC BTFO, this guy tells it how it is.

Other urls found in this thread:


(((they))) just want to buy cheap retard
you can't kill crypto

Classic trick. Bankers are staying afloat by investing in crypto. This cuck thinks he can outwhale early adopter fedoras.

if you need to listen to some one to make your own decisions you might aswell kys

Thank god I invested early enough to only be loosing out on profit not initial investment during these (more frequently occurring) shake ups

>unbreakable trust link for peer to peer transfer of currency which doesn't steal a ridiculous fee every time you want to spend YOUR money

Goys it's a scam, it has no value, vote Hillary.
When BTC rises im going to personally buy his corpse and pay survivors of the boomer gen 1sat to fuck his corpse on a live stream

I guess it's happening then?

I fucking knew it.

Is that the Hillary backing mortgage crisis defrauder?

fuck this piece of shit scum bankster choke on a pretzel

>bit coin is dumb because it only has value because lots of people agree it has value
Uh, yes, welcome to currency. Oh, you thought gold had value outside of its mutually accepted value? You use it for jewelry you say? Oh, how cute.

>It's good to see that the grown-ups are finally speaking out

I can't wait for the day BTC hits 10k and they start backpedalling

The very same

your time has passed old man. the world has evolved and your old ways are dying just like you are.
see ya in 10 years, or not

I don't even want to cash out via coinbase or any fiat exchange run by ex bankers. I want to buy a house and car with my crypto directly. Freemyniggasatoshi !!!

Is anyone here stupid enough to believe (((crypto currency))) would not bust at some point? I'm not say there isn't money to be made but ultimately the last to hold are the real losers.

Bitcoin reached the critical mass where enough people believe it has value that you will never be able to simultaneously convince enough of them it's worthless in order to actually kill it. I will be putting 100% of my savings in it and other crypto for decades to come. And I know that the number of people with my mindset is only increasing. BTC is genuinely unstoppable at this point.

Yes millions and millions. All u have to do is ~believe~. Just in the same way people believe in government issued currency

This argument is legitimately retarded. The dollar isn't backed or supported by anything of value, you can just print more

same here, my plan is get a TenX card and pay directly from cryptos

The only threat is competition and more advanced innovation which only comes around every few decades.


Is that what they call kikes nowdays?

Isnt that the case for every currency?


Literally the only thing backing USD is their military power

JP has billions already invested. This is publicity. Very good publicity.

This is pretty much it, although BTC has been completely kiked so I'm dropping my cash into Bitcoin Cash.

When u see the activities of coins like ARK or BAT (hell, even Hemp coin), which were in turn opened by ETH and BTC, you realize that the ((value)) of crypto, just like any other currency is in how it facilitates economic transactions.

You no longer need to carry checks or credit cards, or to be fucked in the ass by middle men like google or banks, THAT is the value, by participating in the economical transactions, you are increasing its value.

>the last to hold are the real losers

Yeah you're correct. The last Hodlers of USD !!! Shiiiiiiiietttttt


We destroy nations when it threatens the dollar. You think you little cucks can get away with crypto currency?

This thread restores a bit of my faith in Veeky Forums. Yes, we are all here for the quick buck but it's good to see there are some anons who actually value the fundamentals.
Don't sell your bitcoins into the hands of monopolies. If you don't sell, they will die

Proof of freedom ™


>Bitcoin is a fraud.
>Unlike us, we are totally honest and transparent.
>Nope can't recall what happened then.

Think yall have been cryppled by military cost, terrible alliances, and are on the verge of an economic crisis

USD: backed by the cost of the paper, ink, and printing
Btc: backed by electricity cost

Why is one better than the other?

I see what you did there. Buying 100k of Verge.

Are these people retarded? The value is almost exactly equal to the cost of mining a coin, which increases with total network hashing power.

>tfw work at bloomberg hedge fund
>tfw made 30mil for the company last 3 months
>tfw getting the 3 mil bonus added at the end of the year
>tfw it was all threw btc/alts
>tfw we laughing to the bank here
>tfw jp morgan friends r bitching that they cant make izi money cuz their being heavily monitor now
>tfw laughing to bank right here

It's really no MYSTery why they're resorting to this rhetoric

My favourite part is that he leaves out saying that Dimon won't even short BTC because "it could go to $20,000" before it explodes

i will just leave this here

>ooga booga rapebombkillshootcreateISISsuckkikecockwestrongwemakeudiepaydollar

I'm gonna rape and murder you Burgers so fucking hard when you collapse.


The man who saved Veeky Forums

once crypto is rekt it will be time to get back to actual business discussions not tulip bubble mania

The pussy who said it can go up to 20000 and he is not sgorting it?

nice, just bought 100k, but this thread inspired me to buy 100k more!

>guy who is part of the reason bitcoin was created hates bitcoin

who else here is a little bit sick of newcoiners?

BTC thoughts bros.

All in all, if you're a longterm investor do not sell. Hold the line and don't be an emotional faggot. Just look for more opportunity spots to buy and hold.

I'd appreciate if you repost this picture with better quality so we can get them tips.

Thanks in advance.

Fuck me. Non-turd version attached.

Gah I'm so bad at proof-reading. In this image I had a price level wrong. Fixed in this image.