Complete speculation by someone who has no idea what they are talking about.
Complete speculation by someone who has no idea what they are talking about
FUD, don't listen to this nonsense...Trump hates China, he'll never follow them
good, and bad.
shit quality fud
step yer game up
"We should do everything possible to match China in order to win with our economy. " - Trump
>hey guys Bitcoin is growing and China has server farms the size of small towns - let's ban Bitcoin rather than creating our own government-backed server farms, that'll help us compete!
This is why I don't want to buy in even if it goes low as fuck. It seems like news are prepping us for a crackdown and my opinion is that Bitcoin right now is dependant as fuck on the banking system.
> more crackdown
> more support for crypto currencies
Sure coinbase and some main exchanges will go but the currency will be strong.
>down 30% from ATH
How do you envision the Bitcoin ecosystem working when no new FIAT is injected from bank accounts? I literally can't.
>Trump announces that he fully endorses crypto
>officially declares BTC as a sovereign currency and not subject to the tax laws of any nation
>offers incentives to lure mining farms back into the US and reclaim our lost jobs
>looking at a 30 day price chart
kek. you're fucking retarded. please put all your money into segwitcoin and promptly kill yourself after it's thrown out.
>didn't even bother to read the tweet in entirety
Bite that bait boys
The price stabilizes after absorbing fiat retard lol
That has nothing to do with bitcoin.
>back in fiat
>back in
>implying cryptos aren't just purely digital fiat
top jej, user.
What's wrong with segwit?
Wtf trump we got you elected just turn a blind eye homie
Anything decentralized is scary as fuck for the Wall Street and Banks.
They trin to keep us down
They're scares by doing that it legitimized it for everyone whos on the edge.
>you can only invest in crypto or fiat
You retarded or something?
a billion farms will only create an estimated 1 job filled by some random fat neckbeard. :D
>random fat neckbeard. :D
Where do I sign up?
chicken fried assholes.
turns bitcoin into a debt-settlement network. same as the dollar. which is the whole reason bitcoin ever became huge in the first place. Also, it's a disgusting solution with 0 minter incentive that pushes people off the main chain. It will die in time.