Are Communism and Nazism compatible with each other? Both hate the economic elite and banks, both are considered politically incorrect, both are monocultural, both are very nationalistic, both are willing to do anything to achieve their idea of a Utopia, why have they conflicted so much as ideologies in their history?
Are Communism and Nazism compatible with each other? Both hate the economic elite and banks...
I think you mean Stalinism
I mean, isn't Strasserism just anti-semitic communism?
>Both hate the economic elite and banks
Hitler was financed by very wealthy industrialists
>both are monocultural
The USSR distinctly rejected monoculturalism
>both are very nationalistic
Only Stalinism
>One is a fascistic pan german nationalist movement
>The other is a nationalistic Russian Marxist Leninist movement
No even a little bit
>Only stalinism
T. Anarkiddie
>When you compare idealogies based on militaristic propoganda posters
Woah....So.... This .... Is the power.... Of anarchism
most of the allied posters look the same
just because they're both not Liberal Democracies, doesn't mean their the same.
the ideological foundations could not be more different.
Oh yes because the Molotov Ribbentrop Pact is proof that they had the same idealogies that didn't conflict with each other at all. Just like how the Democratic nations in the Allies we're obviously compatible with the Soviet Union
Wow they both used generic as fuck posters of soliders and guys with flags, really makes you think
They are both on or near the 'fraternity-equality' line on the triangle, with communists being closer to equality and Hitler being closer to 'fraternity'.
MFW liberals have destroyed both ideologies
There's a difference between Stalinist "communism" and (((communism)))
This guy seems to think so.
>Are Communism and Nazism compatible with each other?
No, Nazis hated communists.
>Both hate the economic elite and banks
Nope, fascists historically relied on the money of elites in order to get into power, and once they're in power they only went after capitalists which "oppose the nation"; basically the competitors of the people they're owned by.
>both are monocultural,
Nope, communism is internationalist.
>both are very nationalistic,
Communism is SOMETIMES but not ALWAYS tied to nationalism, and when it is it's within an internationalist context. Fascism is anti-internationalist.
>why have they conflicted so much as ideologies in their history?
Because fascism was invented specifically to co-opt the language and aesthetics of the left to destroy leftism and benefit economic elites.
>The rich people who are also the jews are manipulating the economy and fucking us over
>by sheer fact of being part of the same brotherhood of race/only true communists we should share our resources
>our state needs to constantly have a military equipped more than enough not only for defense but also expansion
>we need a leader who isn't subject to reelections to lead us