ITT: Dumb ideas you used to believe
>Entire populations of people could be replaced in areas such as the Italian peninsula and Anatolia before colonialism.
ITT: Dumb ideas you used to believe
>Prussia was smaller Russia
>Serfs were cool af.
Stalin and Beria were bad guys
>socialism is a good idea
Never again.
We genocided the Indians the old fashioned way. Which really gives us far too much credit because if disease hadn't wiped out 90% of them beforehand, we never would've pulled it off.
Used to think Hitler was innocent because he never personally killed anyone
>if disease hadn't wiped out 90% of them beforehand, we never would've pulled it off.
lmao are you kidding me?
Considering that 1500 Indian warriors was enough for us to call in the army, imagine 10 times that. Imagine we were dealing with a situation like Rome did with Gaul.
>Imagine we were dealing with a situation like Rome did with Gaul.
nah dawg, nah
Why not, the Indians had shittons of guns thanks to the French.
>It's an user treats Dan Carlin as a legitimate authority episode
Dan actually mentions that the native americans stood no chance
>african slaves literally built america
I used to think that America was da best no matter what and that the Middle East was always icky
Thanks, post 9/11 education system
>Stalin was worse than Hitler
I'm not very into Ancient Rome but in some year Rome(city) had like 1 million of people inside (because of the daily bread gibs)
you must be 18 to post on this site
>ITT: Dumb ideas you used to believe
>Hitler did nothing wrong
If we try my autistically specific version of socialism it wont fail this this time.
>Because of daily bread gibs
Not quite it was because the land was all owned by the patrician class who then manned it all with slaves.
The daily bread gibs was to appease the massive unemployed urban crowd where your only other options was the legion which became unpopular due to the constant civil wars making service Russian roulette.
Don't shitpost like that mate. You'll only encourage them.
>Rome did with Gaul.
People like you should be genuinely sterilized.
Native Americans didn't predate America in military technology. The comparison is retarded. Gaul was urbanized, even the Germans lived as urbanized farmers as attested by archaeology.
>Fascism is far-right
Irish, Africans, is there a difference?
To be fair, he did kill himself.
Here we fucking go.
I used to think conquest and genocide was wrong but then I realized that other entities merely make another group THINK that in order to hinder them.
>implying it isn't.
How to derail a thread and look retarded at the same time
>he killed Hitler
So he's the world's hero?
Don't start mate.
I always thought that the UK stood for Ukraine and not the United Kingdom
He probably killed quite a few people in his soldier days
Unless he worked artillery, probably not
>Stalin killed 60 million people
You did do old fashion genociding though.
I asked my high school world history teacher what happened to Prussia when I no longer saw it on maps and she said that she didn't know but it probably was absorbed into other countries
>let's unironically take contemporary chroniclers at their word for medieval army sizes even if it's literally impossible to support an army of that size in the area of the battle lmao
never again
Not an idea but I pronounced plebs as "pleebs"
I still do sometimes just to upset people.
user that's why everyone went back home for the harvest in those days
You do know that Beria raped and killed children right?
go to bed Dan
What does right and left mean?
>jewish people were good people
Thank god for that. Could you imagine a Native population similar to AfricanAmericans? Holy fuck what a nightmare
>Hitler did nothing wrong
>The Holocaust didn't happen
>Stalin was worse
>The Wehrmacht was clean
literally no actual proofs of that