If you could decide, how would the US have treated the natives during the westwards expansion?
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As fair handed as dealings as would be possible. Trade for land that we would wish to obtain, do a vigorous job of integrating those that wished to become part of our society. Have solid medical access for those suffering from disease
Offer them citizenship. Seriously what did they not do that?
Exactly as before. America invaded the west in self defense as injuns wouldnt stop raiding and breaking deals.
The thing is that europeans stealed Amerindian land.
Leave no descendants to cry oppression and tug at the heartstrings of your soft-hearted heirs. Heirs who will then in the name of social justice undo all your hard work to carve out a nation for them to prosper in, and squander their inheritance by opening the country up to foreigners.
Keep true to any treaties signed.
Offer natives who can be trusted not to raid treaties preventing us from attacking them.
Make it clear that any tribe can join the US as soon as they want.
Destroy the violent natives with all force.
t. Edgy McEdgelord
Kill em all, we helped them fight their enemies then they attacked us, to many tribes used us thinking we would just leave after we did all the fighting for them
It's not edgy, it's common sense.
There's no such thing as an "Amerindian".
There are Choctaw.
There are Cree.
There are Ojibwe.
Exactly the same, being white doesn't prevent you from being able to conquer people. Every group on the planet did it.
All you can do is kill them all as fast as possible so no one is left to bitch about it except other whites.
If we were more like the Turks who not only deny the Armenian Genocide but made it illegal to bring it up, us whites would be back on top and finishing the fucking job we started.
Kill every redskin and turn their land into something fucking useful.
Nope we first took land they weren't on or using at all or we traded for. They of course only claimed it after we settled it or waited till we helped them fight their enemies before claiming what the Europeans settled. Naturally we stopped trusting them as we moved west
Take land for America because they can use it. Natives or not they lost the land so its not theirs.
Funfact: Hitler took Manifest Destiny as inspiraton for his Generalplan Ost
Something like this but I wouldn't take any shit if they decided to be cheeky about raiding or poaching or whatever. Respect them but don't suck their dicks
No, they mostly settled on empty land, and neighboring Indians kept raiding these settlements. I didn't know Indians had all of North America patented for themselves.
Hitler had nothing to do with Generalplan Ost, he never signed off on it.
gotten rid of all of them or forced them into mexico or canada
Because the concept of citizenship, let alone universal suffrage, is a lot younger than the conquering of the continent.
Only land-owning men of certain wealth and social standing (read: Anglo-Saxon or Anglo-Saxon LARPers) had political privileges until the late 1800s-early 1900s (depending on jurisdiction).
Granting political rights to poorfags, women, dusky immigrants and papists wasn't even a thing, much less to wild savages.
t. 56% face
>forced them into mexico or canada
That already happened.
it's a popular misconception that natives weren't using the land.
Imagine if Martians visited Europe in February 1946 and looked around and saw all the land that wasn't being used and declared "pffft, these savages don't even know how to turn a profit".
This is demonstrably false.
Have them draw up there own states and join the unioun
Same as before, they began the hostilities during King Philip's War, not whites.
good idea
Just like Poles started WW2.
Hitler rarely sighed off on anything, he just let his underlings do whatever.
So it was somehow a Hitler's thing despite the fact Hitler didn't have anything to do with it? Reminds me of the idiots who claim Hitler was an occultist just because Himmler was. They make it sound like Hitler was the only person who lived in 1930s Germany.
Dont know about all of them, but they should have at least let the 5 civilized tribes enter the union as states.
White people always know that when some dictator invades another country (Saddamn etc.) that this is wrong and needs to be stopped. But when it's brought up about how europeans invaded america, they say shit like "it was destiny, all nations committed genocide, all nations matter" STFU... fact is genocide is always wrong, whether it happens in 2017 or whether it happened 1874. Don't take pride in your ancestors being terrorists!
But user, how can they feel tough without their fantasies of pillaging and raping people?
>white people
You mean liberals, the people bitching about anything that furthers their agenda.
t. third world nation
change nothing.
treat them exactly the same
The main snag with any indian policy was that the Federal Government never had any strong control over the actions of its frontier settlers. It's why Britain forbid settlement west of the Appalachians to keep settlers from clashing with the Amerindians living there. Even if the president wanted to officially respect the sovereignty of the Indian nations, he wouldn't be able to do anything about the endless stream of settlers making their own deals and fighting their own skirmishes. The frontier was massive and the Fed. Gov't didn't have close to enough resources especially in the early 19th century to police it.
>annexes land of foreign natives
>commits genocide
>doesn't care because not white
>no one criticizes them except irrelevant impotent groups
Don't care what happened to prairie niggers.
>Don't be proud that your ancestors won.
Only weak faggots are proud of being weak.
finally, someone figured it out.
The problem was as much about politicians trying to appease their base of angry white settlers who were either pissed about raids or autistically scapegoating them for all their problems. What do you do about courts that blatantly favor whites in any disputes? What do you do when your approval rating drops into the teens because every voter thinks you're favoring savages over their interests? Do you kick white farmers off their land just because some tribe feels like it needs dozens of square miles to themselves to hunt, fish, and live a life of relative leisure?
Best bet would have been favoring and integrating tribes whose values were conducive to civilization. No matter how you cut it, the Cherokee got the shaft even as they were writing things down and adapting their culture to a white man's world, and didn't deserve what Jackson did to them
You're white ancestors didn't "win" anything, they fought dirty, and tricked the natives out of their land. The equivalent of shaking someone's hand in peace after they save your life, waiting til they turn around, shooting them in the back and kicking them when they are down. Then emptying that person's pockets and taking the wealth and prosperity that should have went to their grandkids and giving it to yourself and your own grandkids.
They will never be on par with the Euro in new world society thus must be removed as they are a load that cant be pushed off.
Kill all european men, keep the women desu
Kill the men and children and rape the women.
European women are the worst
White "men" are worse desu.
Man of any race is better than woman of any race.
Euros are the exception that proves the rule.
t. female
deportation back to russia
t. butthurt euro mtf "human"
Thing is, euro men broke in hostilities first and not only launched a genocidal campaign but also created a dystopian xenophobic racist society on the ruins of the continent. They have been incredibly lucky that their societies have survived this long and that mainland europe was busy mass murdering each other (what a surprise) that the population had to flee to America to survive, boosting industry and providing cheap labor.
Conquer and try to integrate them as American citizens while letting them stay on their ancestral lands.
leave and dont come back
How much semen from black men would you say you imbibe, on a per day basis?
>You're white ancestors didn't "win" anything, they fought dirty, and tricked the natives out of their land
I don't see you raising a stink about Jews doing that to white people today.
I don't care about your racial shit to be honest, I only want all women dead.
You have your own containment board About as must as your mother senpai
The thing is, how else could this have been done? What it boils down to is that two peoples were competing for land, that's if you put aside the petty squabbles of the various Indian tribes which also contributed to their downfall. Even if both sides were nice about it eventually one will dominate the other. Naturally the Europeans were dominating because of technology, a much better economy than the Indians could ever have conceived of, and a steady inflow of migrants from across the Atlantic which forced an expansion ever westward. There was no other way to go but total colonisation. Either the Indians integrated or they fought til the last, and they did resist and persisted in their ways until the end.
The Indians practiced a way of life that was ancient and they did not understand the ways that we had developed in relative isolation for centuries. I read a book that explained the perspective of the plains Indians specifically; that they didn't even know the power of the whites, they saw them as they would see themselves, they couldn't fathom what a city was, they called them "big villages" and when Indians who had visited the east came back to tell of what they saw, no one would believe it and thought it a trick. Europeans came with ideas that had developed centuries prior, ideas of chivalry, taking prisoners, showing mercy, no women and children to be harmed etc. The Indians had no such history and no such development. They practiced life that was completely normal to them so everyone was fair game and they probably couldn't understand these ideas and practices that whites brought with them.
The differences were so great it was as if two time periods had suddenly been forced together shoulder to shoulder. How can anyone expect, for example, a man of 10,000BC to have the same perspective as a man from the 21st century?
Played them off each other and taken part in various tribal wars ending each one with Conquest/annexation of a tribe(s), followed by a period of reorganization along US lines, and finally Representation in the state and federal governments.
Create a national 'tribal county' system that exists in tandem with the regular state-region-county division.
All tribes designate their land into two categories: outlying and core. Outlying lands would be like traditional fishing and hunting grounds, are privately owned by the tribe, and are able to be sold off at will. The core grounds include traditional living areas, religious sites, graveyards, etc. and remain property of the tribe in perpetuity. Any white who wishes to live on the core grounds longer than a year needs permission from the tribe's leaders to do so.
All Indians are offered full citizenship and the voting rights that accompany it, in exchange for mandatory English classes (they can still teach native languages, the kids just have to be raised bilingually), paying taxes at the federal level, and respecting all federal laws. This does not apply to whites living on tribal land, outlying or core, who must go through citizenship the normal way.
Any tribe (or confederation of tribes within one state) greater than ten thousand people can elect and send an observant member to the House of Representatives. Said observant member must be a recognized member of the tribe. They may not vote on bills, but they may argue for or against them, and they may sit on House Committees. Indians are also eligible to vote in Presidential & senatorial elections.
I don't think you realise how problematic that would be.
please explain
White people not reproducing because they're too comfortable isn't comparable to the native genocide
The jews aren't destroying your soylent factories and tesla stations to force you into cattle-pens where mossad can keep an eye on you
Oh yeah. They had a territory where they made settlements over the years. A settle territory doesn't need to be patented as its yours if it follows this principle: America belongs to Amerindians the same as europe belongs to europeans.
How is this hard to get?
>The jews aren't destroying your soylent factories and tesla stations to force you into cattle-pens where mossad can keep an eye on you
Aren't they user?
Aren't they?
Think about it.
*raises eyebrows*
I'd offer them citizenship and assistance in transitioning their socioeconomic system into the modern age. Nothing wrong with increasing the population of productive citizens, killing them would be a waste.
>America belongs to Amerindians the same as europe belongs to europeans.
>How is this hard to get?
because it requires operating from the fairly controversial and politically incorrect stance that Europe belongs to Europeans, and accepting the logical corrolary that when European skinheads beat up an African immigrant it is a morally justified act of resistance akin to headstrong Native American braves attacking settlers in defiance of their tribal elders.
>handing out citizenship to illiterate nomads that don't speak your language, don't follow your religion and don't have any real skills of economic value, or any money to speak of at all for that matter
>in fact not only do they not have money of their own you want to give it to them for free out of the pockets of your own tax-payers
wew lad, looks like we got a Berniebro over here.
No politics allowed.
Not an argument, freak.
That's not politics jackass, that's pointing out you're a complete lunatic if you think giving citizenship and gibs to the indians was a good idea.
That's implying europeans have any legitimacy over Amerindian lands. Which they ultimately don't.
Somehow I don't believe you GENUINELY support the idea of "European belongs to the Europeans" and I think you're just saying you do for purely cynical reasons to justify your anti-Europeanism in the context of the New World.
Feel free to prove me wrong though.
oh and by the way
>doesn't recognize European legitimacy over Amerindian lands
>recognizes the legitimacy of European socioeconomics over "Amerindian" ones though
>Because the concept of citizenship is a lot younger than the conquering of the continent.
It's present in the original US Constitution though.
>concept of citizenship
Dates back to Rome you spastic
America belonging to Amerindians the same as europe belonging to europeans don't need believers like you as it's a fact by itself.
>europeans building x in Amerindian lands
America will never stop being Amerindian land the same as europe is european land. How is this hard to get? Keep trying to change the premises.
This fact will never ever be erased. America is amerindian land. Nobody is being anti-european. As this matter has nothing to do with the land of europe. This matter has a topic which coincides with OP's. Amerindian land, which is America.
It's pretty clear from the rest of his post he's talking about the conflict between jus soli and jus sanguinis.
I notice how you completely avoiding touching upon the delicate issues I alluded to which come up when you claim "America will never stop being Amerindian land the same as europe is european land."
Nor did you touch upon the silliness of claiming that Europeans hold no legitimacy in the New World but their way of life somehow does.
>avoid touching my whinings
Irrelevant. America being Amerindian land overwhelms every kind of "muh feelings" babble. I'm sorry, but facts are facts.
Wrong. The ultimate legitimacy upon lands is the ethnic early development of an ethnic group. Which agrees that europeans have europe, and it literally takes down your pathetic accusations of anti-europeanism.
A social construct consensus between social constructed organizations are irrelevant against America belonging to Amerindians. A life with ignorance and imposition of one over Amerindian lands won't ever erase the fact that America is Amerindian land the same as europe being european land.
4 failed goalshifting attempts have been made from you, but they are all irrelevant against the ultimate truth.
I see further conversation with you is fruitless as you are not arguing from good faith.
Good day.