What the fuck were they thinking?
What the fuck were they thinking?
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That bringing artillery up the hills through the jungle was not possible.
>surely le german can't bring le tank acroos le forest
>surely le gook can't bring le artillery across le jungle
>what are they gonna do, hide their artillery?
[quote from man blown up by hidden artillery]
They heavily underestimated their enemies
Or overestimated the forest
Both work
>Takes puff of cigarette
You are telling me that the vietcong be like carrying the artillery through the jungles and mountains?
>Smacks lips
Why not just give them the independence with commercial conditions and leaving a military base?
Because French people are typically quite arrogant and incompetent.
They brought Ho Chi Minh to Paris for negotiations and then jerked him around for several months while the war continued in Vietnam and several consecutive French governments collapsed.
Why not just execute him while he's in Paris and watch the Viet Cong collapse?
The French are way too honorable, they should learn from the Eternal Anglo
Vo Nyugen Giap would probably still have kicked their asses, and then they wouldn't have been able to squeeze the Evian Accords out of the Algerians.
>and then they wouldn't have been able to squeeze the Evian Accords out of the Algerians.
Who cares
France was winning militarily in Algeria
De Gaulle gave them independence in hope it would prevent mass immigration to mainland France, but seeing how that turned out France didn't really benefit from it
Learn what exactly? I fail to see a relevant situation
Treachery and deviousness
But the Anglos have never invited enemies in then slain them.
Besides the French should copy their ability to win colonial wars :^)
>I got too many field artillery guns
>commits suicide.
>But the Anglos have never invited enemies in then slain them.
They'd often capture all officials, merchant ships and civilans from a country they plan to decalre war on present in Britain few days before declaring war tho
>Besides the French should copy their ability to win colonial wars :^)
Yeah, because this riot sure was comparable to the Viet insurection
20,000 faggots chimping out in town vs half a million gooks in the jungle
>tfw you will never fight the vietminh with your new former Waffen-SS turn mercenaries.
Sacre Blu
>implying there were half a million gooks in 1945 when the French reoccupied the country
Imagine Jean-Froncois Grenouille explaining to former SS Hans Müller, vet of the Ardennes Offensive, that everything will be fine cause Viets can't being artillery through the forest
because the fact that they got fucked six embarrassing ways to sunday in 1940 made them feel like they needed to redeem themselves as a great power.
I wish France was still Gaullist
because they quit nato for this
>20,000 faggots chimping out in town
Can you actually read?
>Why not just execute him while he's in Paris and watch the Viet Cong collapse?
Yes, that's totally what's going to happen, and there's no way you'd be creating a martyr whose memory will only further strenghten the enemys will to fight.
> only not called a war so businesses could profit
>a riot
Good one user, you clearly don't know what you're talking about. I suppose that's why you stopped replying.
If there was anything perfidious done it would be the whole "it's not a war" thing.
>detained officials
Literally, when?
>I will silence there artillery after the first round
Well they lerned from this since they did it afterward with almost every single one of their African colony.
They severely underestimated the enemy, also they were kinda abandoned there even after the position was deemed unsafe because French politicians just wanted to abandon Indochina at this point anyway.
>Jean-Froncois Grenouille
legit kek
It's even more inexcusable that the French did this after 8 years of pretty fucking brutal combat with the Viet Minh. They of all people should have understood how fanatically determined Giap was to see them defeated.
>Leave the Viet Minh to me
They were looking for the lost city of Z.