is this the most autistic thing ever?
>after getting shitstomped by the Prussians, take advantage of the weakened state and try a revolt in Paris
>melt down your statues to make a monument to French and German workers right after Prussia kicks your asshole in
>turn friendly journalists into fucking military officers
>National Guard demands right to elect their officership
>they get to vote on orders
>don't wear fucking uniforms
>don't even sleep in Barracks
>try and literally just walk into Versailles thinking you won't get shot at by Republican troops
>get rekt
>so inept that the Republican gov army just marches right into an unguarded district into the city
>spend your time with what should be defending your city into mocking and executing political apponents
>send your women to fight
>they get BTFO
>light all your public buildings on fire instead of actually fighting
Did this set the tone for the rest of Socialism? Holy fuck this is the most autistic thing i have ever seen an entity do. Literally what the fuck was going on.
Paris Commune
Other urls found in this thread:
This is literally early Russian civil war, Paris commune didnt had Stalin that could fix anything.
were the Bolsheviks so retarded that the Tsarists just easily shitstomped them?
>Is this the most autistic thing ever
No, this was
>The pseudo-scientific ideas of Lysenkoism assumed the heritability of acquired characteristics.[1] Lysenko's theory rejected Mendelian inheritance and the concept of the "gene"; it departed from Darwinian evolutionary theory by rejecting natural selection.[2] Proponents falsely claimed to have discovered, among many other things, that rye could transform into wheat and wheat into barley, that weeds could spontaneously transmute into food grains, and that "natural cooperation" was observed in nature as opposed to "natural selection".[2] Lysenkoism promised extraordinary advances in breeding and in agriculture that never came about.
>Joseph Stalin supported the campaign. More than 3,000 mainstream biologists were sent to prison, fired,[3] and numerous scientists were executed as part of a campaign instigated by Lysenko to suppress his scientific opponents.[4][5][6][7] The president of the Agriculture Academy, Nikolai Vavilov, was sent to prison and died there, while scientific research in the field of genetics was effectively destroyed until the death of Stalin in 1953.[2] Research and teaching in the fields of neurophysiology, cell biology, and many other biological disciplines was also negatively affected or banned.[8]
>Anarkiddies will deny that they LARP as Soviets when they talk about banning scientific racism
Reminds me of "German Physics"
You mean the fact that pseud like Einstein was kicked out of Germany for being a plagiarist?
>pseud like Einstein
elaborate please
It was german that create the nuke bomb but einstein stole the formula and went to the US
based adolph thier .
Einstein stole all the significant aspects of relativity from other physicists then dressed it up in mumbo jumbo and spent rest of his career attacking quantum physicists that proved his theory cant be true. Quantum physics and relativity still remain unreconciled.
Oh and I forgot to add he never gave any credit to those other physicists.
but according to german phyiscs, nuclear bombs shouldn't be even possible
which physicists and which significant aspects?
*leads the recapture of Paris with almost no losses on his side, while the Germans couldn't even/didn't really to force their way into the city*
Nothing personal communard...
>Quantum physics and relativity still remain unreconciled when applied to classical physics, due to observation.
ftfy :*
The Bolsheviks were disjointed and retarded.
The whites, however, were even more disjointed and retarded.
not him, but he is probably refering to Lorentz, for this Lorentz transformation, which Einstein applied on the Maxwell equations
If we argue like that, then every physicist "steals" from the people that came before him
>capture city for the workers
>immediately light it on fire
but but real gommunism has never been tried :^(
maybe he didn't quote him right, as I said I am just assuming what the guy was thinking about
I agree the whites were disjointed but how exactly were they retarded?
I bet you're the type of nigga who defends Edison too
>It's not theft it's just an improvement
>revolt against "Capitalism"
>by enslaving the population to a dictator and killing millions of them
>protest "racism"
>by burning down Democrat-voting cities and destroying non-white businesses
Marxism, Marxism never changes.
Not that guy and not even defending Einstein but you're an idiot.
>Shakespeare stole from the Romans because he wrote his works in Latin alphabet!
>be revolutionary army
>be severely undermanned, underarmed and undertrained
WOW, sure sounds autistic, OP.
>Comparing basic linguistics to intellectual property
>Calls anyone else a brainlet
retard this is more like it
>After the government armies get btfo, form militia to defend capital
>hold out after long and bitter siege
>monarch decides to sell out the country to the huns, due to own incompetence
>landlords return from country estates to ask for back rent from the survivors
>govt attempts to disarm the paris militia
>paris militia says fuck off we defended paris from the prussians we can do the same to you
>French govt btfo again so hard they have to beg for help from the Prussians to release their captured armies
>Monarchists bombard city into a wasteland
>tfw prussians were too humanitarian to bombard Paris, but the monarchists didn't hesitate a bit
>intellectual property
>in a peer reviewed process
>believes in the concept of intellectual property
You're the brainlet here.
>>After the government armies get btfo, form militia to defend capital
>>hold out after long and bitter siege
they got fucking rekt
>>monarch decides to sell out the country to the huns, due to own incompetence
paris is suddenly totally separate from the war effort?
>>landlords return from country estates to ask for back rent from the survivors
>>govt attempts to disarm the paris militia
>>paris militia says fuck off we defended paris from the prussians we can do the same to you
see above, they got BTFO by the Prussians
>>French govt btfo again so hard they have to beg for help from the Prussians to release their captured armies
after the gov eat shit, along with the Parisians who are suddenly not french themselves according to you, the opportunistic reds stabbed their country in the back
>>Monarchists bombard city into a wasteland
bullshit accusation with it was crazy communard women who set all their historic buildings on fire and melted their own mouments
>>tfw prussians were too humanitarian to bombard Paris, but the monarchists didn't hesitate a bit
Communards were tearing up their own floorboards
T. Anarkiddies
I don't even know what that means.
>your entire post
nuh uhh
See, I can do it too.
don't you have a pinko journalist to make Captain or something?
If you don't find the thought of national humiliation and surrender revolting, then you are what the Paris Commune revolted against. The people were willing to fight. Prussia could never have truly annexed France, the other powers would never have permitted it, and the French would never obtained the cognomen "cheese eating surrender monkeys."
>If you don't find the thought of national humiliation and surrender revolting
the Paris Commune wasn't at war with Prussia, in fact, they welted a statue of napoleon (or was it some cannon) to make a joint Prussian-French monument.
>after getting shitstomped by the Prussians, take advantage of the weakened state and try a revolt in Paris
The truth is that Paris resisted a siege for 4 months (at the end they had to eat rats and cats) suffered dozen thousands of death so they felt betrayed by the French government that had failed the war
That's why the national guard joined the revolt
To the workers of Prussia. The Prussian army could not be maintained in a forward position if there were major revolts in the capital. Remember this is the 19th century. Pic related could happen at any time.
Its like someone took pol and brought it here.
Why cant you (((people))) just fuck off and let the rest of us discuss history , instead of trashing this sub with hurrr gomnism :DDDD
>it's not history because i don't like the event discussed being brought up
the Commune was not at war with Prussia. Stop pretending like it was.
Gomnism killed so many ppl amirite my aryan bros :DDDDD
t. Retarded anarchist faggot
>Eat the zoo animals.
>bring up the Paris Commune shitshow
>leftypol gets triggered because it reflects badly on their utopian idea
>try and hide their own political bent shitting up the board by trying to redirect someone else to /pol/
Imagine how bad it must have smelled.
France and Prussia signed an Armistice on January 28. In March-May 1871 the Commune and Prussia were not at war. Is it a coincidence? Could they be from the same country?
However, the government had agreed that the Paris forts were to be handed over to the Prussians. Could the krauts be trusted? Most Parisians said no! Most parisians today would say the same thing, as would most washingtonians, as would any true patriot, as the armistice called for nothing less than occupation of the ancient capital of the nation.
I'm not anarchist at all.