Why didn't Han China conquer the Persians and Romans? Did they fear the Indo-European warriors?
Why didn't Han China conquer the Persians and Romans? Did they fear the Indo-European warriors?
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If only persia would have conquered all central asia and the tarim basin
Things would be different today
They had allot of internal problems.
If only you would hang yourself, things would be better today.
Why don't you go post this shit on reddit or something? Do you fear the fedora warriors?
this is still better than the shitler poster
Why didn't the British """"empire"""" conquer the confederation? Did they fear the Texan warrior
>Did they fear the Indo-European warriors?
On the contrary: the Indo-Euronig cities of the Tarim Basin were suzerains of the Chink Emperor.
>persia pls stop the steppe nignogs ass-blasted our side of the silk road
heh heh, get a load of this guy
China's hold on its western fringes was tenuous to begin with, they couldn't really project power westwards.
>China pls allow us to live in your country after we lost ours to the Muslims.
>China pls make me governor of Western Provinces.
>China will you help us take Iran back?
What is this from? Are these pesians? Did they really flee to china ?
>What is this from? Are these pesians? Did they really flee to china ?
Aren't these guys supposed to look arab-ish or at least like Indians ? They look fucking chinese
Oh shit, gave a better look
>small part of imperial family
>Small part of Imperial Family
More like the Imperial Family, a lot of the nobility, and their hangers on, meaning a sizable minority of sorts.
They migrated to China in large numbers so much so that Emperor's Harems still had Iranian wives up until the 900s AD, during the 5 Dynasties and 10 Kingdoms period. Past that point they seemed to have been absorbed into the local ethnicities.
Central Asia is worthless.
Lady of the Dynasty. A Chinese movie about Tang Dynasty's most infamous consort/empress, Yang Guifei.
It's bad. Don't watch it. Though the Tang costumes are bae though.
just like gaul and brittania was right?¡
they could united with scythians tribes, make colonies, make nations, more trade, more soldiers, more everything
why you think like that? i know you will bring a shitty excuse
85% of the Sassanian royal family were already dead BEFORE the Arab attacks and invasion of the Sassanian Empire. So no, I doubt its any form of respectable fraction of a Persian Empire that had a population between 30 to 40 million people migrated into Chinese lands.
You asked for it.
>rom the tenth to twelfth century, Persian women were to be found in Guangzhou (Canton), some of them in the tenth century like Mei Zhu in the harem of the Emperor Liu Chang, and in the twelfth century large numbers of Persian women lived there, noted for wearing multiple earrings and "quarrelsome dispositions".[13][14] It was recorded that "The Po- ssu-fu at Kuang-chou make holes all round their ears. There are some who wear more than twenty ear-rings."[15] Descriptions of the sexual activities between Liu Chang and the Persian woman in the Song dynasty book the "Ch'ing-i-lu" by T'ao Ku were so graphic that the "Memoirs of the Research Department of the Toyo Bunko (the Oriental Library), Issue 2" refused to provide any quotes from it while discussing the subject.[16] Liu had free time with the Persian women by delegating the task of governing to others.[17] Multiple women originating from the Persian Gulf lived in Guangzhou's foreign quarter, they were all called "Persian women" (波斯婦 Po-ssu-fu or Bosifu).[
What does that say in reflection to the total number of population in Sassanian Persia when the fall of the Persian Empire? You do realize by the time Yadzegerd III was crowned, there were almost no surviving direct blood relations to him when he was coronated in House Sassan right?
So again regardless of hanger-ons, courtiers, attendants, and nobles who fled with Yadzegerd III's sons and in-laws, over 85 to 90% of the Sassanian royal family was already DEAD.
Yeah that's true but bare in mind at one point the Sassanian family in the mid-5th to early 7th century including just direct family and not even cadet branches or inlaws numbered over 10,000 people. Remember user, the return of Justinian's Plague, violent purges and multiple coups and civil wars occurred in the Persian Empire from 628 AD to 637 AD. Plague alone killed off half of the Western Persian Empire's total population and famine didn't help things.
Al-Tabari, a Persian Muslim historian and scholar born a little over a century later believed by the time the last Sassanian emperor was coronated (between the ages of 8 to 16), he might've been one of only a handful of direct descendants of Khosaru Parviz still living and was found hiding in a cave with a few retainers.
So yeah there was a fuck ton of them in Tang China but remember, mid-7th century exiled Sassanians were a shadow in numbers compared to their peak only a few decades earlier.
They got busy fighting against the mongols
and other foreign in land invaders
>The Last Sassanid Prince died an adopted member of the Li Imperial Family.
This thread has been interesting.
he is just butthurt, i never thought things would end up like that here
Why didn't the Chinese march tens of thousands of km to take over a racially, culturally, and ideologically different peoples and spread their empire to unheard of lengths with no way to interconnect all of the land directly?
gee user senpai, I-I dunno. must have been the Indo-European warrior.
I'm not butthurt. I'm just tired of seeing you in every thread about Persia.
limitations of the speed of horses puts an effective size cap on empires.
Genghis' empire immediately fractured into 4 upon his death.
The Tang Chinese and later dynasties did send several large armed expeditions into what was traditionally agreed Iranian (Arsacid/Sassanian) borders to try and repel Arab and Muslim forces from near their parts of Central Asia.
that s an act of defense in fear of the influence of foreign info Europeans spreading into Chinese turf. Clearly they feared the cascaid skulled warrior.
>March an entire army across mountain and desert to get your legs handed to you by persian army.
nor did they really have any interest in doing so
Why would they do that since they're friends till today? Persians royalties even flee to China and asked Chinese emperors to repel the Arab Muslims invaders.
Btw, they also joined forces against Hephthalite and Turks once.