How did Italy go from the Roman Empire to the military failures it's known for today? (most notably losing against Ethiopia)
How did Italy go from the Roman Empire to the military failures it's known for today...
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Italy is a meme nation and Italians are regional/localist patriots by nature rather than nationalists falling for an abstract idea of a nation.
Italian will always fight harder for his hometown than for his country. Even Rome was a city-state
The Romans had heaps of military failures, dunno what the fuck you're talking about.
The great irony of this is that Germany probably would have won WW1 if only Italy had joined the central powers instead of the Entente.
Like they won WW2?
>You should to know history to be post on Veeky Forums?
m8 Italy in WW1 was just as pathetic as in WW2. They couldn't beat Austria, an even greater meme nation that struggled against Serbia and had to be on constant German life support in Galitia in order to not get steamrolled by Russians. To think Italy would be of any help to Germany in WW1 and not hindrance as it was in WW2 is absurd
>A-H can put all efforts on Russia & Serbia
>France has to fight on a second front
Italy on the side of the Central Powers could have very well turned the tide in 1914 or 1917.
These debates are always dumb just becasue such things cannot really be predicated. However, how hard would it have been for Italy on the side of the Central Powers to open up a second front against France. Did they not try that during the Fall of France in 1940 and get smacked becasue the alps are difficult to cross and a few men and some artillery stopped them in a pass?
Namely this. Eternal proof that virgin M*ds are inferior to the Chad Germanic
Are you forgetting the constant massacres the Romans inflicted on the Germans after this
Who they never conquered, and then got BLEACHED from Arian Christians who went on to sack Rome. Don't call it "rape", it was just your women craving our superior Aryan genetics
Serbia was defeated in autumn 1915 only after great struggle and joint German-Austrian-Bulgarian offensive. Russia was kicked out of war in 1917. What did Italy do in the meantime? They kept sending suicide charges over Piave and Isonzo, and they continued doing so like fucking autists until the end of war.
Okay, let's say that for some reason Italy drops entire Italia irredenta narrative, does salto mortale and attack France. What do they gain? Fuck nothing, except another Alpine front and a much more determined and capable enemy, because WW1 France and WW2 France are two worlds. Hell, even WW2 France in its death grip managed to BTFO attacking Marios.
The idea that Italy was a hindrance in WW2 is itself a meme. Germany absolutely needed every ally it could possibly get in both wars. Especially in WW1, there were moments where Italy could have tipped the scales in Germany's favor it sided with the central powers.
Rome feared the Germanic warrior.
There was never any tipping scale point. WWI was won by the British Naval blockade collapsing the German economy, and that's not going to change regardless of what Italy does.
>Military failures.
Considering for the longest time, Italy wasn't unified between that's a broad statement.
Some of the Italian City States were military powers of their time.
Can you larpers fuck off already?
The only instance where Italians were actually helpful to Germans was their submarine flotilla fighting in Atlantic alongside German U-boats. They had surprisingly good results against British shipping but Donitz called them off because he thought Italians were too reckless and unsuitable for Rudeltaktik.
Everything else was either completely mediocre, or a complete disaster.
What's Britain gonna do? Blockade Italy as well? The Royal Navy was stretched pretty thin as it was.
I'm really not sure what your point is. Italy was never a hindrance, even if they sometimes under-performed, they never did anything which caused Germany harm.
This. Italy could have made things very difficult for France. But the Italian politicians would have had a real hard time convincing the Italian population to fight against France instead of Austria. Even in WW2 the war against France was extremely unpopular.
Cadorna wanted Italy to join the Central Powers.
The French and British navies ruled Mediterranean, and Britain controlled every entrance into the sea. Italy would have had little chance of opposing them successfully.
They lost on every theater where they tried to fight by themselves (Africa, Greece), relied on complete German life support through entirety of their three-year adventure and surrendered in 1943 to first Aliied gunshots in Italy, again forcing Germans to do a life support operation and waste their divisions further. If that's not hindrance i don't know what is.
There was absolutely no logical reason to attack France in WW1. Italians may fight like shit but they aren't complete retards when it comes to politics.
>using fucking Cadorna as an argument
Yeah, it's not like Italy has its own navy or anything like that.
Cadorna is only seen as an idiot in retrospect. At the time, he was highly influential.
Thank God for Italy he wasn't influential enough
I guess that every victory in which the italian comuni literally raped nations bigger than them magically don't matter anymore
Hell even sardinia btfo muslims at one point in time
The Regia Marina had fuck-all success against the Royal Navy in WWII. Dunno why you think it would be different in WWI, when the balance was even more lopsided.
the royal navy was raped until italy finished the oil
Because the Germany navy of WW1 was much stronger than the Germany navy of WW2. Consequently, the Royal navy was stretched thinner and they would have had few ships to spare to fight against Italy.
They couldn't take fucking Malta, man.
they just didn't felt like it
They also had the entire French navy to back them up.
>that gif
what a fucking muppet lmao
L'Itaglia e gli itagliani sono merda.
t. Itagliano
Italy unironically won WW2.
The kingdom of Italy had a military procurement system that was super corrupt. The Italain army had more funds over the 12 years before WWI then the austro-hungarian army but was in a much less modern state.
that painting is depicting the sack of Rome by the gauls, not the goths
Because modern Italians are rape products of German and Arab.
Here's my theory.
Each nation has a pre-destined amount of military prowess that gets used up over time. Really think about it:
>Arabs initially kick everyone's arse
>start getting raped in the 900s
>completely useless nowadays
>Turks kicked all of Europe's arse
>started getting destroyed in the 17th century
>useless against even Arabs nowadays
Think that's it? There are many more examples.
>Italy forms one of the greatest empires ever seen
>embarrassing from 1896 onwards
>France conquers almost all of Europe under Napoleon
>loses to Germany twice in 50 years
>can't even keep third worlders under control in the 1960s
>Germany is more conservative an uses a bit of it against France
>burns through the rest of it in WWII and is too pussy to even defend itself any more
>Greeks used it up with Alexander the Great
>Mongols used it up with Genghis Khan
>Austria used it up against the Turks
The only exception I can think of is Russia, which has seen peaks (Russian Empire), falls (Civil War) and peaks again (USSR).
Tell me on the doll where the evil italian touched you.
>>loses to Germany twice in 50 years
>50 years
Learn to fucking count
you are wrong french reached many different pick during history under dagobert , under charlemagne , under charle auguste , under louis XIII,louis XIV .
>They kept sending suicide charges over Piave and Isonzo, and they continued doing so like fucking autists until the end of war.
That's because, besides Trent, that was the only place they could attack Austria from. And, considered that Italy did get manage to advance into Trento while the Isonzo became kinda like he Western Front, even saying "they didn't move" is incorrect too.
>Rome feared the Germanic warrior.
That's one of the few instances where this meme is actually right. The unprecedented destruction by a completly uncivilized enemy of so much of romes military power scared them shitless