>The Paris Commune was an upheaval that took place in 1871. To this day, it remains a reference for the French left as a whole, as it advanced many major left-wing themes (feminism, secularism, direct democracy...). It remained pluralistic throughout, but in the context of an open civil war, it eventually repressed those who overtly supported its enemies - who were much worse in that regard. It was a major influence on Karl Marx himself. It lasted barely more than two months, as it was brutally crushed.
>The communist and anarchists before and during the Spanish Civil War had created a very free and prosperous society, as recounted in George Orwell's Homage to Catalonia. Franco Stalinists crushed them. Though it's worth noting that there was a rather nasty Red Terror so it wasn't a total success from a human rights point of view (even if they were better than the Whites).
>In a similar vein, the Ukrainian Free Territory had an anarcho-communistic government during the Russian Civil War, although it was also destroyed militarily (not by the White Guards, even — in fact, the insurgent army fought Denikin's army successfully, but rather by the Bolsheviks themselves).
>The Yugoslav workers' self-management worked out for a little while.
>The Israeli kibbutzim - however as with anything involving Jews or leftism, there are about as many philosophies of how to do kibbutzim "right" as there are kibbutzim.
>The Twin Oaks Community is currently working right now.
The few examples when communism worked out relatively fine
>Marinaleda, a municipality in Spain, is doing surprisingly well.
>In India, of all places, a Communist government got elected in Kerala. The state has (through a combination of reasons, especially overseas remittances by expatriates) flourished with relatively few missteps, and compared to much of the country is quite well developed. Whether this is correlation vs. causation is still up for debate.
>Rojava, considering how they're fighting ISIS and still functioning. We'll see how well they can defend themselves from the Turkish invaders. Despite the fact that the United States officially claims to oppose Assad, and despite all the praise the US heaps on Rojava in the war with ISIS, it harbors so much contempt for Rojava (probably to appease Turkey, but maybe also for being Communist) that it's opposed to their autonomy (forget independence) from the Syrian regime.
>The Zapatista Army of National Liberation, aka EZLN, have been doing their thing in Chiapas since 1994, and their coffee cooperatives ensure that they're not going anywhere anytime soon.
For rosa it should say freikorps AND succdems
Read "Village Against the World". It's an excellent book detailing the visit of a journalist to Marinaleda. Surprisingly efficent, considering the comparative wealth of the region.
This shitty picture gets debunked in every thread. Chavez is missing in most versions because commies are embarassed of him now, there are a bunch of actual brutal dictators, fanatics who thankfully didn't live very long and typical socdems whose greatest contribution to humanity was that they didn't want to genocide anyone, they still failed in every other way including economically.
Socialism doesn't work as well as communism.
The funniest thing about that image is that by trying to go
>it totes would had worked if it hadn't been for these rival political systems
it only serves as a further proof that the socialism doesn't really work, if your ideology isn't strong enough to survive in a competitive environment it probably was a pretty damn shitty ideology.
>Ukrainian Free Territory
>Parris Commune
Literally just chimpouts, can't even be considered political systems.
That's an oxymoron.
>The few examples when communism worked out relatively fine
That's like saying Rhodesia didn't work because it was invaded and didn't have allies.
>mass murder, torture, gulags, and famine were the result of all communist movements
Literally not true.
>communism doesn't wo...
Can you redditors fuck off already?
argumentum ad ignorantiam
please submit relevant info or stay in your containment board
Your pic very much related, China had to abandon communism in the 1970s.
>soviet union failed, that proves that communism doesn't work
>china didn't fail, that proves it is not true communism
pick one
>communist apologists in 2017
Kill yourselves for the sake of humanity please.
>doesn't grasp basic history
the absolute state of sub 80 iq mouthbreathing commies
is this image meant as a parody? I honestly can't tell
so you have no arguments, other than insults?
I love how most of these examples involved short lived states that were born and died in the Myst of a violent conflict that they failed to survive.
you've yet to argue for or against the OP without being a macro image faggot
My argument is that you're too stupid and uneducated. Why are you even on this board?
Communism doesn't work.
Evidence: Look at every try ever in the history of the world.
>don't true capitalism
None of these were communists idiot.Wages, private property and the state still existed.
Did you even read the manifesto?
>there's a party called Communist in charge
>therefore it's communism
>muh "not real communism"
How is it communism?
its a socialist state in the process of becoming communist
>Nike and Apple sweatshops everywhere
>300 thousands death on Yugoslavia
>China's constitution states that The People's Republic of China "is a socialist state under the people's democratic dictatorship led by the working class and based on the alliance of workers and peasants," and that the state organs "apply the principle of democratic centralism."[181]
>Nike sweatshops
>capitalist policy in india
>120 mi
Is getting old capitalist problem?
>we wuznt real communizm n sheeit
Very clearly mocking communists (aka redditors).
China has a bigger income inequality than Uganda. How is that socialism?
>inb4 it is socialist because it has state owned enterprises! even though it doesn't care about socialist policies
After Mao carked it, China moved decisively to some kind of nationalist capitalism with heavy government interference.
Ironically closer to fascist economics than anything.
yeah it's almost like there's no motivation or any real reason to preserve socialist institutions
who would have thought?
Because socialism can't reach "equality" however much it claims it can. Just because the theory claims everything will be "equal", everything is "equal".
It's almost like reality is different from the failure of a theory that is socialism.
China has state capitalism, they're literally more capitalist than any current western country, they let foreign megacorps run sweatshops there and there's no real safety regulations or workers' rights. They're only keeping the Commie party in charge because Mao cult is still strong, especially in rural China.
So that implies that China isn't socialist in the Marxist sense, but rather in their own special kind of "Socialism with Chinese characteristics".
>Marx wrote that capitalists, in their search for profit, would travel the world in a bid to establish new international markets – hence, it is generally assumed that Marx forecasted globalization.[55] His writings on the subject is used to justify the CPC's market reforms, since nations, according to Marx, have little choice in the matter of joining or not.[55] Opting not to take part in capitalist globalization means losing out in the fields of economic development, technological development, foreign investment and world trade.[55]
>state capitalist
>literally more capitalist than any western country
because it's a developing nation, duh
capitalist developing nations have no less inequality, see india
epic argument
I can call myself a flying jewish T-rex, doesn't mean I'm actually one.
Also obligatory
>What is the democratic republic of North Korea
>muh marxism
Marxism is a failure, nothing Marx claimed is true. Forget it and everything it claims.
>commie apologists in 2017
Kill yourself.
>forecasted globalization
Globalization was already a thing when Marx lived. The first Opium War literally happened before he even wrote das Kapital.
Marxist apologists BTFO
I'm not a Marxist, but i don't see how a country with a market economy and with a bigger inequality than most of Western countries can consider itself socialist.
Name a western country more capitalist than China.
diplpmatic legitimacy is an important part of a functioning state
state capitalism is socialism
>What is the democratic republic of North Korea
absolut monarchy
Because socialism always leads to massive inequality. Where does this notion that socialism will somehow make inequality cease to exist?
that was imperialism, not globalization
Depends on how you define 'more capitalist'. Freer market? Less regulations? Lower taxes?
It isn't. Thing is, what they had in the USSR wasn't state capitalism like some Marxshits claim, that was actually a form of socialism.
All western countries are more capitalist than China.
State capitalism is merely an attempt at socialism through by trying to use all the good that capitalism brings to create a socialist society. It fails horribly as does everything that touches socialism.
And that reinforce my point.
Calling yourself X doesn't make you X.
>Marx wrote that capitalists, in their search for profit, would travel the world in a bid to establish new international markets
This is literally why the Opium Wars happened, Mr. Brainlet.
Adding to this: state controlled market with next to no regulationz is what China has. Norway has a very high economic freedom (easy to start a business, trade) but has lots of regulations. Singapore has both few regulations (on trade) and a very free market.
socialism only means that the government owns the means of production.
This is the case in state capitalism, thus state capitalism is socialism
someone explain the "state capitalism" meme to me
isn't it literally public ownership of the means of production?
isn't it literally what marx called for immediately after the revolution in the manifesto?
name one thing about china that isn't socialist
No, socialism means abolishing private means of production. If China was socialist those Nike sweatshops wouldn't be there.
yes, but capitalists think it is unfair when socialists use the free market, thus they say its "not real socialism"
>next to no regulations
You what? The fact that markets are state controlled is a massive fucking regulation.
Germany is somewhere between socialism and communism currently.
>muh socialist utopia
I'm not a socialist.
Germany is doomed, as is the European Union. Still, it's not worse than China.
>im not socializt n sheeit
allowing foreign investors is not against socialism
denmark and sweden don't have high inequality, though I would argue this is due in part to the fact that they are still liberal democracies.
>im not socializt n sheeit
Quality posting.
>something clearly goes against the theory (even if its a retarded one)
>wtf dude we're just pragmatic its not like we changed nah bro we're still socialist ;)))
Allowing private megacorps is.
Workers aren't the owners of the means of production.
Wages still exists.
Also what that other user said aboutt he sweatshops
btw check those quads
Can't speak for Denmark but Sweden have massive inequality in many different areas. Highest income earners are taxed at a ridiculous 575, that's one massive inequality.
Another inequality is the fact that the government buys up houses for economic migrants whereas Swedes have to deal with a huge housing bubble and retarded rent prices.