Why were the Aztecs so evil?
Why were the Aztecs so evil?
>Evil is a thing
Short skull, culture of murder.
>he hasnt accepted Christ
*rips your heart out and eats it*
heh, evil is a relative term, you pleb
They didn't eat it.
Define Evil user
these image's in no way shape or form represent the Aztec people
they were a peaceful people who were unjustly persecuted by white European's
I think brutal would be a more fair descriptor
I don't ask George Soros, he's the one that supported the Aztecs against the Christian Spaniards.
oh thank goodness
>Enemy force is 1,000 smelly Euros and their newfound slaves
>Somehow lose 200,000 men to them
Evil is a spook
It's almost as if the Aztecs were technologically inferior
They worshiped a particularly devilish faction of fallen angels.
Why were christians so evil?
>a hysteric phase that was a small part of the history is comparable to a ritual central to the Aztec culture
I don't care if a nigga got a gun, if I outnumber the nigga 1 to 30, I'mma fuck him up
Not if that 1 is a cavalry unit is armored with steel and and the 30 only have wooden weapons, who not only don't have artillery, but never have even faced cavalry before.
>their newfound slaves
those newfound "slaves" rescued the expedition leader twice
also aztecs being retarded honorfags that wanted to sacrifice spaniards in a ceremony and not just outright kill them
>1,000 smelly Euros
and disease-ridden
There was literally nothing wrong with burning witches.
Executing dealers in poisons and abortifacients, and corruptors of the youth and clergy is in no way comparable to superstitiously sacrificing people for a good corn harvest.
>Europeans are disease-ridden
>not the syphilitic New World sloots that introduced the Spanish to the French disease.
Glass houses m8
diseases from the new world introduced to the old world:
- a bed bug infection
- syphilis (disputed)
diseases from the old world introduced to the new world:
- bubonic plague
- chicken pox
- cholera
- diphtheria
- influenza
- leprosy
- malaria
- measles
- scarlet fever
- smallpox
- typhoid
- typhus
- whooping cough
- yaws
- yellow fever
burning a witch is a form of religious sacrifice
The celts would periodically construct a giant wicker human effigy, fill the entire thing with living humans and then light the fucker. Other primitive civilizations probably did similar shit. That the Aztecs did it on a grander scale is attributable to two main things.
1. Their main crop was corn which when compared to the wheat abd various cereals of europe fed more people per acre, was easier to prepare and was harvested more times a year. This led to a larger relative surplus population which translated to larger more frequent sacrifices.
2. Better documentation of the event. Stone age europe, India or China may well have been equally as sacrifice-happy, we just don't know it as no accounts survive since writing wasn't a big thing.
Humans are evil, life is evil user.
>syphilis (disputed)
It's been confirmed at this point.
It's a from of secular execution for being a corruptors of public morals and an abortionist/poisoner.
No supernatural forces are being propitiated with the hopes of future good fortune when a witch is convicted and punished for it's crimes. You might as well claim that sending murderers to execution is a form of religious sacrifice if you're going to bend the truth that much.
then why witches were judged on religious terms, like being in alliance with demons, etc?
>secular execution
Superstition goes hand in hand with religious motivations.
So in other words the New World were already disease ridden prior to the arrival of the Spaniards. Concession accepted.
>for being a corruptors of public morals
Morals set by a religious body.
Not even that user but...are you retarded?
because that was the terminology of the day, on the other hand there's no way you can justify Aztec sacrifice in a modern context using secular terminology.
You might say that executing people for selling abortion drugs and poison or seducing clerics and elected officials is unjust according to modern morality but "we need to execute this person for selling drugs to children" it is still more justifiable within the context of modern secular morality than "we need to execute these people so we can appease our nature avatars and guarantee a good harvest.".
nah they just ate the babies after they tortured them to give their tears to their god
then we could agree aztecs executed POWs to terrorize their enemies into submission and invented a religious pretext for that
>I'm retarded for pointing out that the people of the New World were clearly disease-ridden as well for having syphilis.
Good luck saying "Hey baby, it's only syphilis it's no big deal, you're even worse you've got CHICKEN-POX!".
Because they were 100 years removed from being nomadic warriors that whise every battle was a celebration to their gods and were still adjusting.
Srsly, look it up. The Aztecs were newcomers to the valley of Mexico, they had been there for about 100 years when Cortez showed up. Before that they were a bunch of nomadic raiders in constant warfare and culling off anyone that slowed them down.
and here I was thinking atheists didn't need religion to be moral....
Death to Aztec fucking shits. Spain's only mistake was raping the women instead of killing them.
this, and they ruled over other peoples by terror
>actually true
How the fuck did they build all that in a single century?
they built nothing, that's just azt*c propaganda so you don't realize they were worse than literally hitler
Well user, "they" probably didn't.
We know that they spent a while whoring themselves out to any schmuck that both had gold and needed someone's head caved in. Along with that head smashing came prisoners. The uneducated would be killed but the tradesmen would be put to building pyramids and temples. Afterall, nomadic raiders don't make the best engineers. At least this was probably the case in their formative years.
>instead of killing them.
Are you retarded?
There are almost no descendents of the Aztecs, most of them were killed with the diseases that the spaniards brought, and the ones who were still alive ended up diying during the siege
>they were a peaceful people who were unjustly persecuted by white European's
> Aztec people
I don't even understand what you're suggesting. Upwards of 90% of native deaths came from disease. This is undisputed by every credible historian. Are you suggesting that didn't happeb or they died because of them being so culturally inferior or something. You're perspective is just so profoundly dumb that it's difficult to understand your point.
First of all smallpox.
Second, Aztecs were only 3,000 years behind the Spaniards technology wise. Maybe 4,000.
They were the Sumerians of the Americas.
wew lad
We're not even on the same book here let alone the same page. I'm just saying the New World was disease-ridden too and people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.
>what is a mestizo
I noticed that's pretty common in history. Barbarian invaders coming in to settle as the new aristocracy. Like the dorian invasion, for example.
Or the Mongols, Turks, Ostrogoths and Visigoths...
Still superior though.
Care to explain without pseudoscientific circlejerk retardness?
>to stupid 4 meems
Lol no, Aztecs were far more brutal than anyone else in The planet
But their skull determines they were superior technologically.
Still superior though.
Stone age Europe did NOT have sacrifices except for central Europe, Aldo stone age means FUCK ALL, Aztecs were urbanized and behaved like subhumans, NO ONE IN URBANIZED EUROPE PEACTICED SACRIFICE TI THAT DEGREE, EVEN LESS SO NO URBANIZED MENA PEPPLE (Except for Egypt for a very short time when they were still at the beginning of their civilization, Aztecs have NO excuses, fuck off
t. brainlet
Carthage, nigger
Brainlet detected.
t. short heda
Literally everyone except some mesoamerican tribes and autistic andean tribes practiced sacrifice. Literally all neolithic southern europe and obviously central europe practiced it until late-bronze age/iron age.
>140 IQ
>to smart for iberian savages in uni
>somehow i'm a sacrifice practicer
Archaeologists established most of those buried children were stilborn FUCK YOU, NOTHING IN THEIR ICONOGRAPHY OR EPIGRAPHS SUGGEST THEY PRACTICED BRUTAL SACRIFICES
t. short heda
No one in Neolithic/bronze age Southern Europe practiced human sacrifices, you retarded subhuman
See What? A retarded statement?
Because they were savages. I'm glad the Spanish purged so many mezo-american natives.
>a murderous Satanic civilization regularly tortured children and eat them, brutally sacrifice people by The thousands on a regular babies, despite being at their apogee, most of its visual art depicts brutal sacrifice
>another civilization practices one painless human sacrifice because The civilization was starving after its collapse
HURRR DUUUURR see guys??? We wuz all the same xD
because to aztecs were extremely unpopular and would have been facing a major uprising of Totonac tribes that could have potentially toppled the triple aliance even if the Spanish hadn't arrived. Cortes happened to arrive at a moment when the political situation was extremely volatile, and he helped to light the fuse.
>another civilization practices one painless human sacrifice because The civilization was starving after its collapse, and it's hidden from the public and elites
Literally the Incas.
>tfw no idea what this retard is going on about
>deciding to live in the middle of a lake
>in central mexico
wouldn't the mosquitoes have been a serious problem?
>literal descriptions of human sacrifice in greco-roman antiquity
>many probable burials of human sacrifice found on Hellas and italic peninsula
>a murderous satanic civilization
Well the serious problem was in their heads to begin with
I meant the IQ shit
Too much intelectual superiority?
Such as?
>MANY burials found
Such as....?
t. brainlet
t. short heda
Satan is evil, The Aztects were too
Aztecs were less evil than eurangutans though. That would bean that eurangutans are worse than evil.
They were good Christians, they only killed in self defense
human sacrifice was also common in Shang dynasty China, and Egypt during the first dynasty (and probably earlier). The bodies of over a dozen retainers were found in the tomb of madame wu.
>that would bean
t. illiterate savage
Invading Amerindian lands is not self-defence, sweetie.
That doesn't mean they were satanic, you have to be a christian to worship satan. The aztecs had their own pantheon of gods that they worshiped.
Oh yeah when Egypt was barely urbanized XD They killed a few assholes so They could sleep with The king big deal
That's a typo, subhuman.
It was Satan, different name, same entity
I don't understand what point you're trying to make, is that not human sacrifice?