What are the historical and philosophical bases of Third Wave Feminism? I've been looking into some Facebook groups of them and they seem pretty mentally unstable and use weird words like "heteropatriarchy" and seem to think that if I sit in the toilet I'm oppressing it.
Philosophy of Feminism
>Inb4 anti-Semitism
its just as you said , lucky its got racial overtones which only make it preferable in white country's since it can only feed on white males
Feminism is just the latest manifestation of the eternal cunt.
>I've been looking into some Facebook groups
Jesus Christ dude do you actually want to learn about a thing, or do you want to confirm how you already feel about it? Actual, academic theory exists on this subject, and it's not being innovated on the frontlines of facebook and tumblr.
I dunno if you genuinely want advice on where to start, but if you're interested I would recommend you contextualize your understanding of "classic" feminist theory by reading de Beauvoir's The Second Sex. A lot of the shit brought up in the third wave was addressing the firm undercurrent of racism and classism present in this lens, and eventually developed to include a critique of essentialist views on femininity and the female identity. Historically speaking, I think one of the first major backlashes to second wave theory came in the form of challenging its inherent sex-negativity, so that plays a large part as well. In terms of reading, I would point you towards Audre Lorde, Kimberle Crenshaw, and Rebecca Walker.
dunno why I bother, though
>telling people on Veeky Forums to read books so they can develop a nuanced understanding of things
sorry bruh im gonna need you to boil that down to some infographics if you want me to give even half a shit
take communist manifesto
replace women with proletariat, men with borgesoise,and patriarchy with capitalism
neon hairdye
Kind of hard to ignore the prevalence of Jewesses in 2nd and 3rd wave feminism, they practically made up all of the notable leadership and funding.
What I don't get is why this people think oppression is inherently bad.
>academic feminism
>academic horoscopes
>academic homeopathy
>academic communism
Combination of Christian values with Marxism and white guilt.
Feminism is just a front social movement for revolutionary communism, it doesn't exist as its own thing.
Its historical and philosophical bases are the same as late XXth century Marxism. Gramsci, Marcuse, Laclau, etc
You only say that because you're not the one being oppressed.
Men as group are biologically unable to oppress females as a group, because females are the ruling class by their own design.
Well, I'm not oppressing anyone right now but I wouldn't mind if I have to, some of my ancestors oppressed others, one of my great-grandfathers actually whipped people in a plantation (he was not white), and some were oppressed it's like normal human nature having a hierarchical structure, just look at other primates.
>low t in men is actually the result of females >selecting for dysgenic traits in men
And this change is supposed to have taken place when, exactly? The last century? Less? How do you seriously entertain the idea that this alleged selection has made an impact in like 3 or 4 generations, tops.
I know this is just some autistic "red pilled" robot rationalizing why he can't get a date with whatever elaborate bullshit he can think of, but why do equally pathetic retards think this stuff is brilliant.
Selection has been making an impact before humans even existed.
>I know this is just some autistic "red pilled" robot rationalizing why he can't get a date with whatever elaborate bullshit he can think of, but why do equally pathetic retards think this stuff is brilliant.
Nope, it's my post. I just screencapped it for future posting so I wouldn't have to copypaste it each time.
>it's my post.
>I just screencapped it
Not him... her... whatever. Point is, this is the most cringe inducing thing I have read on Veeky Forums since its creation, and that's saying a lot.
Just for the record, this implies is futile to discuss with you at all. If you're so deep into your own ass you believe a screencap of your own argument can be play as a triumph card, and you're proud of admitting it, then we're pretty much done here.
>we're pretty much done here
I never implied I was interested in having a conversation with you, nigger.
>Selection has been making an impact before humans even existed.
Doesn't even come close to answering the question lmao
When do you think this specific change (the emasculation of men you suggest) actually start HAPPENING. What century.
Bro you can't actually believe this shit.
Late 19th to early 20th, when the great strides in industrial automation happened.
>I don't like it therefore it isn't academic
if you can spend six years getting a PhD in it and then derive a livelihood from teaching it at 90% of American universities, it's an academic subject. you disagreeing with it or thinking it's bunk doesn't really change that.
>American universities
That first word alone makes it non-academic
And which prestigious institution of higher learning did you attend?
I'm a high school dropout.
So we're looking at 6 generations at a generous estimation. You seriously think the traits that women seek in men have not only done a complete reversal, but the result of that change in selection is showing itself in only 6 generations?
I would attribute test levels declining (a statistic we have only been monitoring for like 30 years, which is not even TWO generations of time) to the drastic changes in industry/society brought on by the industrial rev way before I'd try to hand wave it as women literally picking weaker men "because evolution."
It's not only incredibly simplistic of an explanation, it's a complete misunderstanding of human evolution. Being a beta isn't an "instinct bred into you" by women in less than a hundred years. It sounds nice and snappy, but it's baseless bullshit you've cooked up based on your own personal observations rather than anything a hair more legitimate than that.
When 17% of all sociologist accept the label "Marxist" and twice as many consider themselves "radicals" or "activists" I'd go out on a limb and call it bullshit without actual scientific leg to stand on.
Loved that Norwegian documentary (gender inequality paradox iirc) that called them out on their bullshit after consulting actual academics involved with actual scientific research on it until they literally admitted that their theories are not scientific theories but "social theories" whatever that means.
The docu eventually led to the closing of the Nordic Gender Institute which makes me wonder how much bullshit they're peddling and not being called out for it.
Feminism is a contagious and mutagenic venereal disease that, like Syphilis, affects both the reproductive system and the nervous system of women who were deficient in the antibodies present in the sperm of Human males, i.e. single females and lesbians. Symptoms of Feminism include: infertility, uterine damage, encephalitis resulting in increased aggression (just like Rabies), adrenaline overdose (magnifying their already-aggressive amygdalas by 99%), severe allergy to males, endocrine dysfunction, obesity, diabetes, excessive growth of body hair, toxic body odour, vagina dentata, breast cancer, cervical cancer, ovarian cancer, brain cancer, cancer in general, and paranoid schizophrenia involving a phobia that The Man and everything (even the trees) is out to rape them. Some victims of severe infection by Feminism are hopelessly mutated so much that they resemble less Human Female but rather as rabid, mimondless and extremely violent canines that murder any Human male near them.
Considering that even a cursory look at the history of the feminist movement reveals a massively disproportionate amount of lesbians involved in feminism, and it all becomes rather spoopy "Feminists" attempt to create a socially acceptable lifestyle for lesbians (a career, no husband, no kids, girl-on-girl domestic violence). However, this original template for lesbian emancipation as applied to all women means that straight women now step out of high school/university and straight into 40 years of non-stop wage slavery. They sometimes forgo marriage/children, take up eating/drinking/smoking to cope, and die a lonely death, with their body eaten finally by their pet cats.
One can identify when a female is in the beginning stages of Feminist infection when she realizes her pussy is dry like the Sahara, her boobs are saggy like Niagra Falls, her menstruation is so acidic it melts the strongest metals on the Periodic Table, and her face is an abomination unto God.