Between Joseph Smith and Muhammad, which one was more blatant about making things up on the spot for personal convenience?
Between Joseph Smith and Muhammad...
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HARAMMMMMM. U deserve a rooftop throwing
Both Suck, Muhammads followers blow people up now, while Smiths Followers knock on your door wearing stupid attire while your trying to play video games, both can rot in hell.
Why is he wearing mascara?
>BOM looks down on polygamy
>Does it anyway
>D&C says you have to inform your first wife
>He doesn't
>D&C says you can't marry Women that are already married
>He cucked guys while they were away on missions
Well, we have more data on Smith, so that biases things, but the whole "God changed the wording because you tried to test him" thing was pretty ridiculous.
Dude it's forbidden to show a picture of Muhammad PBUH
Mohammed because even his own wife pointed out that he seems to have a revelation when he wants something.
There has come to you enlightenment from your Lord. So whoever will see does so for [the benefit of] his soul, and whoever is blind [does harm] against it. And [say], "I am not a guardian over you."
His child wife
Just because she was a kid doesn't mean she wasn't clever.
So when the night covered him [with darkness], he saw a star. He said, "This is my lord." But when it set, he said, "I like not those that disappear."
And when he saw the moon rising, he said, "This is my lord." But when it set, he said, "Unless my Lord guides me, I will surely be among the people gone astray."
And when he saw the sun rising, he said, "This is my lord; this is greater." But when it set, he said, "O my people, indeed I am free from what you associate with Allah .
Thats not Muhammad.
>So when the night covered him [with darkness], he saw a star. He said, "This is my lord." But when it set, he said, "I like not those that disappear."
>And when he saw the moon rising, he said, "This is my lord." But when it set, he said, "Unless my Lord guides me, I will surely be among the people gone astray."
>And when he saw the sun rising, he said, "This is my lord; this is greater." But when it set, he said, "O my people, indeed I am free from what you associate with Allah .
None of this sounds like damage control. It sounds like he was actually waiting for it desu.
Ali is the real prophet though, G*d's angel delivered the message to the wrong person is all
shia heterodox
Mohemmed. Smith certainly made his religion up, but after he was done "scrying" he stopped, Mohemmed continued to pretend God was ordering the Muslims to do all the things Mohemmend commanded. Also as a religion, Moronism is harmless and even has many good aspects,whilePisslam is a scourge upon the Earth.
Fine I found a real picture of Mohemmed. Now answer the OP, pedants.
I thought even Shia accept Mohemmed as God's prophet, and consider Ali to be merely rashidun?
Because sand
Which shia? Twelver? Zaydia? Even amongst shiite there are sects that made them cringe
And sun glare
Do you know what constitutes charity in Islam? Helping other Muslims. That's it. Helping a non-Muslim is actually prohibited by the Koran, as is making friends with a non-Muslim, or allowing a non-Muslim to go around in a Muslim territory and not "feel himself humbled". Contrast that with the Moron idea of charity, which is good works for whoever needs them.
I doubt there is a single one that claims Ali was a prophet, or that denies the prophet hood of Mohemmed.
Just to add: In Islam, it is customary to pay a tithe to the religious authorities, and this tithe counts as "charity" for Muslims. Not all (or even many) Muslims pay this tithe, and even fewer pay the full 10%. Meanwhile I have never met a Moron who DOESN'T pay his 10% to the church, and for Morons this expectation is in addition to the expectation that they be charitable, they don't count tithing as "doing good works".
yes mainstream shia do, thats why i said shia heterodox. in Early Islam there were a variety of heterodox movements that gave variations of Ali being a prophet, God himself, an angel, or Muhammed's puppet master. A group argued that Muhammed was a false or accidental prophet and that the Angel actually meant to deliver the Message to Ali. Alternatively, iirc Ali was the angel who revealed the Truth to Muhammed in another telling.
Do Muslims not question how Muhammad received his messages? For one, he only received them in dreams and they came at different points in time which loosely translates to Gabriel saying "I'll tell you, but later"
Why even call ourself a Muslim at all at that point? Just become a Bahai'ii or something.
Muhammad was white. Muhammad was also killed by Allah in an act of divine justice. Poisoned by a Jewish woman "the poison tears at my aorta."
Also, how does a prophet die of a fever or poison? Jesus at least went out in a cool way.
you're right, it wasn't, really. its no coincidence that all of these shortlived movements sprung up in mesopotamia where there was a tradition of gnosticism, zoroastrianism, nestorianism and other older traditions.
He was a false prophet and got his comeuppance.
>Wished to be martyred
>Died like a pathetic beta
>Didn't foresee the food was poisoned
>Accepted food from a jewess in the first place, even after killing her family
>Allah protected the true prophet, Jesus
>Allah killed memehamad by tearing his aorta
>Muhammad said "if I'm wrong, let god strike me with lightning" except replace lightning with tearing of the aorta
>Was white and said niggers were the face of satan
>After a slave got shot with an arrow he said enjoy hell, because the slave took some fabric before the booty was divided
>Multiple wives
>Killed jews just because
>Created a religion that worships himself rather than God
>His only miracle was his pathetic death
Four reasons so many religions came from persia: dry climate leads to pastoralism and long nights spent under clear skies; hot desert sun leading to heatstroke and mirages; soma aka hashish; and opium.
>>Created a religion that worships himself rather than God
Glad we agree that this is the hallmark of a false prophet. HaShem is one, he has no sons.
And a fifth: crossroads of civlizations.
Most Muslims don't know but Islam relies almost entirely on Christianity to be true in order for their beliefs to make sense.
>when your bullshit is so blatant and obvious that a child calls you out on it
By all accounts she was a remarkable loli. It's sad to think what she might have achieved, had she been raised by humans and not muslims.
I think you mean that both Islam and Christianity rely on Judaism to be true. No Moses = no Jesus or Mohemmed.
If you read up on her, Aisha was extremely intelligent.
A wierd thing about Muhammed is a lot of things he did he never intended for his followers to explicitly do themselves, but since they thought the best thing to do is emulate him it became codified into law
>dislike of dogs but love of cats
>the veil, which was meant to hide his wives' identity so they wouldn't be robbed when going out shopping since they were rich
Moreso, it relies on God being real, that's an easy box to check. No Moses = impossible. Muhammad exists only to show the divine justice bestowed upon false prophets. He almost fits the bill perfectly for an antichrist.
Top 10 pranks god let go too far: Persians, Islam, and flies.
One of these only exists because it's right in the heartland of the most secure region on the planet, so left
Also this
you're right, this is more accurate
Christianity is much more confluent with Judaism though as it adapts much of the Torah into the new testament. Same God, but with a prophet son. God in Islam 'acts' noticeably different. Islam's bridge to Christianity and Judaism is really uninspired, basically
>Hey guys, this guy is the true prophet is swear this time
You’re gods are nonexistent, religion is a lie
prove it
>dislike of dogs but love of cats
This makes up my mind, Islam is trash.
You want your prophet to look drab and not fab? Fucking disgusting.
Joseph clearly said things that were false, whereas Muhammad made strikingly accurate claims.
One such example is how Muhammad described airplanes.
He said dajjal would ride on a donkey with ears 40 cubits long (wings of the airplane), and he would travel in land and in the sky, and he would eat fire (gasoline) but the people inside would not get hurt.
Muhammad also said when a man leaves his home his whip will talk to him and tell him what is happening. This is clearly describing phones
Muhammad also said the dishes would communicate and people would sever family ties. This means people would be watching tv (satellite dish) and families wouldnt communicate they would be too busy with their electronics.
Also, Muhammad was not just referencing Christianity because it would help him, rather Muhammad is clearly mentioned in many parts of the bible.
One such example is Isiah 42, where it says a servant of God will come from the people of kedar and he will defeat the idolators, he will be a mighty warrior and the people of sela will rejoice upon his arrival.
Kedar is the son of ishmael from whom Muhammad is a direcy descendent of. Sela is a mountain in Madinah where the Prophet saws ruled from. Therefore if you're a Christian you should believe in Muhammad
Joesph was a random man who said incorrect things, Muhammad was a divine prophet.
That's pretty reaching. How people didn't laugh their asses (lol) off when Muhammad mentioned a flying donkey was beyond me. Why make predictions that would only come true in the 20 th century? What sense would people make of this for the 1,300 years in between
muhammad was asked what makes children resemble their father rather than their mother, vice versa
he responds
>if the woman discharges first, he will resemble the mother's side
>if the man discharges first, he will resemble the father
f a l s e
p r o p h e t
i forgot to add, muhammad didn't know shit, but he was so confident/arrogant that people believed him
likely a narcissist with extreme sociopathic tendencies. it definitely helps explain the inconsistencies he presented
>Was white
Read the Hadith, it's explicitly emphasized.
>The man with white skin
>His white elbows
>His white armpits
Almost comical, it makes sense, there were plenty of caucasians in that area.
Islam pretty much rips everything from Judaism, Christianity, and Gnosticism and adds it's own comparable tribal framework.
Mormonism just straight makes shit up with things like Jesus in America. Everything Islam has can be found in either Jewish, Christian, or Gnostic scripture.
How the fuck is any of that accurate when you have to do an insane amount of mental gymnastics to come to any of those answers?
Muhammad didnt only make predictions that would come true 1400 years after, he made hundreds of predictions over the past centuries which can be easily accessed. The reason why there are so many hadiths on the current era is because it is for Muslims to know when the dajjal will come, and what to do to prepare(because this is the time when dajjal will stwrt to come soon maybe in 100 years idk) Also, Im only giving you hadiths that pertain to the modern era because it wouldnt make sense if I gave you a random hadith from the 13th century.
Also, people didnt laugh at Muhammad because he performed miracles and signs that he was prophet, so they would easily believe what he told them.
Obviously you havent studied how hadiths work, you just copy and pasted from a blog. The word "discharges" first means sabaq in arabic. Sabaq has two meanings, dominant, and discharges "first". Some Muslims took the first meaning, where it would say "if a mans (genes) are dominant over a womans" and the second "if a man discharges first". By translating a 1400 year old language into english you'll have these small errors. The correct translation would be ,if a mans genes are dominant over a womans,
>Messages from God only occurred in dreams
Once again those predictions are very far reaching, so much so that I suspect you're trolling because no one this dumb could solve a captcha to post. Tne one about dishes, it heavily relies on a coincidence of satellite dishes being called such.
why is this so funny? arabs have always been diverse.
Are we really going to go through the rigamarole of
>You misinterpreted the text
>The translation was off
>This can't be happening
>I'm in charge here
Yeah, no, Islam is much closer to Judaism in nearly every regard. Christians are mostly polytheists, you can't commit a worse sin in Judaism OR Islam than to associate another with God. Christianity is what you get when you splice a Greek Mystery Religion to Judaism, while Islam is merely a distorted and garbled copy-paste of Judaism.
>Also, people didnt laugh at Muhammad because he performed miracles
Such as?
The only thing i recall is the moon splitting thing(which should have been mentioned in comtemporary chronicles, but that's another story).
I distinctly recall he went "you're all a bunch of inful faggots, and dont deserve miracles"
Mohemmed didn't perform miracles, but performing miracles is no proof that someone is a prophet, after all Pharoh's magicians were able to match Moses's magic tricks.
>you can't commit a worse sin in Judaism OR Islam than to associate another with God.
Better to be an associator, than a mutilator.
t. John of Damascus
Yeah, no. Again, there is NO greater sin in either system. This is something they share that Christianity lacks, and is just one example of where Islam and Judaism are much closer than either is to Christianity.
It is, however, a necessary mark of a being a prophet, in judaism.
Which is why he had such troubles convincing the jewish tribes he was a prophet.
>It is, however, a necessary mark of a being a prophet, in judaism.
Nope. Read your Bible, many OT prophets never performed a single miracle. There are signs that someone is a true prophet or not, and Mohemmed did indeed fail these tests, but miracles are not one of them.
Masked Arab has a video about just this event, in fact
A thred died for this.
Didn't he also show classic signs of epilepsy during the ones that came during the day?
Crucifiction was the opposite of a cool death.
Learn to meme christcucks.
>there were plenty of caucasians in that area.
Of course there is plenty of caucasians in the arabic penisula. They historically were and still today are the vast majority of its population.
Wait, don't tell me you actually think that "caucasian" is synonym to "whites"
Yeah in terms of covering up I believe the Quran explicitly talks about covering the bosom not face.
Muhammads cult became more cancerous
Okay but this is in fact mohammed.
Mohammed and the black stone
Mohammad looks like an evil neanderthal
Seriously. Hebrews. In fucking Pre-Colombian America.
Hopefully it was a thread about communism.
Those always end up becoming a shitfest between /pol/ and /leftypol/.
Mohammed riding on Buraq into heaven
Do you think he just didn't want to be portrayed because he was super ugly?
Everyday I am more convinced that muslims should be killed
Blame Persians
Fucking persian sinner cunts.
But Christianity can still get away with this via the Trinity which states Jesus and God are one in the same.
Islam seems close to Judaism on the surface with this example, but digging deeper you'll find that Islam just rips off some characters and rebrands them to support Islam. For Islam to exist, it is dependent on the belief that 90% of the Torah and Bible is made up, corrupted bullshit. The emergence of the five pillars as a central belief system not found in either of the aforementioned books is an example of Islam going rogue and developing a new belief system. Again, Christianity still integrates the old testament from the Torah whilst Islam writes most of it off as lies.
No it's not you moron. Check your facts before correcting other people.
It's Muhammad since he holds a book, the Qur'an. In this type of Shi'a portrayals Ali would be holding the sword Zulfiqar, and each of the 14 Infallibles would hold a different attribute, since their faces are quite similar to each other.
"Miracles" of muhammad:
>The Quran
This makes all fanfic writers miracle workers too
>Splitting the moon
Yeah lmao ok
Walking at night is a miracle
>He said that he would kill one of the enemies of the Muslims, Ubay ibn Khalaf, which he achieved at the Battle of Uhud.[14]
Generals who talk shit are now prophets too I guess. Wanna talk about the battles this "prophet" lost?
>He used to understand the language of animals.[21][22]
>>>>Used to
What happened? Also guys, this pig totally wants to eat something
Literally the only thing he was "right" about was how God would punish him.
He was a white boi. The hadith literally cannot stop describing his skin tone.
Pic related, the exact opposite of muhammad.
>But Christianity can still get away with this via the Trinity which states Jesus and God are one in the same.
This fools no-one but Christians. Jews, Muslims, and any objective third party see them worshiping three (four, if you count Mary) gods and proclaiming that Jesus comes before the Father (only thru me shall you see the father), in direct and clear violation of the first and second commandments.
>Islam seems close to Judaism on the surface with this example, but digging deeper you'll find that Islam just rips off some characters and rebrands them to support Islam.
Yes, much of the Koran is retellings of Jewish stories, often with errors or distortions added by Mohemmed's imperfect memory. Much of the rest is Arabic folk tales and superstitions. But in terms of theology, Islam is a near perfect match for Judaism in a way Christianity doesn't come close, and even in other less important ways it is a close echo, such as the contempt for women (also found in Christianity but heavily moderated there by the essential gender egalitarianism of Europeans) and in its prohibition on various foods, and even what those foods are (no surprise because again Mohemmed merely copied Judaism, but my point is that he got closer to Judaism thru his crude plagiarism than Christianity did with its weird pagan syncretism).
>For Islam to exist, it is dependent on the belief that 90% of the Torah and Bible is made up, corrupted bullshit.
No, Muslims believe the originals of both of those were fully Muslim in character, and that mere men acting over the centuries have corrupted the messages, not that they are bullshit thru and thru. It's a subtle distinction, but again compare Christians, who claim NOT to have changed the OT, and yet who conspicuously ignore 99% of the mitvot outlined therein, with literally no good reason since they affirm that the Torah is the unaltered word of God.
>The emergence of the five pillars as a central belief system not found in either of the aforementioned books is an example of Islam going rogue and developing a new belief system.
Explicitly enumerating them is new, but the idea certainly isn't. Christians have pilgrimage, compulsory regular prayer, public professions of faith, conversion processes and such like as well, they just don't have a neat list outlining the most important five (and Muslims have obligations beyond the five pillars, of course).
It's only funny if you put the chad as the person you dislike
Obviously Smith, he was either a madman or a con artist. It's amazing that he was able to convince so many Europeans to go and die in the American west to stoke his own ego, and it's even more amazing to see otherwise rational, God-fearing people defend it because his religion is based on Christianity.
>he was either a madman or a con artist.
Whereas Mohemmed was neither of those? What? At least Smith never murdered anyone,never raped a child, and never ordered his followers to slaughter women and children.
>At least Smith never murdered anyone,never raped a child, and never ordered his followers to slaughter women and children.
Yeah, Smith was just trying to take over an """""empty lot""""" in what is now Utah to make this large Mormon empire of some sorts. I'm sure had he had his way, he wouldve just peacefully tell the Native Americans who lived there to just leave.
But instead the US cucked him because there was gold there.
>Never raped a Child
A mormon specialty, that.
Smith made up a religion, well guess what, they're all made up. He used his religion to enrich himself (bad), to exercise power over others (also bad), and to impose upon his followers a philosophy based around doing good works and charity (not really good per se, but not really that bad, either). Mohemmed used HIS made up religion to exercise power, to have people killed, to rape a loli, to marry and rape his own daughter, and to impose upon his followers a philosophy of supremacism, misogyny, and a hatred for free thought of all kinds.
Playing the "practical" game now, are we.
Well, Smith enriched himself. Kudos to him, selfish prick.
Mohammed ended bickering among Arabs in their first (and only) unification and the only time in history Arabs were ever a unified nation.
Why do you imagine that unifying a nation of savages to plunder the civilized world counts as a merit? The fact that Mohemmed was a warlord should immediately disqualify him as a holy man of any credibility.
>such as the contempt for women (also found in Christianity but heavily moderated there by the essential gender egalitarianism of Europeans)
this is belied by a millennium of european history. women were treated like shit everywhere until recent history