so i just saw this image
Can you guys explain this?
in every battle they were outnumbered so how they beat them?
GOD helped them?
that looks like something out of this world, it looks like something super natural was helping them
so i just saw this image
Can you guys explain this?
in every battle they were outnumbered so how they beat them?
GOD helped them?
that looks like something out of this world, it looks like something super natural was helping them
Other urls found in this thread:
>it looks like something super natural was helping them
Only if you're a credulous retard.
why you are so rude?
i only said that IT LOOKS something was helping them, if you have read the bible then you know what im talking about
They just fought a 26 year long war against the Persians. People were exhausted from fighting.
The only reason Arabs and Islam became relevant is because the Romans and Persians had a 700 year pissing match.
Why the fuck is this shitskinned retard allow to post and why is he so obsessed with trying to persecute Persians?
yeah i know that but 1 battle was 15000 arabs vs 120000 ERE and sassanids forces and those 15k arabs killed 100,000 soldiers
im not, you are being really pathetic right now
>how did a smaller, but fresh, highly experienced and warlike group with a resovioir of reinforcements defeat a much larger, but exhausted, fragmented and inexperienced group that'd just escaped from decades of Pyrrhic warfare that had resulted in disastrous manpower shortages
Why the fuck are you even on Veeky Forums?
i think i made many people butthurt in this board
This is Veeky Forums, not /x/ so leave the bible out!
Advanced technology or tactics can be an impact. Otherwise, Alexander the great also did defeat the Persians (biggest empire at the time) while being outnumbered multiple times.
Or are you referring to Ezekiel 23:20? If yes, then I fully agree with you.
>while being outnumbered multiple times.
yeah but their numbers werent so low compared to the persians
15k vs 120k and 100k died at the hands of arabs, that means that 1 arab fought 8 soldiers and killed them
I am just saying there are other impacts relevant which are not captured in these short battle reviews shown in you pic. Did you try to go on the main Wikipedia site of these battles (should exist if the brief overview exists). I am sure that in the outstanding victory cases they will state the reasons behind it.
If not, feel free to convert to Islam if you really believe that there was some supernatural involved (spoiler alert: it wasn't, has never been and will never be).
I know thar Wikipedia is not the best source... but come on... you have been referring to the BIBLE! Not a bad book in every way, but only for Veeky Forums as it gives us an interesting observation of how some uncivilised desert tribes in the copper ages did see the world and tried to explain their environment and it's phenomenon. Just a little embarrassing that some of these backwarded believes persisted till today...
This. The Byzantines and Persians lost their best veterans fighting their war, where the Byzantines only crawled as the marginal winner.
Both armies were weakened, but the Sassanids were in an even more dismal state, falling to the arabs in just 30 years, and the Byzantines only surviving after wiping out the Arab invasion force at Constantinople.
>so leave the bible out!
A larger than average elephant could've simultaneously defeated both the Byzantine and Persian empires in those times
man i just saw this pic here and it caught my attention because arabs force are very low compared to ERE/sassanians, i mentioned the bible because it contains battles similar to this ones where israel was outnumbered and still won, im not interested in islam, i dont know what make you think that i want to convert
hahahahahaah, thanks
ITT: anally ravaged byzzcucks
accept it, they had god on their side
>it looks like something super natural was helping them
Wikipedia editors
We don't know how many Romans were at Yarmouk. 120,000 is just as likely as 20,000 or 40,000
>The only reason Arabs and Islam became relevant is because the Romans and Persians had a 700 year pissing match.
>romans are Greeks
>700 year pissing match.
They had a 26 year war and the Arabs defeated highly advanced civilizations had a massive numerical and technological advantage over them.
Give credit where its due.
Most of the Byzantine articles on wiki that intersect with Arab/Islam related articles are skewed in favor of Islam. For example in this case Arab sources are used in numerical estimation. A part of the problem here is that Byzantine studies is dominated by ethnic Greeks who don't really have any need to translate a lot of less well known primary sources (beyond people like Michael Psellus) into English, and aren't as chauvinistic/jingoistic as Arabs.
Both the Sasssanian Persians and Byzantine Greeks had been fighting each other to near-exhaustion for decades.
Want to blame anyone for the rise of Islam, pin it on the retarded chimp Persian Emperor Khosrows who decided to prosecute some quasi holy/racial war against Orthodoxy and Greek-speaking peoples, only to have his ass handed to him by Heraclius. By that point however, both sides were beyond the point of being able to fight and the Arabs struck.
Byzaboo subhumans accusing people of editing wiki pics when they edit wiki pics themselves :DDD
btw fuck whites too
>By that point however, both sides were beyond the point of being able to fight and the Arabs struck.
>being able to raise up hordes upon hordes of heavily armoured soldiers isn't being able to fight back
They weren't expecting the Arabs at the very least. Persia and Rome exhausting each other is a pretty common thing and it wasn't the first time:
I'm sure that the Greeks at Thermopylae fought 1 million Persians just as the Gallic relief army at the Battle of Alesia numbered around 350,000. It's not people who are try to spread a message aggrandize their victories or anything. Still Veeky Forums biggest shitposter.
>romans are Greeks
yes, they are
Yep. Roman wasn't an ethnicity, it was a citizenship.
Gauls were Romans, Arabs were Romans, Punics, Illyrians and Britons were Romans. Yes, even Greeks were Romans.
Why are you whities so pissed at my obviously factual facts about history and stuff. Just accept that you pigskins are not the master race and continue to follow suit with your leftycuck brethren and purge yourselves! It's in the bible guys!
Still butthurt you need copy my username and LARP as me?
You are pathetic, you take this very serious, go outside and breath some air
Both the Greeks and Arabs are infamously verified hyperbolic shitters when it comes to enemy numbers.
Samefagging to make himself seem cool.
>this guy is literal cancer
Heavily armoured soldiers with which kind of combat experience exactly?
Consider a single depleted field army remained after the Roman Sassanid war on the Roman side, and the Persians lost their best commanders in the civil strife following the defeat.
Even if there really had been twenty billion Romans at Yarmouk, only an infinitesimal fraction of them would have had combat experience.
Still, Khalid was a brilliant tactician, no question about that, but he wasn't fighting against Heraclius at the head of his pre invasion elite army, nor was he fighting against an empire still capable of fielding multiple field armies as was the case before Phocas fucked everyone shit's up.
For there Persians it was pretty dire in general:
>their top surviving commander whose the only person to defeat Heraclius repeated (Shahrabaraz) dies after trying to usurp the throne and only sitting in power for a month
>before this most of the western half of the Persian Empire's population is killed by Justinian's Plague
>add in the fact that famine and unseasonable flooding of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers damages and destroys most of the most fertile and important farmlands and breadbasket provinces of Persian Mesopotamia
>and further inflated by nearly a decade of constant civil war
Persia was barely standing when the Arabs rolled in.
>romans weren't an ethnicity
I don't like to assume people are stupid so, what did he mean by this?
>I need to create an ad hominem against my shitty argument to distract from my shitty argument.
Go back to whereever you crawled from.
People yelling at you to stop posting because you're a complete fucking retard isn't "butthurt."
They got Khali'd
Arabs moreso, some Greeks like Thucydides and Polybius were more realistic.
Arab primary sources are just garbage-tier by default.
>Semitic race is intrinsically dishonest
Rly make u think