Why did they replace this with a leaf?
Why did they replace this with a leaf?
cause quebec didn't like it
We don't like the leaf either desu
It was too British or some shit
It was already replaced with this by the time we went for the leaf
I still like the Red Ensign better
Because we brought back our constitution and we're no longer a british puppet.
We got our constitution in 1982 and it was worse than our common-law tradition
We could have had 3 leaves...
well, that's like, your opinion man. We're pretty happy in Quebec about it (Except for that whole backstabbing part)
I Like that one, more inclusive
The real question is why change the anthem?
Canada is one of the worst nations in the world when it comes to recognizing our heritage. Replacing the red ensign with A FUCKING LEAF that has no cultural importance outside of southern Ontario and changing the anthem to something so bland and meaningless. That is tantamount to cultural genocide really. All of this because the fucking grenouilles have more say than they should.
You didn't even sign it nigger
>recognizing our heritage
>hating the French
choose one dude, we founded this country with the anglo in 1867 and it would still be majoritarily french if the loyalists didn't flee the US
Because Quebec has to ruin everything good
as someone from Quebec, I'm really curious as to why we're so hated in the rest of Canada yet they try to keep us in when we want to leave
Fuck off FLQ scum. You have produced the two worst prime ministers in living memory. Because of your very existence the prestige of this country is lower than Sudan which is currently trying to homogenize it's population. Your pathetic excuse of a language is a sad bastard child of French that is forced upon every child in Canada yet the same efforts aren't made to teach English in Cuckbec. Your cities are worse than any anglo city could ever hope to be and that includes Toronto. You should have all been exterminated after Abraham Plains so we wouldn't have to suffer the presence of the worst people of this country. You've hobbled the progress of this country at every single turn since 1867. There aren't enough words to describe the loathing I have for the Quebecois. Even the natives have more honour than you.
You block vote to force though laws that are unpopular with the rest of Canada.
Everyone is fine with the flag, anthem, legal system, civil service, immigration laws, etc and then Quebec comes in and says "such and such isn't fair" and we have a big fight that ends in a compromise law that nobody likes (not even Quebec) because of it.
Then you come back and say "We didn't want that" when the whole reason it came up is because Quebec has this constant fear that Anglos are going to genocide them or something.
We hate you because you hate us, faggot
>which is currently
They stopped their bullshit like a decade ago.
Damn, Wilfred Laurier was pretty good but yeah PET was quite something. Also Prestige? The world isn't a EU game and having two official language isn't a bad thing. I'm not a french nationalist or anything.
You are right
I like that one because it incorporates the 3 colonies motif, but
>it's another "red white and blue flag" episode
It looks cluttered. I unironically prefer the leaf.
this is ok it reminds me of the union jack
perfidious frog, give me back my flag
>Cuckstamp flag.
>Why did they replace this with a leaf?
French butthurt, same reason the Afrikaners in South Africa chose this shit.
>yo dawg I heard you liked flags
Why is Quebec even part of Canada? Just split. Maybe split into three, Canada, Quebec, and the Maritimes.
Also, please don't ask to join the US, Quebec. We'd stupidly accept.
They would have split if it weren't for the immigrant vote.
R W B is the most patrician of all flag colours.
Green is shit tier
Black and yellow are enemies of the free world tier
Their French masters didn't like it
>feels pharaonic dude
Ive read during the Suez Crisis/War, Canada was not an active combatant. Britain was. Canada was sent in with the UN for peacekeeping and apparently the egyptians were offended that the flag on their uniforms had a union jack on it. So if that is true, Canada changed its flag because it offended someone, which hurts my heart.
but Canada changed it's flag 11 years after the Suez Crisis
Because that is an utterly generic and poorly designed flag.
>Not having black and yellow in your Ancap country flag