Cannabis is very potent drug with effects that are obvious to anyone who gets high on it. It's also known that cannabis has been consumed by humans for thousands of years.
Why is it that there is so little evidence of people before modern times getting really high on cannabis in a way that resembles what being high today is like?
Why isn't there any example from pre-modern times of someone describing being stoned?
Is it only in recent times that people have begun to ingest very large/concentrated amounts of cannabis?
Cannabis is very potent drug with effects that are obvious to anyone who gets high on it...
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Maybe because it damages people and people didn't want to record such subhuman behavior in history?
Thank god we have alcohol which is healthy and doesn't damage people
Oops, I just realized there is already a cannabis thread ().
I'll ask there.
Cannabis wasn't all that common in most cultures back before modern times and it has never been anywhere near as highly concentrated as it is now.
The Bible literally has a story about two sisters getting their father drunk so they can have sex with him.
Nobody is making you drink alcohol. Cannabis still damages people.
It sort of makes sense. Alcohol tends to dull the emotional impact of reality, whereas cannabis tends to bring it out and sharpen it, emphasizing whatever's there. Most of human history was such a shit show that it makes sense people wouldn't want to consume a drug that can sometimes bring unpleasant things out in sharper relief.
Pic related has some good historical accounts of getting stoned. My favorite is one with hashish edibles in victorian era europe.
Your retarded explanation is rendered senseless though, that was the point you dumbass
Does it?
I just made an observation how Cannabis damages your body and your brain. Chill, "bro".
How is this hard to get? Do you consume Cannabis? That would explain it.
No, you didn't make an observation, you claimed that it was not recorded because cannabis "damages people" and is considered "subhuman behavior". Meanwhile its a fact that alcohol is far more damaging to people and causes far more subhuman behavior. But I'll be sure to let you know the next time I see a stoned person shitting his pants and falling asleep on the lawn in front of the street.
Oh yeah. Alcohol is pretty easy to detect in people. Yet Cannabis can be easily hidden with some fixes. So I assumed how people despised Cannabis as a medium for people to become subhumans easily.
In modern times it has become possible to produce it in high concertations, and regarding lack of examples, alcohol has been the main thing that many people have used for millenia, and cannabis has been a bit of a niche thing, even though it has had lots of users.
Damages how? The volumes that are required to damage the human brain and body from cannaboids need insane volumes (via toxicity, more hundreds of times more than you can consume, and there are NO recording of anybody ever dying from consuming cannabis, though overdose can cause neurological effects, and even that is difficult), and neurological effects require long (decade-s) use.
Cannabis indica wasn't known in the West until 1785.
The ammount of consumption shows reduced cognitive effects for 25+ years old people. And there is an additional effect for 25- youngsters, the retardness of brain development and maturity.
All of it is documented and accepted by the academia.
>Alcohol is pretty easy to detect in people.
Only if you don't know how to brush your teeth and chew a gum.
>what is behavior change
Yeah. Pretty easy compared to Cannabis.
I have to mention that what you quote here has been said as hindered by small sample sizes and by quotes from doctors as something that requires more study. Besides, Memory effects are short-term ranging from minutes to max hour or two.
So when you say "all of it is documented and accepted by the academia.", you can stop bullshitting.
and to add, when speaking about cannabis, even though I probably doom my own debating here, has been under a smear campaign from the 1930s.
Still, when people can consume alcohol, a drug that has killed my grandfather due to liver cirrosis and nearly killed my own father, cannabis being illegal while being so much less dangerous is ludicrous.
>behavior change
Only if you can't handle your liquor.
>quotes from doctors
Nope. At least tell me when do you think the experiments started.
Here is an overview of the problem. I'll give you more links about the concrete effects about child delayment of brain development and cognitive consequences in one hour more or less.
>can't handle
Aren't we talking about children? If you are a man, people just throw you away. But if you are their child, they care about you. And children get easily drunk with less than one pint.
hurr alcohol makes you unable to do things XDD
First experiments regarding cannabis were with cannabis and nausea have been started in the 50s and 60s if I recall correctly.
Also, I probably get burned for this, but why are you only posting .gov sources on studies? Something wrong with using global sources like wikipedia and their sources lists?
>Here is an overview of the problem. I'll give you more links about the concrete effects about child delayment of brain development and cognitive consequences
Said consequences are miminised if cannabis was legal and controlled. Besides, alcohol's effects on brain development in minors is far more severe.
>your academic source is wrong
This is the consensus of 2011, lad.
>but muh alcohol
Irrelevant with my claim that confirms that Cannabis damages people.
I'm not saying its wrong, I'm critizing it because it is a federal source, which makes it potentially cherry picking when it comes to data (read up on voodoo pharmalogy), due to being the same organization that keeps the drug prohibition in the US alive.
Also, according to the data, there are conflicting evidence and studies when it comes to whenever or not cannabis is harmful, which certainly warrants futher study.
Besides the fact that it certainly has benefits as medicane and is a much safer substance to take than any other drug taken that is sold legally or illegally.
>Why is it that there is so little evidence of people before modern times getting really high on cannabis in a way that resembles what being high today is like?
Because back then, Narcotics was considered just one of the many recreational substances people took for granted like alcohol. In Asia pipes literally existed before Tobacco came to the Continent and they were used for the express purpose of smoking narcotics. We have records of Chinese and Indian rulers using then. One of the Delhi Sultans died because he was smoking in his library and was so high, he tripped and fell off a staircase and broke his neck.
They don't "resemble being high today" because being high today involves a cancerous shitty subculture that started when Westerners started having laws against narcotics which then influenced how the modern world saw them.
>Maybe because it damages people and people didn't want to record such subhuman behavior in history?
>people didn't want to record such subhuman behavior in history?
Yes, just like how the Romans did not want to record sexual practices they considered degenerate.
IIRC Herodotus claims that the scythians loved to get high 'bathing' in steam tents where they burned cannabis.
Alcohol can be made from any sugar or starch, even by accident. It was also sometimes the only "safe" way to stay hydrated and an efficient source of calories. Cannabis is one specific plant. It makes perfect sense that one would have 1000 times more cultural significance than the other.
Fun fact: the word "assassin" derives from the arabic "hashishin" which means consumer of hashish.
It's believed hired assassins were customary users.
Back in the day they ate hash in a kind of jelly or some shit iirc, anyway that's what the hashishins club in 19th Paris used (they were a bunch of artists/jet setters who regularly threw hashish eating parties).
my god, op is full of faggotry
>From the 1800s
Yeah cannabis was not really smoked much before the colonial era. Back then it would have been seen as a beneficial herb or spice or used for it's fibers. Muslim traders and merchants toking it up after seeing the Hindus consume it as various sorts of comestibles are what probably gave rise to the pot smoking culture. They even gave it to some African tribes who made it a regular religious activity. Before that all that is known is incense burners and the Scythian smoke tents.
Even Sufis in Hindustan professed the greatness of bhang.
masterful bait right here
corn syrup also damages people
And bullets. And driving in a city with a high accident ratio.
>Why is it that there is so little evidence of people before modern times getting really high on cannabis in a way that resembles what being high today is like?
shamans were high as fuck most of the times, just pick any mithology
>It's also known that cannabis has been consumed by humans for thousands of years
[citation needed]
known != consumed by the way
I'll you a hint: China.
Maybe not in the west but there are many stories about getting high in India mythology/history. The most famous example being Shiva.
Have you ever gone outside? Seen someone who's had one too many or get this, met an alcoholic?
Except everyone and your dad drinks it and alcohol results in you doing far more degenerate activities than smoking buddha
Nobody is making you drink alcohol, lad. Why do you deny the damaging effects of alcohol that are harder to detect so children cannot be successfully controlled without medical checks or watching them doing it at the moment?
perhaps in the West, but considering that cannabis is from Asia, you can find evidence of pre-modern use in Indian and Chinese sources
also, it's naturally not as potent as the GMO-esque, indoor-grown, supestrains that are common today