Alright guys, which programming language do I need to learn that will be extremely in demand in the next few years?
Also, what are some skills in general I should learn for a good career?
Alright guys, which programming language do I need to learn that will be extremely in demand in the next few years?
Also, what are some skills in general I should learn for a good career?
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Succ cocks
Idk seems all a luck of the draw. I was making 70k flying around and driving the country "programming" occupancy sensors for lights lol. Basically plug my laptop in and press 5 minutes or 15. Stupid shit exists.
Solidity to work with ethereum
You must master the Blockchain
it's more of a regional thing if anything
look at what the market is like for programmers in your area. learn that. generally from what ive seen Java and C#/.NET are always in high demand
Python. It's easy as fuck to learn and you can get a million test automation jobs with it.
Man where have you been ? It's all about hype now, nothing has value, everything is digital. Do 2 or 3 blog posts about a new innovative way to train a neural network, show yourself in a few conferences, make an aura around you as a data scientist/ai/blockchain guru and scrape investors money. Then with this money sustain yourself and work for yourself by doing something actually useful for the world. godspeed user
react native
node.js isn't going anywhere. and it shits on python in pretty much every way.
What are your guys' thoughts on Ruby on Rails, or learning solidity?
rails is good for learning general web application flow but i dont see any shops actually using it. seems to be a bloated framework that isnt really gonna get you jobs
learn javascript/node instead if you wanna make web apps
>node.js isn't going anywhere. and it shits on python in pretty much every way.
It's harder to read. Also doesn't have as good standard libraries. ALSO, I wouldn't want to run test automation scripts with a bunch of callbacks and promises everywhere. py.test shits on node for test automation
kek. Had to make due with Haskell some time ago in a cs101 class. Whats new? I thought it wasnt actually used ever.
rails is good, but if you have to learn just one language, make it js. for comparison, there are about 475k packages on npm, and only about 8.7k ruby gems.
>learning a "programming language"
Learn how to program instead.
>Learn how to program instead.
Repeating this fucking meme again
> harder to read
matter of opinion, i suppose. depends on the author too. i find js to be more concise, and therefore easier to read. callbacks can get out of hand, but proper use of promises makes it better. as for testing, just because it's js doesn't mean everything you're going to be testing is async. but if it is, i would rather have that async code in js with its callbacks and promises than pretty much any other language, especially python.
That's not a meme, retard. If you know how to program the language is largely arbitrary.
Are bootcamps worth it?
ITT people recommend the language they know best
it's always the same
Depends on your mission. If you learn FORTRAN you can go work for any US bank have guaranteed job security with a 200k salary, but your life will suck.
If you don't want to beat youself up too much you can try C and C++. There are thousands of legacy business applications running older version of C++ (think C98) that will basically be around forever because no one can afford a rewrite. Also, every embedded device is running C (like everything - your TV, microwave, car, home stereo) if it has buttons and an LCD it's probably running on C.
Now maybe you want to actually enjoy your job instead of managing memory buffers and tracking down segfaults from dev/null. In that case you can't go wrong with Java, and to a lesser extent C#. These two languages run most of the enterprise web applications, or are at least involved somehow.
If you want to work with a bunch of plaid shirt wearing art school majors you can learn Javascript and the associated backend and frontend frameworks. The caliber of person you work with will be much lower, but that might be a net positive overall socially.
The only real answer to your question is to master SQL. It is basically the only language agnostic thing you can master that definitely isn't going anywhere any time soon. Become a SQL guru and you will basically have say over how the rest of the application is developed.
>anything but python
Java, C#, C++
If you know any of this and are half-competent it should be easy to land a job. These languages have been used for many years and will stay in demand for the foreseeable future.
If you like web development, learn PHP and Wordpress. It powers 25% of the web and it's rather easy to find work online.
Lately also Python because for some reason it's currently THE language for machine learning.
I've been a professional software developer for the last 4 years and have used all the above mentioned languages but working with C# is so much comfier than anything else. Don't freak out that it was made by Microsoft. They may make a crap OS but their developer tools are top notch.
This. If you understand "programming", learning languages becomes a piece of cake. It's literally all the same shit.
bootcamps are bullshit, you can easily learn to program on your own.
>Why didn't you sell your house?
>4 replies omitted. Click here to view.
> Anonymous (ID: FCsDgBDu) 09/14/17(Thu)22:16:38 No.3477346▶
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Lisp, prolog, Python.
Java is obvious.
never tried one, but i doubt it. learn by doing and googling over and over. if you want to program something, start by seeing if it's already been done by a successful project and learn how they did it. many, many things in programming have already been solved and a lot of coding is finding the right library that does what you want (unless you think you can do it better) as for this:
and how exactly should one learn to program "instead", if not using some language? it's true that after two or three different languages, most of the rest look pretty much the same, and you will get better at reading code and picking up on syntax in general, but you have to start somewhere.
JVM based languages like Java, Kotlin, Scala and so on.
Saw a lot of fintech jobs asking for Java, C# and Python
Python or JS, or any other scripting language, because they're extremely general.
Just find a course on Udemy or Udacity. Much cheaper than bootcamps and you can learn at your own pace and still bug the author with your questions.
Just learn to trade shitcoins and when you've accumulated enough wealth, retire. Fuck working brother
You will not make it.
but the main question is do you even like to code? most people dont. lucky ones like to.
vast majority of higher level professional did it for hobby before a career. if you aim just to get a profession and dont enjoy it, there is no fucking way you are going to put hours required to learn and then maintain skills, the languages develop constantly too. at least you are not going to be very good at it, top 5% which makes the big buck
also, your choice of language largely depends on what you want to be working on. I recommend javascript because you can build pretty much anything with it, there's a huge community, and i've spent the last 4 years working with it xD
It demands a superhhuman discipline.
>code monkey
> enjoy your job
LOL care to elaborate?
The questions you ask show that you're completely out of your depth.
fuck bros, why don't we help each other out instead of putting each other down.
>inb4 that's what college is for
OP don't be another one of those faggots who randomly decide one day "I'm going to be a computer programmer". The people who are computer programmers, at least the good ones are the people who have been learning for fun and tinkering with shit since they were young they aren't the idiots that all the sudden decide one day that's what they want to do.
wish I could tip you with $4CHN
Guys, is there any good resoruce to learn blockchain programming?
Definitely like the idea of memeing myself as a blockchain/AI guru into reality. where can i learn this shit? I'm currently a web dev working with java and react
not true, my uncle took a cs class in college knowing jack shit about it. he now has a degree in computer science and works with backend web development, but then again we have superior chinese iq
nice elaboration
anyway, back to the point OP. +1 for online courses for building a good CS knowledge base. here's some free ones.
^ wrong reply
I would say you just learn any framework, Lisk is running in Java and you could try learning solidity.
I feel like this poster is a first year CS student who likes to tell everyone he's a CS student. He's demonstrated no industry knowledge while speaking obtuse generalities
Your feelings aren't gonna teach op how to program, so bite me.
Wrong spot my man gotta goto /g
>C+++, python and JAVA goodluck
there's some truth in what he's saying but equally the guy he's criticising has a valid viewpoint too, or at least hasn't said enough to warrant him being attacked
You use promises for asynchronous code (or callbacks if you're a fag). Handling asynchronous code in Python makes it so fucking ugly that I don't understand how you can ever say that's an upside for Python. JS(maybe TypeScript) is by far the best language for anything unless you need to optimize for speed. And even then most people don't realize how fucking fast it is now. Also React is sexy.
Neither are yours kiddo
I've been placing my bet on Haskell and Purescript/Elm for the last two years. Taken time from work to study and pursue this.
I don't think they will be very much in demand soon as OP has asked, but I think they will continue to grow in popularity.
The learning curve is a bit steep, but the user experience of the type system and compiler is quite nice IMO.
>being a code monkey
lol just be good at sql shell scripting and learn some java and be a database admin
C++(with Qt quick) and Go(for web)
Only languages worth learning.
>Cross platform
>faster than anything else
COBOL. Laugh now, but this shit is bigger than most normies as well as faggots on this site know of, they all fall for the "learn the most popular language" meme.
t. mainframe programmer irl
here's a nice list of free learning resources:
more generally, these awesome lists can be pretty useful:
here's one for crypto:
In case you don't know Haskell is a meme.
From what I have seen of Haskell, it looks very exciting to learn/code in. Will learn it soon, I hope I will be able to use it to contact the gods
Terry Davis already wrote TempleOS which is the only approved way of communicating with god. God provided input for the creation of the OS, which is how you know it's legit.
>exciting to learn
>shilling this hard
and theres so many old RPG and COBOL devs who are retiring/dying
can confirm.
> 640x480 is a covenant, like circumcision
Go to 11:49 for Haskell.
what about looking for a job? Do I just build a portfolio? I am a mech engineer and dont want to design hvac ducts the rest of my life. I am about to drop 17k for a bootcamp.
Just so you know Python will replace Java and Scala will start replacing Python
Ocaml will always be the goat language
>its a biz tries to be g episode
Don't do it man. Seriously , I "turned my life around" a few years ago by learning programming and went from being unemployable to having a high paying job in a large software company. Trust me, it is a sad existence. You will be surrounded by desperate, unfulfilled people. Some of them will pretend they like the so. Most won't The small number of peoe who genuinely do enjoy it are so autistic that they can barely talk.
so, disclaimer, i've never done a bootcamp. i got a cs degree and finding a job was easy. that said, i think 17k is way too much for something that honestly isn't going to do that much for your resume. if you want to take classes, there are many free or cheap ones online from reputable sources which i've linked above. some offer certificates for completion, which might help your resume. but check this out. ga tech offers an online masters degree in cs, for like 6k. you might be able to get in since you have an engineering degree, and it would look pretty great on a resume. apart from that, contributing to open source is a good way to build your resume. try finding a project you're interested in, stay up to date with the issues and bugs. read the code, and try to understand it. (by the way, learning to use git and the command line is essential for pretty much any job in software)
>went from being unemployable to having a high paying job in a large software company.
>whines about it
If you're talking about Fullstack Academy then it's worth it. I have a friend who paid 17k for that and he said he learned way more in the 3 months or whatever than in a few years of self teaching.
it's not for everyone, and becoming a good software developer takes time. when i code though, once i get going, i get very focused and i don't notice the hours going by. i get frustrated sometimes, but never bored. just gotta remember to get up and stretch every hour or so or your body will hate you.
Idris is better. Also Agda if you want to succ pussies.
Haskell will never be used for real because its typing is too rigid. Also how the fuck do monads work
So what language was it?
Java you stupid fucking idiot
Yeah, java c# or c++
better yet all 3
Java initially.
You should also consider learning some meme JavaScript framework like angular. Also you should probably ignore my cynicism, I'd most likely be a miserable fuck in any job.
Java is too stupidly verbose to enjoy. Everything is a class? Fuck you. No operator overloading makes algebra tedious as fuck.
Yeah, I am interested to see where Idris goes though I haven't used it, might be the haskell type language that gains traction.
Yeah I agree with this. After you get through some of the learning curve, the rigid type system becomes one of the biggest assets.
The haskell community does have the problem of being too much into category theory (the mathematics behind monad, functor, etc.). Supposedly getting deep into it has profound insights, but when the people who understand it like to use it all the time, you end up with code that no beginner (or intermediate) can even touch.
so.... swift then?
In all seriousness though, learn React if you want to make 6 figures easy in the next couple years.
> go
Except learning how to program will take most people 4+ years of dedication. 2 years if you're extremely high IQ.
As opposed to just learning an upcoming language in demand which will net you guaranteed high pay in a couple years.
I program only in abap sap development.
I get paid 80k a year.
I love my job
I think I've found your problem user.
Source: Am a web dev.
Java or Swift, normies will always use phones.
Thanks desu. I will weigh my options. I am really interested in AI and robots so maybe python is my best bet. Most boot camps focus on JS stacks and ruby
How intelligent a do you have to be to Lear these programs? I'm black and girl by the way.