Chinese Bitcoin Exchanges Will Likely Not Be Banned After All
This is retarded.
>According to, many regional news publications have also stated that the ban will only apply to fraudulent projects and exchanges that are not on par with industry standards and regulations. Leading exchanges like Huobi, OKCOin and BTCC, the three largest bitcoin exchanges in China, will likely be eligible to file for a license if and when the Chinese government officially introduces its new set of regulations for the bitcoin and cryptocurrency exchange market.
China ain't going nowhere boys.
Op, you should kys.
The infowars are real!
Sigh... What I wouldn't give for an unambiguous official statement from the Chinese government.
>according to a rough translation
so they used google translate and are spreading FUD to make bitcoin price drop?
>be China
>sell off all BTC at ATH
>"We shut down exchanges now!"
>BTC plummets, rebuy everything you sold
>"Haha, just kidding! We change mind!"
>BTC recovers
>dump everything
>"No! We rearry ban exchanges now!"
>BTC freefalls
>buy up the entire supply
>"Actuarry we not ban exchanges!"
this user gets it
Buy the dip lad. Just value invest in these things, and load up what ever you can every month. See you at 20k.
Kek sick of their bullshit
This. People need to calm down and just build their positions. We'll all have a good laugh about this at the Veeky Forums lambo racetrack/stripclub
If this is true it's actually good news ,it means china will officially be giving bitcoin the thumbs up
>biz lambo strip club
Why this isnt a real thing yet
There is anons with enough money for this kek.
ching chong ping pong
I this thing over yet?
>buy the dip
what if it's crashing and burning?
China has OFFICIALLY banned crypto.
Let's trust this random blog instead of the official twitter account by BTCC saying they are shutting down.
Because BTCC had its meeting w/ regulators and then made an official announcement they'd be closing forever sept 30th.
kek nice
The problem the government is facing is difficult. Every time they try to regulate the crypto market to get their cut the chinks pull it all out again.
So they have to say they where just joking to get the market back up again. The ride never ends.
nice FUD
>chinese government
>unambiguous official statement
pick one
Honestly, I've been saying for years that ICOs are all scams. But, the way I see it, it's not the government's job to nanny idiots who want to throw their money away.
Wow - its a shame that nobody gives a fuck about your "I knew it all along" bullshit.
The chinese authorities never put an official announcement. Even the chinese don't know. The btcc shutdown is their choice. They are not being forced. Fucking translation errors and FUD everywhere. This is btw a very good opportunity to buy low.
>there are people who fell for classic gook FUD and sold at sub 4k
This is like the boy who cried wolf, but with China saying they'll block crypto and no one believing them the one time they actually do it.
Whats the easiest way to buy crypto with credit cards? I wanna max them out to buy the dip
Coinbase let me usr a credit card
I got a fucking 500 weekly limit. Fucking bullshit. Also the 6% cc fee is kinda ridiculous.
Whats the fastest way to get cash from my credit lines? I have 2750 on paypal credit, 3000 chase credit. and about 1250 discover credit. I could think of a few ways but it'll take at least a week.
If i could buy 7k of BTC at 2800 id jizz my pants.
Habeeb it.
7.5% cc fee here
but my dudes have legit exchange rate and no ID BS, process is very fast and smooth
btc atm's in my area have a 4% fee for buying and a 2k daily limit
n-not me
i-iron hands, buh-bah-buh-baby
>exchange shuts down to meet ico ban regulatory demands
>exchanges are now contacting officials in order to meet an agreement for icos and exchange regulation before 9/30
You ain't getting cheap bitcoin with a credit card. Every place on the internet charges a high premium because of filthy scumbag scammers. You'd pay 3900 at the very lowest for a 3200 bitcoin.
fucking chinks I swear to god
swear to god
They always knew the true value of Bitcoin, which is why they never cracked down on the mining pools
>2 days ago
>see this news
>oh okay cool, I'll stop accumulating and just HODL then.
>go to bed, bitcoin hovering around 4200
>wake up
>its at 3600
>keeps plummeting
I dont think news have any effecct at this point, it's more like a headless chicken runing around nobody has any control. might go up, might go down. might go sideways.
This whole fiasco is to do one thing.
Ensure NEO is sanctioned as the pre-eminent Chinese coin.
They have to do this for their national pride.
Watch NEO hit $250 minimum in the coming weeks.
Cap this.
this, and watching white bois fall for it is sickening. we are better than this, white bros! FUCK china!
Will /bizraelis/ with Lotus or Dodge Viper be allowed at the Veeky Forums Lambo stripclubtrack? Lambos are cool and all, but I don't really want one because I don't like automatic transmissions.
crypto in a nutshell, glad people are finally getting the picture
One time I saw it go left.
Quads of sass.
good luck trying to masturbate to the strippers at high speeds