There was a time period in classic Antiquity where Buddhists, Christians, Zoroastrians, Jews...

There was a time period in classic Antiquity where Buddhists, Christians, Zoroastrians, Jews, Mancunians and remnant Pagans all lived together.

Isnt that fascinating?

What other facts do you find very fascinating?

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>There was a time period in classic Antiquity where Buddhists, Christians, Zoroastrians, Jews, Mancunians and remnant Pagans all lived together.

Can't you find that in San Francisco today?
Anyway, I really like how Cleopatra was born closer to the moon landing than she was to the construction of the great pyramids of Giza.

>What other facts do you find very fascinating?

We have very little information on the Sphinx and who exactly built it

The Illiad is one part of the Epic Cycle, a massive collection of heroic myths from the late bronze age. There are entire books that still remain missing to this day.

Gobleki Tepe is a massive temple like construction dated to end of the last ice age.

There are these large, perfectly spherical rocks in Costa Rica. There are about 300 of them, and we really have no idea what their purpose was.

Large sections of "known" history is based off of one single persons obviously biased accounts.

If we discard this person's accounts, we have nothing.

You mean Herodotus?

Everything changed when the Chr*stian nation attacked

He's the most obvious

Julius Caesar is another off the top of my head

A remnant of Alexander the Great's empire lasted until the birth of Christ in northwestern India.

"Billion NASA trained Persians attacked 100 stick wielding Greeks, and the Greeks defeated them"


Central Asian used to be a massive and sprawling center of trade, culture and wealth.

Tin and precious stones from Afghanistan were being traded all the way to Europe and the near east during the BRONZE AGE!

Confucius and Socrates were active within 100 years of each other

This might seem alot but i find it very interesting that the two founding fathers of both east and west pholosophy started so close to each other in terms of year.

confucius and buddha were alive at the same time, as well

and Lao Tzu a little before them

Well if he existed at least

Roman warfare began with a shield and spear and was ended by cannons.

maybe in afghanistan (herat province) there were east syriac rite catholics under the jurisdiction catholicos of seleucia ctesiphon with zoroastrian, buddhist, afghan pagans.

The romans sent a couple of expeditions into the Congo

They also had embassies in Sri Lanka

Both the Chinese and Rome were aware of each others existence but could never quite get past Mesopotamia


Jan Sobieski's plans for his reign were to maintain peace with the Ottomans, screw the Habsburgs as much as possible, and retake Prussia.

Civilization was invented by swarthy black haired people

Both Julius Caesar, who implemented the Julian calendar in 45 BC and Pope Gregory XIII, who implemented the Gregorian calendar in 1582 AD held the title of Pontifex Maximus

>What other facts do you find very fascinating?
pter = wing, like in pterodactyl

The word is helico - pter, not heli - copter.

Helicopters don't have wings though

Yeah, because unlike the 2000 years in between, monotheists aren't actually able to burn/stone/behead anyone they don't like.

They have rotating wings.

specifically the place known as "Samarkand"


Perry was trying to talk japan into opening during the US civil war.
Any of the small frontier conflicts that nobody bothers talking about.

shut up perry

The stories of how Stalin and Lenin both came to meet their deaths.

Lenin, had several strokes leaving him wheelchair bound, paralysed and in need to round the clock nursing. Inhuman for most people, but not him

Stalin, allegedly, dead after falling unconscious through alcohol one night. Apparently, nobody bothered to help him after he had fallen, in fact, his party left him on the floor, in that room, on his own.

Asbestos, banned in today's modern manufacturing fields due to it's poisonous & highly toxic properties, was once hailed as the miracle material. Robust, flexible, hardy and readily in supply.

It was once used to make cutlery, cups and when only the rich, advantageous and the aristocracy could afford them, asbestos was used regularly to make their toothbrushes.

The aristocrats, who looked down at the poor & the wretched, had their toothbrushes made from asbestos, which is now known to be highly toxic and very poisonous.

Birth control can be traced as far back as ancient Egypt. Females used to spread crocodile dung onto their sexual organs, in the belief that it would stop them from becoming pregnant.

Thousands of years ago, when still in the early stagesof human development, primitive females gathered rare volcanic glass, a poor mirror by today's standards, due to it's reflective properties. For their vanity, of course.

There are a dozens types of asbestos and only 2 of them are dangerous and even then they aren't "poisonous & highly toxic" there are lung irritants and carcinogens (again, from inhalation only).
Also, what THE FUCK are you talking about.

>Gobleku Tepe was intentionally buried.

Copper (or maybe Tin) and amber from Scandinavia has been found in Mesopotamia and all over Anatolia and Europe from the Bronze age aswell.

>Buddhists, Christians, Zoroastrians, Jews, Mancunians and remnant Pagans
notice that Islam cannot be found on that list

>which is now known to be highly toxic and very poisonous

It's somewhat toxic and not really "poisonous" at all.

It's a relatively strong carcinogen and a major health concern due to how widely it was used and how stable it is (i.e. it remains a health risk forever since it doesn't degrade), not by being extremely deadly in itself.

We're talking decades of exposure giving you a ~10% chance of developing lung cancer here.

because Islam didn't exist in 100 AD


Hercules was introduced to Buddhism via the indo-greek kingdom, where was promptly syncretised into a protective figure.
As Buddhism spread east, Hercules (as this protective figure) was spread along with it.
To this day, one can find easternised statues of Hercules standing guard at the entrances to Japanese Buddhist temples.

>According to the Edicts of Ashoka, set in stone, some of them written in Greek, he sent Buddhist emissaries to the Greek lands in Asia and as far as the Mediterranean. The edicts name each of the rulers of the Hellenistic world at the time.
>The conquest by Dharma has been won here, on the borders, and even six hundred yojanas (4,000 miles) away, where the Greek king Antiochos rules, beyond there where the four kings named Ptolemy, Antigonos, Magas and Alexander rule, likewise in the south among the Cholas, the Pandyas, and as far as Tamraparni.

There were serious communist rebellions and mass mutinies throughout Europe after the first WWI

A single US fruit company dominated Central America and would routinely overthrow governments and even get US marines deployed up

There were serious talks of uniting the UK and France into one single country during the second world war and during the suez crisis.

Polynesians discovered and inhabited every single habitable island between New Zealand, Easter Island and Hawaii with nothing more than

Peru was temporarily ruled by a Japanese president

The last uncontacted Native American was found in 1911.

Vikings colonised lands in Southern Italy and Greece

There were Crypto Christians/Catholics in Japan who hid their Christianity in Buddhist imagery for 300 years.

Australia was almost taken over by Irish Rebels

Israel was almost in North Western Australia

That's a rotor, not a wing

>Stalin, allegedly, dead after falling unconscious through alcohol one night. Apparently, nobody bothered to help him after he had fallen, in fact, his party left him on the floor, in that room, on his own.

He told no one to come in and disturb him no matter what.

That's merely a theory, we don't know if it's true

America's history of foreign imperialism, when it comes to their own colonies anyway, is surprisingly...I don't know, milquetoast compared to what other great powers were doing at the time. I mean we certainly did plenty of terrible things to native american tribes as we marched across North America, but it's like we were never sure what to DO with people we couldn't just evict and replace.

Maybe it was the influence of a relatively free democracy, or maybe it's just because we got into the game later than anyone else but for whatever reason we just didn't exploit the shit out of our colonies the way say the Netherlands or Belgium did. Now I'm not saying we have a positive colonial legacy here but at the same time, we never wiped out entire islands to get a monopoly on nutmeg, and we didn't chop the hands off workers who couldn't keep their rubber quota. Even our legacy of slavery is relatively mild compared to what happened in the Caribbean.

How so?

Which part? If you mean slavery, the brutality in the Caribbean was so horrific that one wanted to associate with the ports of the islands doing it. As for colonial treatment, keep in mind that we gave Cuba independence right away when really we had every right to just keep the island for ourselves. We destroyed the Filipino government and fought a civil war against them but really that would have happened anyway as they were tired of anyone ruling them.

Rotor blades are wings.

>rotary-wing aircraft[1] is a heavier-than-air flying machine that uses lift generated by wings, called rotary wings or rotor blades, that revolve around a mast

what the fuck did he mean by this, I've been sitting here for an hour trying to decipher this

the good old days tbqhwyf

Well ya, the pyramids are like 5000 years ago aren't they? Just after prehistory

>There was a time period in classic Antiquity where Buddhists, Christians, Zoroastrians, Jews, Mancunians and remnant Pagans all lived together.

I'm pretty sure that happened (those exact same groups) in medieval Samarkand under Tamerlane and/or for centuries before him.

Honestly, the 14th Amendment says a lot about our tolerance because it was specifically designed to apply to immigrants and the people of Hawaii.

Oh shieeet guys, I found some stormfag triggering info

The Indo-Greek kingdoms were not that big. Wew lad.

They also found what they said was gorillas. but considering Gorillas don't live in that part of the word but Chimpanzees do, odds are what they found was chimps.

>What other facts do you find very fascinating?
The first Caliph of Spain had red hair and blue eyes due to having a Spanish mother and grandmother but dyed his beard black because he was a bit ashamed of his Euro heritage.

Genghis Khan supposedly had red hair and bright green eyes. This is not as impossible as you'd think since the Eurasian Steppes are so big that there's plenty of people with European DNA that have lived there too.

Are you talking about Hanno the Navigator? He was a Phoenician and that was many centuries earlier than this. Also, they used the word "gorilla" to coin what they saw. There was no such concept of a gorilla in the modern sense

Holy shit

Right my bad

It's a very beautiful city still

Ukraine, Turkey, and Egypt are all at roughly the same longitude
The pyramids were as old to the romans as Rome is to us
Benjamin Franklin took air baths

Oxford University predates the formation of the Aztec Empire.

>I have never read Herodotus

This is the area involved in conflict, not the area conquered. It was actually quite small and never crossed the indus river.

It's quite a stretch to say that this almost created a Jewish state.

the japanese were so impressed after reading the protocols of the elders of zion that they took in masses of jewish refugees from nazi occupied europe in the hope that they would share their economic black magic secrets with them.


>all lived together

Zoroastrianism, Buddhism, Judaism, and Christainity persecuted their rivals when they had the power.
