>That guy whose only interest in history is World War Two and the third reich.
That guy whose only interest in history is World War Two and the third reich
lliterally every Americans Ive ever met
Most people here since most thread are about that and get many replies
Is Veeky Forums a brainlet board?
>so, do you like history?
>no, I like HERstory
>the people who didn't know about the ottoman empire/Byzantium/Mongol conquests/Abbasids/american-Spanish war/Prussia("wow user, Prussia sounds like Russia, are you sure?" - actual quote)/""Holy Roman"" Empire/Netherlands colonial holdings
Thanks to /pol/, yes
>that classicalfag obsessed with boipussi
Honestly the whole site is pretty dreary. It's tiring to wade through the same garbage day after day. I hope that one day I'll just not open a Veeky Forums tab.
I like 20th Century History (WW1, WW2, Cold War), Roman era (Punic Wars, Civil War), have a basic knowledge of Napoleonic Wars and Crusades
what does that make me?
I feel that I know more than 60% of Veeky Forums posters even though I have such a limited knowledge
That's a weird way to spell /leftypol/. Or is LE BOOBER HARIS XD!!! FUCK WH"TES AMIRITE FELLOW TANKIES! your idea of high level discussion?
It makes you normal. Studying WW2 is fine, I'm guessing it's cause some perceive it as to be "babby's first history interest" and they supposedly "don't grow out of it", that's my speculation. Although I'm sort of exhausted from it, I still enjoy reading shit like the Crimean front
If you haven't read it before, I'd recommend you "Where The Iron Crosses Grow - Crimea 1941-44" by Robert Forczyk, it's a great book.
You're like the basic bitch of history.
Make of it what you will
I'm not a classicalfag but i'm obsessed with boipussy
You wrote this post and you still think you're the smart one.
Yes, I did. Was that supposed to be an argument?
It's odd, but I feel that's the period I know least about in depth, despite how popular it is, because I studied Medieval and Early Modern at Uni, and I haven't done any serious reading about WWII since I was about 14.
The Nazi sympathizer is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But say that his only interest is in World War Two and the Third Reich and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”
>/leftypol/ reduced to stealing memes from literally hitler
Literally Goebbels*, but you do have a point
what's wrong with that?
I was under the impression that was a Mein Kampf quote, but I'm not a Walking Hitlerpedia.
Because herstory isn't a word
Actually it's byestory.
History's a whitewash. Jesus was black
I was called a "wehraboo" for praising Prussia in Königgrätz. Veeky Forums is indeed a brainlet board.
lmao gottem
-an american
>Not wanting to imagine being a hoplite pounding your captured persian boipussi
You disgust me.