American history is underrated. No one gives a shit about American Civil War.
American history is underrated. No one gives a shit about American Civil War
American his maybe underrated for some topics,but the civil war?
All the casual murican cares about are the independece war , the civil war, ww2 and Nam
Nah. The Civil War is one of the most talked about things and vast majority of Americans know the Union was in the right.
t. Natural born Southerner born/living in Arkansas.
>largest military confrontation in the history of the western hemisphere
>deadlier than all other US wars combined
>epic moral crusade against a clear evil in slavery complete with the Unionists marching to church music
>amazing music that gets the blood pumping no matter what side of the war your ancestors were on
>several encounters that literally fucking sound like they came out of a piece of classic literature, like Grant and Lee's meeting at Appottomax and the dual deaths of Armistead and Hancock
>literally the most well-preserved war in human history, you can go to the battlefields right now and see them more or less undisturbed
I think it gets enough attention.
Kys Yankee scum
Reminder that the entierty of the south was rightful northern land
Every last one of you deserves death.
Hancock didn't die, but he should've.
Reminder that the entierty of the south was rightful british/spanish land or to take it further native land
American history outside the Civil War is underrated.
>one of the most overrated events in history
Are you kidding me? This board spergs out about muh war of Northern/Southern Agression all the time.
Also, the South did nothing wrong.
>being a traitorous slaving barbarian
>a clear evil in slavery
>The war was only over slavery meme
Honestly I see why the American Civil War is not interesting to people that did not grow up with a decently educated background in the USA. What makes it such a terrible but beautiful thing to me, and why I've studied it so much for fun is becasue everything about it is uniquely folky and American. The music, war across a vast and often harsh landscape, the romanticism and simplicity of the times juxtaposed to the terrible casualties do it for me. But to really get the vibe, it's a soft thing and you maybe just have to have grown up here to feel it deep in your bones
>Being a filthy traitor LARP'ing as a European and betraying the will of the founding fathers
How can an Europoor get into ACW?
To me it just seems like blue guys against grey guys fighting in samey battles
>accusing others of LARP'ing as Europeans when your ancestors pretended they were English nobility on their Antebellum plantations
>accusing others of being traitors when your ancestors literally attacked a federal fortress
>American history is underrated.
American history is a miscarriage that only happened because you were so unimportant that the British prioritized streetshitters over you, because, unlike you, they were actually intelligent and productive.
"American empire"... Except it's actually the British empire after it seized being profitable. "American space program", except it was actually Nazi scientists scared shitless of Stalin. Every war you have entered without Europeans actually fighting the brunt, you have lost or quagmired.
And I used to like you, because at least you started out with good intentions, but no, you really are just worthless scum selling out any last ideal you had for the last scrap of privilege some buffoon will grant you.
truth hurts bruv
>Preserving the Anglo cultural influences of the magna carta in our culture is the same as the North becoming Whigs and trying to copy their British counterparts through shilling for industrial barons at the cost of your countrymen and trying to assert Federalist policies
>Which only worsened with the abolitionist fervor of the Republicans
You even started importing millions of Irishmen to abuse like a REAL Briton
>Except it's actually the British empire after it seized being profitable
Oh yes, the glory of the Perfidious Albion selling opium to poor Chinese people, placing Boer women and children into concentration camps, then fucking itself over and becoming colonized by Muslims.
Rule Britannia!
>accusing others of being traitors when your ancestors literally attacked a federal fortress
Maybe you shouldn't have tried to reinforce the forts with more troops and ammo then m8
>literally copying Anglo culture doesn't count as LARP
>but industrialization does because it is somehow bad
I guess according to you the North should have remained economically in the 18th century instead of becoming an industrial powerhouse, then
Maybe if there weren't so many secessionist traitors threatening to do treasonous things around, there wouldn't have been a need to take such precautions.
>claims to be honorable unlike those northerners
>lets tens of thousands of prisoners die in overcrowded camps
>implying they didn't deserve it
We should've liquidated all of them desu
God Bless Henry Wirz
>copying Anglo culture
The South is Anglo you moron, the reason we started the revolutionary war is because we wanted to preserve what it meant to be a true Anglo, which was the American Anglo.
>The North shouldn't have industrialized
Nope, just not in the way you did end up doing it.
>Durr you shouldn't have seceded then XD
Fuck you, you could've just recognized the secession as legitimate and kept 600,000 people from dying
And the Americans gleefully jumping in at the "opportunity" to take over that steaming, cancerous pile of shit, because then they would, at last, really matter!
>The South is Anglo
Not him but only the upper classes were really Anglo. The rest of the population is Celtic and nigger.
>The South is Anglo you moron
Americans LARPing as English aristocrats is hardly in the spirit of American republicanism.
t. sour grapes
>Fuck you, you could've just recognized the secession as legitimate and kept 600,000 people from dying
desu this would have been better than fighting a war just to keep inbred treasonous dixieshit cunts in the same country as us
Nice selfie user
>implying US hasnt had shitan as a vassal for the last 40 years
Scotts Irish, actually. Most were a mix between Anglo and celt, then you have s few Germans.
>LARP'ing as Anglo aristocrats
Who said British aristocrats are the only ones? What about American aristocrats?
Just looked you up Pham, and you look really handsome
No you were traitors for defying the founding fathers and industrializing the country to copy the European instead of being an American industrialization.
>in the South
Only in northern Kentucky, panhandle West Virginia and northern Missouri which are hardly even southern to begin with.
>What about American aristocrats?
The pinnacle of anti-American anti-Republican faggotry, unique to delusional southern LARPers. The concept of an aristocracy is inherently opposed to the founding principles of the Republic, and what those plantation fags got was too good for them.
>No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States
>We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed
The Southern "nobility" were the ones who betrayed the will of the Founding Fathers.
America literally never had an aristocracy, your entire country is built on the premise of abolishing aristocracy, nobility and the monarchy. This might be news for you faggots but "aristocrat" isn't a synonym of "wealthy person".
>your entire country is built on the premise of abolishing aristocracy, nobility and the monarchy.
We restricted the right of those who could vote to land owning white males. This is called an 'aristocratic republic"
>No title Sha be granted
>But don't forget that only land owning white males can vote
Please point out to me in the Constitution or any other relevant document where it says "No Citizen shall engage in economic efficiency".
>instead of being an American industrialization
What a retarded suggestion, that American industrialization was somehow a copying of Europeans and antithetical to Republican tradition. It DID hold uniquely American characteristics, it would have been impossible for industrialization to occur the same way in Britain and America because they're two radically different places with radically different conditions.
>The Boston Associates tried to create a controlled system of labor unlike the harsh conditions they observed while in Lancashire, England. The owners recruited young New England farm girls from the surrounding area to work the machines at Waltham. The mill girls lived in company boarding houses and were subject to strict codes of conduct and supervised by older women.
>owning a family farm is the same as owning a massive plantation and effeminately sipping imported British tea while people work in your fields for you
>The Boston Associates tried to create a controlled system of labor unlike the harsh conditions they observed while in Lancashire, England
Pic related is from Jacob Riis. What's worse is that you did exactly what British did - you let industrialists and their political machines rule over the country Turing it into a quasi oligarchy
>He has switched over to ad home
I guess it's better than having imported British labor standards combine with a whole class of Irishmen to hate
>posting an infamous staged photo where you can even see one of the kids smiling to prove your point
Nice historical literacy there, bud
>well Britain had industry so that means industry is evil
>American industry is the same as British industry just because I say so, that makes you a traitor
>nevermind that my ancestors flagrantly pissed on the founding values of the Republic by styling themselves as aristocrats
Keep grasping at those straws, Dixieshit.
>you let industrialists and their political machines rule over the country Turing it into a quasi oligarchy
Meanwhile in the South a handful of inbred self-styled aristocrats launched a treasonous rebellion aimed at gaining more power over society for themselves through sustaining the institution of LITERAL SLAVERY in the face of its obsolescence in modernity.
>imported British labor standards
I guess industrial workers should have been shackled and whipped and treated as subhuman, huh?
>Eventually, cheaper and less organized foreign labor replaced the mill girls. Even by the time of the founding of Lawrence in 1845, there were questions being raised about its viability.[6] One of the leading causes of this transition to foreign labor and the demise of the system was the coming of the Civil War. Girls went to be nurses, back to their farms, or into positions that men had left when they went to the army.[7] These girls were out of the mills for the duration of the war and when the mills reopened after the war, the girls were gone because they no longer needed the mills. They had rooted into their new occupations or moved on in life to the point where the mill was no longer suitable for them.[7] The lack of mill girls created a movement towards Irish immigrants.
>Nice historical literacy there, bud
Way to miss the point today the photo you yankieboo brainlet
>Durr anyone who think you can industrialize a nation without killing everyone and shooting anyone who tries to get higher wages/health care is s luddite
>Fuck you Dixie scum
At least we treated our slaves when they got sick instead if just let them die on the street.
>All the slaves were wipped, beaten, and raped daily
>They always had chains on the too
Nice historical illiteracy there O'Higgins
>Inb4 posts infamous photo of the whipped slave where he conveniently ignores the fact that the man who did that did so illegally
South had started militarizinh during the Buchanan administration, after the John Brown incident.
Let me guess, it's the north's fault because they didn't roll over and let the south give it to them in the cornhole?
No, it's called a gay ass plutocracy. Your shithole has been ruled by a bunch of wealthy peasants.
>nevermind that my ancestors flagrantly pissed on the founding values of the Republic by styling themselves as aristocrats
Nigger are you serious? You realize that we were an aristocratic republic and not a direct democracy, right? Oh yes because wealthy land owning white males like Jefferson, Hamilton, and Washington were hated.
Fucks sake
No it's called "the original intent of the founding fathers" which was an aristocratic republic where only land owning white males can vote
>Inb4 long winded tirade about egalitarianism and the spirit of revolution
Eat a dick Yankee
>New Englanders create a uniquely American system
>it changes over time due to market forces
>slaveholding Angloboo LARPers were the true inheritors of the Whig legacy, not Northerners because modernity is evil and industrialization = copying Britain
>slavery wasn't that bad mmkay, shackles and whips didn't exist because the slaves actually LIKED it and it was better than freedom
Typical revisionist dixieshit drivel. Keep wishing your ancestors hadn't been uncivilized slaving barbarians.
>all men are created equal
>congress shall not give out titles of nobility
Truly "aristocratic"
>Durr the South should've just let the North rule over it
>Fucking traitors I hate all you dixieshits
Sometimes the hypocrisy of Yanks astounds me
>East a dick Yankee
Your mom is a Yankee, I'm European and my family has been ennobled in the 13th century. Americans LARPing as aristocrats is the most cringeworthy shit I've ever seen in my entire life, fuck off faggot.
desu not letting the South go was our worst mistake. We would have been FAR better off without them and their 18th century backward ways holding us back.
>due to market forces
Sounding more and more British everyday
>This new tax is absolutely necessary , the market demands it? How are we supposed to compete with France?
>Slavery wasn't bad
Not as much as you make it out to be. Southerners had this concept of "white man's burden" where they saw black folk as like extended family given to the by God who they were tasked to look after as a benevolent dictator. In other words - you couldn't just rape and kill them, and they were well fed and were given basic healthcare.
Unlike the way you treated white men in the North where if they died
>"hey , this other Irish immigrant will work for him for an even cheaper price!"
Typical Yankee
>All men are created equal etc
>Except if you're poor and non white
>LARP'ing as aristocrats
Because in the US an aristocrat is decided by their merit and accomplishments, not whose snobbish cunt you feel out of
>literally not having the legal concept of nobility
>b-but they're aristocrats
>holding us back.
From destroying yourselves under the weight of your own utopian delusions, but hey at least you agree that secession should've happened peacefully
Like southerners wanted in the first place
>>b-but they're aristocrats
*American Aristocrats you inbred poof
>American aristocrats
Literally an oxymoron
>well Britain had capitalism and so did America so that makes America Britain 2.0
>muh slavery apologism
Black folk were seen as property, not "family". They weren't killed because they were expensive, not because of any kind of morality. As for rape they were raped all the fucking time by white people because it's an easy way to get more slaves.
>Not as much as you make it out to be
That's why black people LOVED being treated like cattle, huh?
>and they were well fed and were given basic healthcare
So were horses and cattle, because if they died or got sick they wouldn't be able to work.
>Because in the US an aristocrat is decided by their merit and accomplishments, not whose snobbish cunt you feel out of
Unless you lived in the Angloboo antebellum south and inherited your daddy's plantation and serf- er, I mean slaves after he died.
They were LARPing as aristocrats, which is inherently anti-American.
>Because you live in a capitalist system it means you need to fuck over your countrymen
Wew. Fucking. Lad
>They were seen as property not family
Actually they were seen as family and property , as I said the South had a religious view on this. The white man had to "protect what God had given him" and such
>Breeding slaves was always rape
You realize that slaves got married, right?
Creating a mullato wasn't something you did casually.
>Black people LOVED being treated like cattle
Irish people LOVED being treated as a bland commodity
>So we're horses and cattle
Who were always better off than the poor people working in your factories. Weird.
>Inheritance is a bad thing
Topkek. Some capitalist you are, you sound more like a Marxist to me.
Who cares it was just a bunch of white people fighting over whether blacks should be enslaved or not besides the confederacy had no chance of winning anyway ?
I'm fucking tired of reading about the ACW on Veeky Forums. Fuck americans and fuck secessionists.
>American history is overrated. No one should give a shit about the American Civil War.
when will the “American History is Boring” meme end?
Racism is interesting
Colonies to Faux Empire is interesting
Eugenics is interesting
Polk is interesting!
>Because you live in a capitalist system it means you need to fuck over your countrymen
Like it or not, fucking over your fellow countrymen is as American as it comes. The North did it, the South did it, the West did it, all throughout our history.
That's not even your original point though. You're trying to claim that the North participating in the industrial revolution meant it was full of LARPers when anybody who's actually studied history could tell you it was the natural development of the economy. It's called capitalism, which yes is indeed rapacious, but is also as American as it comes. Your notion that the North was full of traitors for industrializing is pure sour grapes.
>Actually they were seen as family
No they weren't you turbo-autist, they were looked down upon as "subhuman savages". Would YOU force your family to work in the fields all day for no pay? Would YOU sell your family to someone three states away if it made business sense to you? Absolute drivel.
I never said "always", obviously slaves got married. But they ALSO did get raped sometimes, by horny young sons of fags who LARP as aristocrats, and the so called "civilized, gentlemanly" society of the antebellum South didn't give a shit.
>Who were always better off than the poor people working in your factories. Weird.
lol, if this were true they wouldn't fucking work in those factories now would they? People got industrial jobs because they paid better than the same amount of farm work would.
>it's good to inherit lands and titles from your father in the manner of feudal lords instead of working for them yourself, if you disagree with this you're a COMMUNIST
>The United States was founded in fucking over its own citizens
>Yankieboos will defend this
All of my keks.
>We're just stating a Machiavellian truth if human nature, thats just how it works
I mean I guess I should've expected a yank to lack morality.
>No they weren't
Yes they were.
>Would you *insert memes about slaves*
Let's see, do people give away their children and separate their families ever... Hmm...
>What is divorce
>What is adoptions
>What is abortion
What's all this about your Machiavellian truths now? I though being sold to different firms and having your family ruined by drugs and money is just capitalism?
>A bunch of ad homs
Yeah sometimes they were raped. I'm wondering, did rape ever occur in the North between employee and employer. Huh, makes you think.
>They wouldnt have worked in factories otherwise
Oh no they would just be homeless and die in the street of starvation, disease, and injury.
>The farming meme
Or maybe as the population expanded people needed to go beyond working on a farm as their labor couldn't be sustained there in a meaningful way and they were thus coerced into filling the industrial jobs, which people like you uses to their advantage so they can compete with Europeans and gain their respect. Top kek.
>Inheritance is the same thing an noble's estate as the landed gentry
Yup, Marxist.
It was founded on the principles of capitalism, which is about fucking other people over, yeah. It isn't pretty but it's our history.
>I mean I guess I should've expected a yank to lack morality.
I'm not defending it, or saying it was good. I'm rejecting your calling Northerners traitors to American Republicanism and the founding fathers.
>Yes they were.
So you force your family to work for 15 hours per day for no pay, force them to live in shitty huts, think of them as them subhuman savages, whip them if they disrespect you, and construct an ideology about how they're too inherently stupid to look after themselves so therefore your treatment of them is justified? Yes, I'M the one who lacks morality.
typical dixieshit
>Yeah sometimes they were raped
I thought this was a meme? Keep your story straight, dixieshit.
> did rape ever occur in the North between employee and employer.
The difference is that Northern women were citizens rather than property, and had legal recourse to take against crimes committed against them.
>Or maybe as the population expanded people needed to go beyond working on a farm as their labor couldn't be sustained there in a meaningful way
That's the point I was making. They could make more money in industrial jobs, so they took the industrial jobs. There is literally nothing un-American about this.
>if you oppose landed elites who get everything handed to them on a silver platter you're a COMMUNIST
You're like a broken record. There is nothing more un-American than the system you're defending (not that you are anymore, you seem to have conceded that to me and now you're just complaining that life in the 19th century wasn't fair), and yet you call me a communist because that's your buzzword for anyone who disagrees with you. Despite the fact that I'm defending capitalism. Utter stupidity.
>Despite the fact that I'm defending capitalism
Defending it as closer to America's founding values than the Antebellum system in the South, I mean.
> No one gives a shit about American Civil War.
Surely you're joking? The ACW and WWII are entry/pleb level history topics
I was watching a video about the history of the Zeppelin and they said it was invented by a Prussian military officer who'd fought in the American civil war, specially helping out with observation balloons for the Union army. How common was it for foreign military men to take part in the American civil war?
Why would non-Americans give a shit about a bunch of Americans murdering eachother over whether or not certain institutions will be legal?
ive been reading James McPhersons "battle cry of freedom" and he believes that because freedom and slavery could not be reconciled and war was inevitable between north and south
as abrit this book is reallly my introduction into the ACW im loving it so far
>It was founded on the principles of capitalism, which is about fucking other people over, yeah. It isn't pretty but it's our history.
No capitalism does not mean fucking over other people what are you on about? Where in Adam Smith's works does it say "fuck poor people, social darwinism nao!"?
>I'm not defending it, I'm just saying the founding fathers we're just as immoral as I am!
>Slaves worked 15 hours a day and we're constantly raped and beaten meme
>Black people being inferior to whites is socially constructed
>Still excusing the north for treating their own citizens worse than literal slaves
>Women were citizens rather than property
Yet they were treated nearly the same. How ironic.Wonder if they enjoyed being burned to death in all those factory fires and watching the souls of their children get sucked out of them losing fingers working the textile machines
>Any kind of inheritance is the same thing as land gentry
The term "family" doesn't really come into your mind much does it yank?
>There is nothing less American than holding slaves
But I thought we were founded on exploiting people tovarische?
>Implying racial egalitarianism and direct democracy was the original intent of the founding fathers
user plz
>Rich southerners were literally LARP'ing feudalism
>Rich south plantation owners were keeping a lot of poor white men and stopped them from having decent paying jobs and owning land them self.
>Rich southerners dominated politics and would've kept this way and innovated/industrializing the South
>Muh State Rights
>Muh Yankee Boogeyman
>Muh Slavery
I'm ashamed to be a Southerner sometimes. Only dumb asses would support the Confederacy or delusional enough to think they would earn high positions in it.
*keeping a lot of poor white men down.
*without innovating/industrializing the South.
>Rich southerners dominated politics
? Sauce
>and would've kept this way and innovated/industrializing the South
I assume you mean kept the South from industrializing even though we were on the cusp of creating our own trans continental railroad.
Why be ashamed of anything? The South did nothing irrationally
>No capitalism does not mean fucking over other people what are you on about?
And yet that's what happened in capitalist societies in the 19th century
> we're constantly raped and beaten meme
Didn't say "constantly" but it DID happen with some frequency.
>In 1740, following the Stono Rebellion, Maryland limited slaves' working hours to 15 per day in the Summer and 14 in the Winter, with no work permitted on Sunday. Historian Charles Johnson writes that such laws were not only motivated by compassion, but also by the desire to pacify slaves and prevent future revolts
>Black people being inferior to whites is socially constructed
That's what the "le white man's burden" ideology is all about. But you're trying to pass it off as Southerners treating their slaves "like family" which is laughable.
>le factory work = slavery meme
>Yet they were treated nearly the same.
Being a free man or woman working in a mill in the North was far better than being a literal slave, living in a hovel with no money or possessions at the mercy of your master's whims in the South. Both for material and immaterial reasons. Only slavery apologists deny this.
>I'm going to suddenly deny that Angloboo LARPers existed in the south and defend their unamerican feudalistic system by saying it was somehow ok because inheritance or some bullshit
>The term "family" doesn't really come into your mind much does it yank?
It certainly does. But unlike you I love my family and don't force them into slavery.
>Implying racial egalitarianism and direct democracy was the original intent of the founding fathers
The schools in the South must be real shit if this is what your reading comprehension is like
The Southern plantation system of pseudo-Aristocrats was Un-American and in direct conflict with the vision the Founding Fathers had for this country. Industrialism was not. Your ancestors were filthy secessionist traitors who couldn't compete in the 19th century economy. Deal with it.
>someone was upset enough to type out a long wall of autism text that nobody bothered to read after the first 3 sentences
>Did nothing irrationally
What is firing on Fort Sumter? What is the Fugitive Slave Act and paying Bounty Hunters to capture Negros in the North and dragging them down Sout? What is word for word copying the US Constitutions, but adding all states must be slavery? What is seceding even though Lincoln won fair and square in the election and LITERALLY said he would not free the slaves? What is seceding after the Supreme Court said it couldn't happen without a vote from Congress?
Battle Cry of Freedom is good, but it's a lot different from most other academic civil war books out there. Battle Cry of Freedom is more of a narrative and reads much easier rather than a thesis or dissertation that most historian write with that are much drier and harder to read but more "historically accurate".
>tfw all this race politics today is the fault of the Union's mistreatment of the south after the war
I thought we were brothers, guys
>And yet that's what happened in capitalist societies in the 19th century
Yeah because you let it happen you moron
>White man's burden was about treating them as inferior
And asserting that as superiors you have a duty to protect them
>Only slavery apologists assert that treating citizens as slaves is hypocritical
We treated *slaves* better than you treated your own citizens. Enough said
>I don't force my family into slavery
Neither did we. They were extended family, not actually family. Plus most slaves owned by the middle class were not farm hands , they were house niggers or "Uncle Tom's" as they say.
>Your schools must suck if you think the founding fathers didn't think black people were equal to whites and that direct democracy should be established
Should have razed the south and started from the ground up desu
>Firing at Ft Sumter
After the North tried to reinforce the fort with extra troops and ammo after being warned that doing so woul lead to war, because such an action left unchallenged would make secession impossible.
Let's see what the Confederacy had to say about this
>As to whether we shall have war with our late confederates, or whether all matters of differences between us shall be amicably settled, I can only say that the prospect for a peaceful adjustment is better, so far as I am informed, than it has been. The prospect of war is, at least, not so threatening as it has been. The idea of coercion, shadowed forth in President Lincoln’s inaugural, seems not to be followed up thus far so vigorously as was expected. Fort Sumter, it is believed, will soon be evacuated. What course will be pursued toward Fort Pickens, and the other forts on the gulf, is not so well understood. It is to be greatly desired that all of them should be surrendered. Our object is peace, not only with the North, but with the world. All matters relating to the public property, public liabilities of the Union when we were members of it, we are ready and willing to adjust and settle upon the principles of right, equity, and good faith. War can be of no more benefit to the North than to us. Whether the intention of evacuating Fort Sumter is to be received as an evidence of a desire for a peaceful solution of our difficulties with the United States, or the result of necessity, I will not undertake to say. I would feign hope the former. Rumors are afloat, however, that it is the result of necessity. All I can say to you, therefore, on that point is, keep your armor bright and your powder dry.
Most of the world thought the american civil war would be how future wars will be fought
>The surest way to secure peace, is to show your ability to maintain your rights. The principles and position of the present administration of the United States the republican party present some puzzling questions. While it is a fixed principle with them never to allow the increase of a foot of slave territory, they seem to be equally determined not to part with an inch “of the accursed soil.” Notwithstanding their clamor against the institution, they seemed to be equally opposed to getting more, or letting go what they have got. They were ready to fight on the accession of Texas, and are equally ready to fight now on her secession. Why is this? How can this strange paradox be accounted for? There seems to be but one rational solution and that is, notwithstanding their professions of humanity, they are disinclined to give up the benefits they derive from slave labor. Their philanthropy yields to their interest. The idea of enforcing the laws, has but one object, and that is a collection of the taxes, raised by slave labor to swell the fund necessary to meet their heavy appropriations. The spoils is what they are after though they come from the labor of the slave
T.cornerstome speech
As the the Fugitive Slave Act, it was just a simple extraterritorial jurisdictional act meant to ease tensions between the states by simplifying what was to be done about escaped slaves. It wasn't the South forcing slavery onto the North in any way, it's literally just ensuring that states cooperate.
>Why secede in the first place after a democratic election
Because the reason slavery was defended so strongly was because National unity was built around the 3/5ths amendment that guarantees the South maintained a balance in congressional representation that ensured the tyranny if the majority didn't occur as per what our Constitution was based upon.
Lincoln promising to add a new amendment that freed the slaves would be a massive move on part of northern
Lincoln promising to add a new amendment that freed the slaves would be a massive move on part of northern states to control the South, so the South seceded. This also lit the powder keg that had been building since the Articles of Confederation and was irreversible, therefore not even offering the South the Corwin Amendment tempted them to rejoin.
>>Durr the South should've just let the North rule over it
No, the south should have just allowed democracy to take its course, let new free states be created, and be content with the fact that Lincoln was going to let them keep their slaves
>>Fucking traitors I hate all you dixieshits
I love southern culture and I love southern people. It's only a tiny minority of you who hate your own country this much
Why? You're buttblasted because you lost an election?
We're not letting criminals hijack state governments so that they can continue living lives of pampered luxury on the backs of stolen labor
>Sometimes the hypocrisy of Yanks astounds me
So many assumptions made with this one
Now onto the Constitution - no it was not a word for word replicate of the US Constitution and even if it was the point of the Confederacy was to uphold what they envisioned as american values, including the US Constitution. Read it for yourself
Capitalism made America powerful. Deal with it, faggot.
>And asserting that as superiors you have a duty to protect them
By raping them whenever your dick twitches? By forcing them to work 14+ hours each day while you sit around and pretend to be British? By paying someone to beat them whenever they speak out or don't work hard enough?
Why are Southerners such psychopaths? How could you treat someone who you think of as "family" like... literal slaves?
>We treated *slaves* better than you treated your own citizens. Enough said
Only propaganda-fed retards like you believe this. In the North the franchise had been extended to all white males by 1860, and those factory workers could quit and find new jobs if they were treated like slaves. They could move between cities and sates, they didn't have to worry about being sold like cattle, they had their own possessions, they could read and write and change professions if wanted.
They were free. If it were really better to be a slave than free, why the fuck is it that hundreds of thousands of slaves tried to escape but nobody ever volunteered to be a plantation slave? Life on the plantations was so bad that people risked the horrible punishments given to runaway slaves in order to escape it.
The evidence to the contrary is all around you but your eyes are blind to it.
>They were extended family, not actually family
Oh so in the South it's common practice to enslave your cousins and grandparents but not your siblings and parents? rlly made me think
>"all men are created equal"
>"no titles of nobility"
Point out where I said the founding fathers wanted direct democracy and racial equality.
Oh wait, you can't because I never said those things. You only think I did because your shit schools never taught you proper reading comprehension.
>when I have to lay out your stupidity for you, step by step because you're not smart enough to understand your own errors
Dixie, everyone.
>Lincoln was going to let them keep their slaves
Except he wasn't. The Corwin Amendment didn't happen until the South seceded. Lincoln was going to free the slaves which would , in essence, allow the North to rule the South as Northern Industrialists would then gain a huge majority in Congress that would lead to the tyranny of the majority.
If you think otherwise, you really ought to read up on what Andrew Johnson inheritted from Lincoln , but if course I'm not expecting a yank to think.
It was to an extent with world war I, both sides were expecting something like the Franco-Prussian war, while they got a long, bloody conflict more akin to the US Civil War
Lincoln was a compromise moderate who specifically ran on a platform of "you can keep your slaves, you just can't create new slave states".
Both sides were tired of being a house divided, they did not want there to continue being a balance between slave and free states, both sides wanted to be the majority. The election of 1860 was the deciding point when we would decide if we would be a majority slave state country or a majority free state majority. The south betrayed the principles of democracy by seceding and not allowing the democratic process to take its course, even after rigging the elections to keep Lincoln off the ballot in southern states
You can not seriously expect anyone to believe that the south wouldn't have turned around and exercised their own tyranny of the majority if they had been the ones who won the election.
> but if course I'm not expecting a yank to think.
You're too emotionally invested in this argument. You need to step back and take a breath and realize that we're both stronger united, and not letting welfare queens rig the economy for their own benefit.
>Capitalism made America powerful.
Then nearly destroyed it, but hey thanks for all those free markets though, really enjoying how mexicans can work for dirt shit wages then send remittances back to Mexico worth gold because of differences in the real value of currency and inflation in the countries.
No really, the only way to industrialize is to have children work in factories and die 20 years younger than they ought to. It had nothing to do with the egos of Yankee Industrialists at all.
>Raping them.whenever
Fucks sake we just had this conversation , no the slaves were not raped, beaten, and killed all the time. This was slavery not a genocide.
>Yankees complaining about paying come to beat your workers
*Cough* Pinkertons *cough*
Also this didn't happen nearly as much as you think.
>They could just move between jobs
Oh man. Want to know how I know you aren't working class?
>They were free
No, they only had the illusion of freedom. They were slaves just like our blacks, except they didn't have healthcare. But hey they could drink themselves to death and beat their wives, thank fuck for that.
>Still missing the point of white man's burden this hard
Christ sake. Extended family in the eyes of God, like pets.
>Contradicts me saying that the founding fathers were in favor of an aristocratic republic based on racial and class prerequisites
>Where did I say they weren't any of those things
user plz
>You're stupid
Okay kid. Sure are having a lot of dissonance today, eh?
The Confederacy LOST, US WON and was the good guy, and Jim Crow set in.
Can this thread die now? Or are confedcucks going to try and keep defending a failed state?