How common was bestiality in ancient civilizations?
How common was bestiality in ancient civilizations?
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same as now, irrelevant
Bestiality was accepted in some North American and Middle Eastern indigenous cultures.[53] Sexual intercourse between humans and non-human animals was not uncommon among certain Native American indigenous peoples, including the Hopi.[54][55] Voget describes the sexual lives of young Native Americans as "rather inclusive," including bestiality.[54] In addition, the Copper Inuit people had "no aversion to intercourse with live animals".
are the welsh an ancient civilization?
It is common in Classical sources, both as mythological and comedic motifs, but there aren't any sources outside of literature to really provide any actual knowledge on the subject.
>"Celtic royalty was sacred. It was obtained after a sexual intercourse between the future king and the godess representing his kingdom or with a substitute of the Great Equine Goddess (Rhiannon, Epona). Indeed, in its Topography of Ireland (XII century) Gérard de Cambrai relates the coronation of the Irish king, in which the central scene would be the public mating of the future king with a white mare."
>Mircea Eliade, Couliano. Dictionnaire des religions 8.4.1
shitty translation by myself
literal horsefuckers
In a primitive agricoltural society people would be more exposed to animals.
By 1974, the farm population in the USA had declined by 80 percent compared with 1940, reducing the opportunity to live with animals; Hunt's 1974 study suggests that these demographic changes led to a significant change in reported occurrences of bestiality. The percentage of males who reported sexual interactions with animals in 1974 was 4.9% (1948: 8.3%), and in females in 1974 was 1.9% (1953: 3.6%). Miletski believes this is not due to a reduction in interest but merely a reduction in opportunity.
1 in 20 people men fuck animals?
Jesus christ
>Jesus Christ
he probably fucked a fair amount of goats
I wonder how many of them counted semen collection for artificial insemination purposes.
top qt
shame about the dog
There's a reason why people make jokes about farmers and their livestock user.
Also related:
During the 17th century it was not that uncommon for people to plead guilty of bestiality in Sweden. One of the explanations for this is that it was an easy 'out' for people who wanted to commit suicide but didn't want to end up in hell. By pleading guilty of bestiality they would recieve a death penalty aswell as the opportunity to repent of their sins.
Someone post the ancient jap tentacle porn
It's why dragons are extinct
This is the face of a man getting cucked by a dragon.
kek, saved
IIRC 10% of rural people have had sexual contact with animals
It was common enough for the Hittites and Israelites to ban it
Why did Northern subhumans suck at art so much?
>medievals actually believed that alexander was half dragon
imagine being such conquering so much land and being such a badass in general that thousands of years later people paint pictures of your mother fucking a dragon to explain why you were so great.
I just realized there's blood. WTF
Why are the Japanese so degenerate?
Dogs prefer virgins
In a 2014 study, 3% of women and 2.2% of men reported fantasies about having sex with an animal.
Several Greek myths include the God Zeus seducing or abducting favoured mortals while in the form of an animal: Europa and the bull, Ganymede and the eagle, and Leda and the Swan. Only the latter legend includes actual copulation between Leda and Zeus in his animal form, but depictions of this act, fairly uncommon in antiquity, became a popular motif in classicising Renaissance art, contributing to a lasting prominence in Western culture.
The Middle Eastern poet Mevlana Rumi wrote a story about a servant girl that would have constant sex with a horse. She even built a wooden mechanism that would limit the horse's 'bone phone'.
Once whilst cleaning the horse stalls in the presence of her master, the horse saw her and got sexually excited. Her master got suspicious but did not comment. Instead, he left and prayed for her downfall.
The following night she entered the horse stall with heaps of excitement and horniness. Her lust had gone too far, thus she removed the wooden cockblocker, unveiling all of the Horse's 'meat beat'. The horse too went crazy on her, she eventually died by having sex with the horse.
This story had two meanings,
1. Don't have sex with animals
2. Limit yourself when it comes to various pleasures; not only sexual but also stuff like consumptions and treasures.
My main point here is, bestiality was fucking common. I mean, people have to write poems n shit to stop people having sex from animals.
Must have been rampant as even in today's North Africa, Afghanistan and the like bestiality is pretty much a rite of adulthood for boys. In rural Morocco having sex with a donkey is MANDATORY and preferred to masturbation.
how the fuck did she even fit horse's dick in her cunt
I really wish I could say I don't know how either.
There's a frankly weird amount of religious ceremonies and artwork involving bestiality across the world. So I assume it was/is very common.
>Three of the queens wash the horse and adorn it with jewelry and ghee.[3] The horse, hornless goat, and gayal are asphyxiated. The chief queen lies down and the adhvaryu guides the horse's penis against the queen's vagina, signifying the birth of a new king.[4][5] The animals are dismembered. The king ascends the throne while the Purusha Sukta is recited.[5]
2.1% of married White women and 2.3% of married White men had a non-White spouse
Not the whole thing in it, that's why she had the wooden mechanism. Slowly her pus grew because of the constant horse sex. I think she could eventually fit 3/4 of it
A remarkably detailed poem.
Not that it's relevant or anything, but the guy that wrote the poem is the most popular in most of the world including the USA and Australia. Probably in all of the Middle East as well.
Anne, what are you doing?
holy shit
God, i hate Honkniggers
Just google woman horse bestiality, disgusting but possible.
y-yeah, disgusting
G..Gross. only perverts are into that.
There was a maidservant
who had cleverly trained a donkey
to perform the services of a man.
From the gourd,
she had carved a flanged device
to fit on the donkey's penis, to keep him
from going too far into her.
She had fashioned it just to the point
of her pleasure, and she greatly enjoyed
the arrangement, as often as she could.
She thrived, but the donkey was getting
a little thin and tired-looking.
The mistress began to investigate. One day
she peeked through a crack in the door
and saw the animal's marvelous member
and the delight of the girl
stretched under the donkey.
She said nothing. Later, she knocked on the door
and called the maid out on an errand,
a long and complicated errand.
I won't go into details.
The servant knew what was happening, though.
"Ah, my mistress," she though to herself,
"you should not send away the expert.
When you begin to work without full knowledge,
you risk your life. Your shame keeps you
from that to join with this donkey.
There's a trick you don't know!"
But the woman was too fascinated with her idea
to consider any danger. She led the donkey in
and closed the door, thinking, "With no one around
I can shout in my pleasure."
She was dizzy
with anticipation, her vagina glowing
and singing like a nightingale.
She arranged the chair under the donkey,
as she had seen the girl do. She raised her legs
and pulled him into her.
Her fire kindled more,
and the donkey politely pushed as she urged him to,
pushed through and into her intestines,
and without a word, she died.
The chair fell one way,
and she the other.
The room was smeared with blood.
Thas racist, you fucking bigot.
have you ever seen anyone martyred
for a donkey? Remember what the Quran says
about the torment of disgracing yourself.
Don't sacrifice your life to your animal-soul!
If you die of what that leads you to do,
you are just like this woman on the floor.
She is an image of immoderation.
Remember her,
and keep your balance.
The maidservant returns and says, "Yes, you saw
my pleasure, but you didn't see the gourd
that put a limit on it. You opened
your shop before a Master
taught you the craft."
I believe you mean speciesist.
Same thing, love has no boundaries.
Source, please.
I'm amazed that the maid is basically above reproach, there's no moralizing about her act at all.
how does that article demonstrate that sex with donkey's in mandatory?
I know right, I think I wan't this put on a poster with some saccharine background as a counter to all Rumi quoting nobheads at my workplace
>what is a metaphore
>what is a fiction
>getting fucked by a donkey is fine
>but remember to be moderate in your donkey fucking or you'll die
Truly an enlightened time.
I believe if Rumi had read some doujins he would rethink his philosophy. Slippery slopes and all that.
I've found the paper that the quote purports to be from but it doesn't appear to be in there. Can you find me the source please?
What's with the credentials autism?
>My main point here is, bestiality was fucking common. I mean, people have to write poems n shit to stop people having sex from animals.
and bestiality is still common and enjoyed by women who get their dogs to perform cunnilinguses.
how do you go from being suspicious to praying for her downfall in a matter of seconds?
Its still common today
I suggest you go cut off your dick and shovel it into your ass then go back to /lgbt/. Do not hesitate, and do not come back.
It is on the page 15 on this document, part of the Continuum Complete International Encyclopedia of Sexuality.
Written by Nadia Kadiri m.d. and Abderrazak Moussaid m.d.
Are you satisfied now?
But user, inclusive sexual mores are great for those who have trouble getting laid in more normative societies. I'm sure there's a culture out there where even you would be regarded as a potential sexual partner. Maybe one where they don't have any domesticated animals.
>Lesson being join your local guild!
Nice try. If you are defending zoophilia clearly you are the one with troubles getting laid. I have a girlfriend.
yes thanks, the version of the same document I found didn't have the zoophilia segment. Curious
It is rising in nigeria.
Most clerics, who spoke with Sunday Tribune, said incidents of man sleeping with animals had spiritual implication. Some of the zoophiles, according to Pastor Ayo Adejugbe of Living Faith Church, Ibadan, “sleep with animals as a spiritual prerequisite of money-making rituals. This may sound unreasonable to those in the West, but no African, I’m sure, will dispute this.”
in fact looking at it again the version I had was missing page 709 entirely
There is literally nothing wrong with zoophilia
>common cuck posters on Veeky Forums
Fuck off back to your normiesphere
>modern progressive
>nothing wrong with fucking same sex or other races
>obviously next stage is nothing wrong with fucking animals or children
t. kys
octopi have beaks. this is just unnerving.
Maybe they were trying to hide it.
Or it was a google books preview.
This looks fake
Horsefucking was present on virtually every indoeuropean branch. Hittites fucked cows as well.
Wh*te people, ladies and gentlemen
B-b-but I thought people back then were god fearing and conservative like /pol/ told me
fuck you that sounds stupid
Its not the girl had tons of videos up on youtube talking about how she fucks her dog. I think her name was Whitney Wisconsin
Are any of you less than 1% of any species other than human?
If you answered "no" then the answer to OP's question is, not enough. Because if it happened enough we'd all be some sorta half horse dog cat people's
We all are 98.8% chipanzees.
Humans can't reproduce successfully with non human animal species due to the difference in the number of chromosomes. Though we did successfully reproduce with a different species of humans Neanderthals and Denisovans, well at leaste Europeans and Asians.
Though i wounder if we could create a human chimpanzee hybrid
>LARGE OCTOPUS: My wish comes true at last, this day of days; finally I have you in my grasp! Your “bobo” is ripe and full, how wonderful! Superior to all others! To suck and suck and suck some more. After we do it masterfully, I’ll guide you to the Dragon Palace of the Sea God and envelop you. “Zuu sufu sufu chyu chyu chyu tsu zuu fufufuuu…”
>MAIDEN: You hateful octopus! Your sucking at the mouth of my womb makes me gasp for breath! Aah! yes… it’s…there!!! With the sucker, the sucker!! Inside, squiggle, squiggle, oooh! Oooh, good, oooh good! There, there! Theeeeere! Goood! Whew! Aah! Good, good, aaaaaaaaaah! Not yet! Until now it was I that men called an octopus! An octopus! Ooh! Whew! How are you able…!? Ooh! “yoyoyooh, saa… hicha hicha gucha gucha, yuchyuu chyu guzu guzu suu suuu….”
>LARGE OCTOPUS: All eight limbs to interwine with!! How do you like it this way? Ah, look! The inside has swollen, moistened by the warm waters of lust. “Nura nura doku doku doku…”
>MAIDEN: Yes, it tingles now; soon there will be no sensation at all left in my hips. Ooooooh! Boundaries and borders gone! I’ve vanished….!!!!!!
>SMALL OCTOPUS: After daddy finishes, I too want to rub and rub my suckers at the ridge of your furry place until you disappear and then I’ll suck some more. “chyu chyu..”
Is this really what it says?
Holy shit
if you fuck a bull make sure it's a god in disguise first
Ask Stalin
No shit Africans fuck animals, most of the continent is filled with goat or cow herders.
That's not how that works. They share 98.7% of their DNA with us, it doesn't mean we're literally 98.7% chimpanzee. If that were the case, we would look exactly like chimps. Also, you forgot Australian Aboriginals (who are technically from Asia originally), they fucked Denisovans, whatever the Jawara and Onge fucked in Southeast Asia, and whatever West and Pygmy Africans fucked. The latter two are practically unknown except by DNA.
If you think about it, it makes sense. They didn't have pornhub. Sometimes a man gets so horny that you get to the point where you will stick it anywhere. It's how ppl flip over in prison.