Why is McAfee and MGTI being Shilled all over this Board and on TV???
Major American bitcoin farmer. Chinks are attacking Bitcoin and (possibly) the Bitcoin network in an effort to control it.
Only John has the power to save us from the future of chink overlords controlling our buttcoins.
Also MGTI is on-sale somewhat.
He is so fucked right now lol
Im excited to see what happens with MGTI.
He is a badass and an American patriot.
The Chinks have turned against us. McAfee is the chosen one now. He will lead us to glory. His very dick is riding upon our success.
Take the pill.
i felt like he was reading my posts, kek
He's \ourguy\
i have some mgti, unfortunately bought a a little before this dip and am down quite a bit but fuck it, its goin along with the btc price
he pays brown chicks to shit in his mouth and doesnt afraid of anyone
finally, the candidate that ive been looking for
He's reputation was destroyed by America haters already. So he can redpill the world without damaging himself. Tell me one good reason why I should listen to Hillary's dear friend Jamie Dimon instead.
*His reputation
McAfee is our last hope MGTI is the final pill
>its goin along with the btc price
time to fucking buy then
imagine tax-free crypto like gains
just transferred $3k to my TFSA
isnt mcafee behind bitcoin cash?
Wouldn't be suprised.
Will the US go for war with China over Bitcoin?
McAfee is /ourguy/
Didn't you morons say AVA was going to take off because of McAfee?
MGTI or get the fuck out.