I know it's mostly satire but why the fuck are people freaking out? Bitcoin has went to shit and rebounded before, so shouldn't we take advantage of this dip?
I know it's mostly satire but why the fuck are people freaking out? Bitcoin has went to shit and rebounded before...
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Two anwser
Some idiot who took a loan
I cant fathom why somebody would get in debt to gamble crypto over a short time. This is the new natural selection, those people are worst than those who dont know that bitcoin even exists
Why is this shit so funny? It's legitimately the only meme that makes me laugh
just ignore the idiots who panic :)
because its relatable no matter how much we tell ourselves it isnt
>open catalog
>count the threads with pink wojacks
>if the number is over 10, buy
as you can see, right now is the perfect time
I lost like %30 like too. But I am laughing my ass off right now.
Just relax guys. Invest the dip. Whenever it is it will be visible and lower the better.
Bitcoin has no where to go but down from here. It has hit all of the major developed markets, hit the major developing market. There is no one left to buy the bags
its fun. you wouldnt understand, normie
Nice tip
For altcoin, my rule is to make sure there is no thread shilling it on the catalog
patrick, you're sweating
You dumb nigger I fucking love the pink wojaks and partake in posting them myself.
Even though about 2% of the worlds population hold crypto.
the best part of the dip isn't buying the dip, it's the pink wojacks you can collect during it
I bought ltc @75. btc@4500 and ETH @323. These pink wojak larpers crack me up.
t. going down with the ship
Spoiler Alert: They're new.
Thats not how it works lad. Less than 10% of the world owns iphones, so the potential market size is massive. retard
china is threadting to shut down exchanges and ban cryptotrading.
i havent found the source of this news. but its likely a pull out method to get more for a lower price or they really are gonna end it over there. so people in china are pulling out.
that's like 150 million people. which is about 5 times more than all existing wallets (and most people have 2+).
so no.
What you need to understand is that there is a constant flow of Veeky Forums readers who have just got into crypto. Thus, whenever there is a major contraction there is a set of readers who are below their initial investment.
maybe 0.001% of the world's population hold crypto
buy the pink wojaks
sell the smug pepes
much less than that
98% of the world don't even have more than equivalent of $2k USD, so I can't imagine anymore than a huge fraction of a percent owning crypto..
Less than 70,000 people? (My math could be off. Pretty tired)