The British handles their thirteen colonies like a Parent handles their spoiled kid.
>British pass the Stamp Act
>Colonists: I DON'T WANT IT WAHHHHH!!!!!!!!
>GB: Ugh... Fine we'll get rid of it...
>British pass the Townshend Act
>Colonists: REEEEEEE GET RID OF IT!11!1!!1!1!1!1!1!!
>GB: If I get rid of it will you stop whining?
GB deserved what was coming to them T B H. They created their own monster.
The British handles their thirteen colonies like a Parent handles their spoiled kid
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no taxation with out representation.
also the crown fucked over some of the colonial economic elites.
They never had a chance of keeping a lid on it.
>Hey chaps, so you think that we'd ever face a potential rebellion if we pushed all of these independence-minded religious zealots to move to a frontier thousands of miles away from the seat of government and then encouraged them to be as autonomous as possible for a hundred and fifty years, to the point of encouraging them to take up arms for themselves?
>Of course not, Nigel. There's absolutely no reason to think that they won't be perfect Englishmen with a slavish devotion to the Crown
>Ah, of course you're right.
Shitty exploitative parent who gives their child no say in anything gets mad when their kid wants none of their shit
i don't understand, why didn't they treat the colonies like any other province? why were the colonies treated like a vassalized foreign country?
social classes of old europe.
colonials, no matter how wealthy, were still below commoners in England.
as observed by Benjamin Franklin when he went to London to try and prevent revolution by petitioning Parliament to give equality to colonials.
This. England left the colonists to their own devices for over a century and a half and then suddenly expected the colonists to pay for a war that (though it started in the Americas) was fought over old grudges in Europe.
Actually, at the time of independence, only about 1/3 were really for independence. 1/3 were Loyalists (the "Empire State"), and the Canadian colonies shrugged and said "no thanks, eh". The other 1/3 didn't really care much. Colonial American gentry just figured they could keep all tax revenues for themselves, rather than being all gung-ho about the philosophical side of independence. George Washington was by all accounts a snobby-as-fuck cunt.
Meh, they should've give the colonists one seat on the fucking parliament.
>British: What should we do? Give the colonists representation or lose the colony?
>Parliament: GiVe rePreSenTatiOn fUr dA coLoNisTs
You're thinking of the French Revolution.
That's John Adams' personal (but unsubstantiated) thoughts on the period after the storming of the Bastille but before the Reign of Terror.
Don't forget it all happened in the first place because American puritans couldn't stand catholics and Indians as their neighbours.
>No taxation with out representation.
This argument was false. There were major cities in England that didn't have parliamentary representation
They did have a say in how they were ruled, to an extent greater than that allowed by other colonies. England was distracted because it was involved in various wars both in America and on the Continent
>American puritans couldn't stand catholics and Indians as their neighbours
Don't really think that's the case completely. Roger Williams was a Puritan, he founded a colony that had good relations with Indians. Indians actually offered him the land for Providence
>UK defends the colonies against the French
>UK goes into debt, asks the colonies to help pay for their defense
>Colonies chimp out and declare independence
>Colonies side with French
>French goes into debt helping the colonies and asks them to pay them back at a later time which the colonies agree too
>French debt so bad they have a revolution because France is bankrupt and change of government
>Colonies declare French debt invalid because they aren't technically the same people they owed money too...
Whose the asshole now?
>GiVe rePreSenTatiOn fUr dA coLoNisTs
this episode always made me think that america was the ewige jude
Yeah started to dig up info about it and came across this dude:
Eventually, after the USA got into a spat with the French about debt, this guy agreed to pay the French back for the US if the US would pay him higher interest rates.
Not sure if it worked out for him because he was in French prison from 1808 to 1830.
>UK defends the colonies against the French
After the colonies start illegally settling French/Indian territory, inciting violent reactions against them.
>French debt so bad they have a revolution because France is bankrupt and change of government
And afterwards they ask America to start repaying its debt, which the Americans promptly respond "that was owed to the previous govt, fuck you lol" and then they fight a short undeclared war.
The war was started by an act of aggression from Washington too, he attacked a diplomatic mission having breakfast while being ordered not to attack unless attacked first because both the French and English wanted to avoid conflict.
that doesn't make sense to me, they are the pioneers expanding the empire, they should've been admired for it, at least the upper classes in the colonies
Right, so pay the taxes we demand of you that you should so proudly pay.
They left of their own accord because noone else wanted to believe in their extremist ideology.
t. m*narchist
need a Virgin Redcoat Chad Colonial.
Colonials were on average wealthier, taller, and healthier than their English cousin.
>he's still mad
They weren't any happier about it than the Americans. How do you think we got the reform bills?
>Taxing your own child
Only difference was the distance, Neither was represented, people in England couldn't revolt without troops being there immediately.
>pay your rent son
>starving? were the PARENTS you are our slaves son
>no oppression existed in england during the 1700s
This is what bongs tell themselves every night as they go to sleep under a poster of their (dead) empire.
the history of the magna carta justifies the use of violent revolt against tyrannic Kings. Just as King Lear abused his power against his Lords, and was humbled, so was King George humbled for abusing his powers against the Americans. As he did not give any of the british soldiers trials for breaking laws while in the colonies, or the colonists trials by the time the boston massacre happend. It merely arrested the survivors and kept them under lock and key until colonists could free them. Literally denying the (retarded) right to a jury by your peers.
to add onto this and what others have said, the whole colonies and revolution really resembles the entire foreign policy of the United States for its entire history:
> Washington & other wealthy colonial elites want more wealth
> Colonies keep trying to push west, Britain does NOT WANT this because that means they have to essentially subsidize and throw money at the colonies so that they gain land and wealth, so that Britain gains... what? Nothing?
> washingtonsmugface.exe
> washington literally involved in the kick off of the french and indian war
> "oops, senpai ¤₩¤"
> GB has to help because who wants to lose to the fucking frogs, or even lose the colonies themselves
> Washington & co. after war: :)
> GB: assholes I told you no. pay for the war you fucking started.
> taxes.exe
> same Washington & co : weh so unfair, muh taxation w/out representation :(((
> Washington & co. manage to convince the working class and poor that somehow the war was done in their best interest and that this whole shuffle wasn't just two different elite classes vying for power/wealth
> people unironically patriotic still in 2017, pls forget how much blood and sweat was put into forming this country for the upper cl-I mean patriots, and how much the monied cla-I mean the nation gained from telling the king F U
i am depressed
>dont conquer things
>dont get into fights
>pay for the war we tried to not let you 'start' (as if a raid starts a war, England and France still claimed each other's thrones and it came up during diplomacy) with your chidlrens starved corpses
>fucking bougiouse americans why don't you like starving to death on top of being second-class citizens and cucks to europeon politics?
the fact that the UK is opressing its people to this day is proof that we were right to leave. Along with Israel who also violently revolted.
We learned from the best
Hey man, I didn't say to lay down and take it. Working class shouldn't have fell for that "but muh democracy so dangerous :(" by the rich, should've sailed a ship full of the founding fathers ('cept Paine) corpses to the king with an extra spicy F U letter by Paine, now apart of the United People's Federation, a proto-socialist experiment.
Let me dream.