When did Western Civilization start, what are it’s core aspects and tenants, and what exactly are it’s borders/limits (both contemporary and historical)
What is the “West”
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idk but the west is bad
Some time during the Reconquista, I'd say.
Willpower, responsibility.
Today sort of everywhere, centered on Europe and North America. Historically Germany was the eastern most place.
Hitler answers your question
Anything at the west bank of Aegean Sea is the West
With Charlemagne. Greece and Rome were never western.
Western civilization began with the Enlightenment, it is about reason, secular government, liberty, equality and tolerance. It encompasses all those areas where these ideas are commonly accepted (even though not always practiced), namely Western Europe, North America, Australia and New Zealand, but it has the potential to include the world world.
That's why it's so ironic to see fascists who stand against all that claim to defend Western civilization, a civilization that was built against people like them.
"Western and Eastern" define literally came from Greeks. Who used that definition to seperate themselve with Eastern Persian
Crete plus Indo Europeans that went west and further north
>The language Charlemagne spoke and wrote has his linguistic roots or relation to Greek or Latin
Get out brainlet
Cool, that's not really what western civilization means.
It's sad desu, like kids rebelling against their parents.
Western Civilization begins with Islam.
The Islamic conquest of North Africa, causing the destabilization of the Eastern Roman Empire, breaks the continuity of Classical Greco-Roman culture in Western & Central Europe. While it had been assumed, and it is often repeated, that the fall of the WRE doomed classical civilization in Western & Central Europe, the culture actually showed signs of recovery. Sure, the Germans had infused new material into the culture, but the continuity with the Roman tradition was starting to reappear due to enhanced communication with the East. Then the Muzzies came and killed it.
For all intents and purposes, one may as well start Western Civilization with the Merovingian Franks after the conversion of Clovis, or go with Charles Martel and his centralization of the Frankish state.
>Greek alphabet is based on Phoenician alphabet, which is based on Egyptian alphabet
Was Charlemagne Egyptian by proxy? That's your retarded logic right now.
t. germanic larper
Are Mesopotamia/Sumer considered Western or Eastern
Why do Anglos exclude Latin America from the definition of Western? Other Europeans don't do this retarded shit.
Charlemagne didn't write, he was illiterate.
We don't consider you Western either.
t. German
>When did Western Civilization start
I'd say with the ancient Mycenaeans/Greeks, with the general foundation being laid by Classical Greece's ideas and philosophies and expanded upon by the Roman Republic/Empire.
>what are it’s core aspects and tenants
Cultural norms and generally agreed on tenants have changed throughout history and is always fluid and changing. Just 300 years ago chattel slavery was the norm and believing in all people being equal before the law was a fringe idea. The American and French Revolution and their ideas turned all of Western Civilization on its head with influential works like the Rights of Man, becoming a roadmap that determined just what rights do people have, nowadays equality before the law and that rule of law is now solidified, as with many other new ideas that were introduced over time. The rise and fall of Feudalism, Nationalism, ideas and values of the Republic, it always develops and will continue to.
>what exactly are it’s borders/limits
if you're talking influence, global. you see signs in Japan that have Latin script on it and neoclassical architecture and people wearing western clothing, and the civil and common law codes introduced by the West now govern the overwhelming majority of the world's nations.
While geographically, most scholars say from Lisbon to the eastern borders of Germany and Austria, but even Eastern Europe is almost completely "westernized" today.
>He gave the months names in his own tongue, in place of the Latin and barbarous names by which they were formerly known among the Franks. He likewise designated the winds by twelve appropriate names; there were hardly more than four distinctive ones in use before. He called January, Wintarmanoth; February, Hornung; March, Lentzinmanoth; April, Ostarmanoth; May, Winnemanoth; June, Brachmanoth; July, Heuvimanoth; August, Aranmanoth; September, Witumanoth; October, Windumemanoth; Novemher, Herbistmanoth; December, Heilagmanoth. He styled the winds as follows; Subsolanus, Ostroniwint; Eurus, Ostsundroni-, Euroauster, Sundostroni; Auster, Sundroni; Austro-Africus, Sundwestroni; Africus, Westsundroni; Zephyrus, Westroni; Caurus, Westnordroni; Circius, Nordwestroni; Septentrio, Nordroni; Aquilo, Nordostroni; Vulturnus, Ostnordroni.
>Eastern Europe is almost completely "westernized" today
Yeah since like 1000 AD.
Well then you are ignorant as well.
Do you consider subsaharan Africa to be Western? Asking for a friend.
Do they have a culture based on European values? No.
Do they have any countries where Europeans are the majority or a significant part of the population? No.
Do they have any countries considered "High Income" or ranking "Very High" on the Human Development Index? No.
So no, I wouldn't consider them Western.
Unlike Latin America where the answer is yes on all of the above.
t. Muhammad
Uganda is literally just as Western as Latin American countries. Western religion (Christianity), Western language (English), Western alphabet (Latin), Western legal system (Common law), Western architecture.
>Human Development Index
Retarded metric invented by a Pakistani communist.
Not really
You didn't see any real westernization efforts in the far east reaches of East Europe until the rise of Peter the Great in Russia, who went as far as the disband or reform all of Russia's nobility such as the Boyars to conform to Western traditions, have builders take up Dutch and English architecture styles and have the common people wear cotton clothing rather than furs and padded wool.
Compare the city of St. Petersburg with previous Russian capitals like Novgorod, and there's a world of difference.
>Europeans are the majority
>Latin America
Top lel
Eastern Europe doesn't start with Russia, brainlet. V4 countries have been western Christian since the high middle ages.
>Western religion
Millions of Ugandans practice animism
>Western language
English is spoken by a minority, most Ugandans speak Swahili
>Western alphabet
Swahili doesn't use the Latin alphabet
>Western legal system (Common law)
All legal systems are "Western" outside of countries that practice Shariah law.
>Western architecture.
Now you are just trolling.
I don't get it were you trying to prove a point or showcase your ignorance?
You do realize USA is a "flawed democracy" according to that index right?
I agree with what he said, minus the racial parts.
"And all that America did not get from Europe may seem worthy of admiration to a Jewified mixed race, but which Europe regards only as symptoms of artistic and cultural decay, the product of Jewish or Negroid blood mixture."
It is true that there is great cultural decay in America, some of which is sadly spreading to Europe. Overall, I think this speech is a great demonstration of Hitler's oratorical abilities.
Nigger you actually think Latin Americans are European people? Are spics ACTUALLY this delusional?
>It is true that there is great cultural decay in America
At the same time though, America is able to survive great change much better than Europe is. The European nations aren't nearly as malleable.
>When did Western Civilization start
Ancient Greece
>what are it’s core aspects and tenants
Individual freedom, exploration, sometimes conquest.
>what exactly are it’s borders/limits
The Urals are the Eastern border, Gibraltar the Southern Border, Greece the South Eastern border, and the USA is the furthest West.
not him but I would consider uruguay or argentina totally "western"
Both countries:
>firmly rooted in european culture
>little african or native influence
>whiter than usa as a % of population
>long history of democracy (particularly uruguay one of the most stable and democratic countries in the western hemisphere)
>fairly rich
clearly you have never been so south america and color your perception of latin america on mexico which is but a small part of a huge continent
how are these countries NOT western?
This. The fascists have more in common with the oriental despots of Persia than with the ancient Greeks.
Was he autistic?
And those are just two out of many Latin American countries.
Nice argument.
Nigga living in a greek city state was shit if you weren't a full citizen.
See the helots for example a majority slave class ,if that isn't despotic I wouldn't know what is.
>Mexico, Dominican republic, Cuba, Puerto Rico, Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Venezuela, Panama, Colombia, Brazil, Bolivia, Peru, Chile, Paraguay, etc
>these niggerspic shitholes are somehow European just because a microscopic Uruguay is
You're an idiot!
What about Australia and New Zealand?
The Modern West is nothing more than an American delusion, and it has no tie with the ACTUAL West.
The West also called Latin World represented the Roman &Catholic Civilization born of the ruins of the Western Roman Empire, as opposed to the East also called Greek World who represented Orthodox Christianity born of the ruins of the Eastern Roman Empire.
Too sum it, West = Latin(Roman) Catholic Civilization
Argentina, Uruguay and Costa Rica, that makes it three countries that are entirely Western. (Ethnicity, politics, culture, economics, geography, history)
Chile, Colombia, would also qualify except for race, native cultural influence is limited.
The others are more of a grey area.
Only in Bolivia, Peru, Paraguay, Mexico and Guatemala is the Native presence strong enough to deny the qualitification of "Western". Following your logic, that's only 5 countries. Big fucking whoop.
>Ignoring the immense influence of Christianity
Uruguay and Canada are the only ethnically European countries in the western hemisphere.
Fuck off with this shit already.
t. Cletus
So you are saying the US is not Western?
Not him but yes the US is not Western and never was
>90% white population nakes you Western
>70% white population makes you non-Western
Really made me think
>white mean western
You're the brainlet here
I'm just trying to follow your shitty line of reasoning and arbitrary divides.
What is Western then?
Define it instead of moving the goalposts.
Uruguay and Argentina have basically the exact same culture and level of socioeconomic development. What you are doing is the equivalent of saying New Zealand is Western but Australia is not.
Argentina is 86% european descent, mostly italian and spanish
Western = Latin/Roman culture
America = Germanic culture
>proceeds to genocide ethnic and white Europeans en masse
>Romania is more Western than Norway
try 52% paco
Yes Romania is an island of Western Latin Culture surrounded by Barbarians, Germanic barbarians were never Western but a part of the greater Teutonic Civilization
It started with classical pan-hellenism in the 5th/4th c. BCE, as expressed by people like Isokrates. It has changed over the millennia, but the root is in Ancient Hellas, along with the foundation of Western civilization.
People who place it later are either (A) searching for an iteration closer to the modern world, or (B) Christians who seek to dishonestly avoid criticism by saying their religion is inherent in the West and can never be questioned and replaced.
It's mostly French wewuzzery.
Your knowledge of Argentina comes entirely from memes.
I'm from Britain, I've spent time in Buenos Aires and Patagonia, it's a far whiter country than modern Britain is.
There was classical civilisation then Westerner civilisation (our civilisation). The first was Greco-Roman, the other Germano-Celtic.
Another way to say this is that their worldview was Zeusian, whereas ours is Odinic.
There was classical civilisation then Western civilisation (our civilisation). The first was Greco-Roman, the other Germano-Celtic. Aegean, then North Atlantic.
Another way to say this is that their worldview was Apollonian, whereas ours is Odinic.
(Cont) Each culminated in the emergence of one state to rule them all. Theirs was Rome, ours is America. Rome got all the Med plus Gaul and England. America looks like it might get the whole world in the long run, plus bits of space (eg Mars).
The West is a very vague term, often self contradictory, used by USA (or back in the day the anglos) to justify whatever thing they do against other nations, be either western or eastern.
It's a spook
t. "Westerner" (Italian )
>Western civilization began with the Enlightenment, it is about reason, secular government, liberty, equality and tolerance
There are people out there who actually believe this bullshit.
Swahili uses Latin script though lol and very few use it in Uganda,English is used in government, school, law and most newspaper.
Also only 3% are possibly animist.
Also Uganda builds it stuff western style (muh native housing doesn't count, for anything being used by the public they use modern architecture)
Argentina is full retarded just like the USA in that they count every Lebanese and Sicilian shitskin as white.
Scat porn is the graphical definition of the West
So thus lol you managed to be wrong about Uganda in pretty much every single way
New Zealand is only 70% white so yes, it's significantly less Western than Australia.
t. Rakeem bin Pajeet al Britani
>not white
You never visited Uruguay and are basing this off what you read in /pol/, don't you?
>Millions of Ugandans practice animism
I'm not British. Are you implying I'm wrong? Saudi Arabs are literally considered "white" in both USA and Argentina.
>all those asspained /pol/tards ITT
Is it possible to write the word "West" without a massive 1 digit IQ flood to this board, completely ruining any discussion? Are you vigilating this board 24/7 to see where you can start shitting?
> I'm not British
An american, same shit different smell
No shit it isn't western. It's full of blacks, beaners, flips, chinamen, etc. 55% white tops and this number includes jews and middle easterners and other non-western people.
But Americans at least have the nuance to understand that if you're 50% amerindian you can't be white, while Brazilians and Argentines are LARPing as Europeans if they have one great grandfather from Europe.
I'm not even a native English speaker you faggot.
First of all, Argentina has no census on race, so how can Arabs be considered anything? Stop making up shit pls.
Jews apart, do you consider slavs subhuman non-whites as well?
> No shit it isn't western. It's full of blacks, beaners, flips, chinamen, etc. 55% white tops and this number includes jews and middle easterners and other non-western people.
> But Americans at least have the nuance to understand that if you're 50% amerindian you can't be white, while Brazilians and Argentines are LARPing as Europeans if they have one great grandfather from Europe.
I believe that it's the discovery/application of science and technology applied to European civilization that eventually spread to the lands that the Europeans settled into.
I honestly believe when other races were dragged into having to exist within/around European technology and laws they didn't have the genetic imprint to go with the flow. With disastrous results
Brazil and Argentina have almost no Amerindian population, it's not fucking Mexico or Peru, there were no big native Empires there.
Brazil has a lot of blacks, but very few natives.
>A 2012 autosomal DNA study found the genetic composition of Argentines to be 65% European, 31% Native American, and 4% African.
More like Argentina is full of mulattoes and mestizos claiming to be European on census.
Tbh as an italian who visited both USA, Brazil and Argentina, I found Buenos Aires nicer and more european than USA.
I'd rather be grouped with them than with Jersey Shore niggers or g*rmans
I bet he'll say "but they practice it on the low" or "it's syncretic" lol.
In many Christiansted colonial parts of Africa indigenous religions got massive Slander campaigns and persecution which then got internalized by the native subjects after (it was THAT intense).
That's why in the Anglican / catholic sphere African reps are the most conservative. The Christ brought to them had no compromise.
See Anyone can claim to be white on census. Genetics paint a different picture.
Why are you so obsessed with argentina? Are you a chicano?
>A policy of multiculturalism was officially adopted by the Government of Canada under Pierre Trudeau during the 1970s and 1980s.[1] The Canadian federal government has been described as the instigator of multiculturalism as an ideology because of its public emphasis on the social importance of immigration.[2] The 1960s Royal Commission on Bilingualism and Biculturalism is often referred to as the origin of modern political awareness of multiculturalism.[3]
No, it's not.
None of those people were "GENOCIDED EN MASSE" by Hitler.
None of those countries is white. But anyways, visiting a country is not sufficient because of different population distribution. 33% of Argentines live in Buenos Aires metro area, while in USA and Brazil such a huge chunk of population isn't concentrated in a single city.