ITT Silly pictures of historical figures
ITT Silly pictures of historical figures
An illustration of when Napoleon's wife was cooking an omelette, Napoleon insisted on cooking it himself, and he ended up dumping it out of the pan and onto the ground.
A man who invaded Egypt and half of Europe couldn't make a fucking omelette
He's a man after all
I always get a funny uncle vibe from Stalin, he seemed very jokey despite how horrible he was.
Haha, no way. The absolute mad man.
So, who was wrong here?
Goddamn he looked so wasted away by the end
Hitler extended his left hand by the look of it
Hitler just survived the July plot, and his right arm was injured iirc
Reminder that Lenin wanted to be buried in the countryside with his family and instead Stalin put him in a glass tomb thing so people could worship his corpse.
A young Vladimir Putin poses as a tourist to keep tabs Ronald Reagan on his State visit to the USSR.
A common KGB tactic.
>*to keep tabs on
This is bullshit
Lenin, as terrorist and mass murderer he was, he stated he should never be glorified after his death, Stalin quarreled with his wife just after his death about his body's embalming since she didn't want it, he arguably threatened to kill her and find another woman to act as his wife in the funeral, absolute madman
It's a joke you autist
i guess were all retarded in one respect
Its is some weird pharaoh type shit.
The men who invade Europe today can't even fucking read.
It's not hard.
I'm pretty sure Putin can read
Go back to r/politics.
Is this picture real?
Yeah, Stalin loved doing pranks with foreign dignitaries
Genuinely hilarious.
I don't think that's Putin. The man alleged to be Putin stands 1-2 inches taller than Gorbachev, whose 5'9, in this photo, yet Putin is somewhere around 5'5-5'7.
Anyone got that gif of Hitler wearing a leather pilot hat smiling while giving a guy his autograph?
british propaganda
It was mentioned in Meneval's memoirs.
italian-german military co-ordination in a nutshell
He was called Uncle Joe for a reason.
>Now THIS is podracing
I don't think millions of Putins are flooding into western countries from across the Mediterranean (though that would be quite the sight)
Figan was the alpha of the Kasakela during the Gombe Chimpanzee War
sleeping off the meth comedown*
sleep tight
Leo di caprio gained weight?
Fucking Geobbles
>This is the ideal male body, you may not like it but this is what peak performance looks like
Kasakela did nothing wrong.
Stalin was a troll. Good, but very horrible troll.
He wasnt, that man is just autistic
the guy whose head he's rubbing was partially responsible for the Holodmor, and was purged and executed after an NKVD agent raped his daughter to get him to confess
Based smug Figan
>tfw your cunt of a wife finally leaves you alone for 5 fucking minutes
this was real btw
He doesn't even look like Putin. Not even remotely. Not to mention he was an operative in Germany at the time.
Yeah, it was a meeting in the late 30s where they tried to inspire Central Asian tribes to join the Socialist cause.
Didn't Khrushchev go to Disneyland?
This is allegedly his chief bodyguard who doubled as a body double.
Also, he would have been stationed in East Germany at that time, I think. (85-90)
You know how when you've seen someone with glasses all their life and when they then show up with contacts it's like looking at an alien? That's how I feel now.
i made this edit of brezhnev
Whats his name?
Is he traveling? Why are Communists such cheaters?
Oswald Mosley wake boarding
Stanislav Koisor
Under used meme imho.
is that manlet coming from far in the beginning, wearing a white suit, Yagoda, right?
>Oswald Mosley wake boarding
thats fucking amazing
This thread is ruining historical figures for me by revealing how truly autistic they were
This looks like the end of a three day bender lmao
But isn't that what history is? The common man led by an autistic person.