Was bored so spent half an hour scrolling through random pages on washen and I find this wallet.
This is the most money I've ever had in my entire life
Free fucking bitcoin
Congrats bro. What's washen? Can I go there too? I'd like to check it out
larping with inspect element? send the bitcoin then post the address here so we can verify it on the blockchain
i will post sharpie in ass if you do
it's the exact same as directory[DOT]io but has the balance of the wallet in red, just look for a none zero and import the private key
the odds are stupidly slim, like so slim that im stopping now as it won't happen to me ever again in my lifetime
How do you import the private key to send it to your own wallet? which software?
>shilling your own site
doesnt work
what benefit would there be from shilling that site, even if i did own it
But someone will really miss their BTC.
Can I get some?
I just got screwed over in a NEO thread. Got trips but the OP never delivered.
Nice larp faggot
kys. the chances of finding an address with BTC on it randomly are like equal to winning the lottery 5000 times in a row
Washem[dot]me doesn't work as a domain name.
sorry Veeky Forumstards
waiting on confirmations
He didin't find shit people, he is collecting data, don't go to that site.
Blockchain tells me that the address 1PGxZnvm2EeBesd5ZJt3J3vQMYTAa2w8XQ has nothing. No history of transactions either
Why you gotta lie, bro?
Even knowing that it's basically impossible I couldn't resist a few clicks of that Lucky button. Now that's what I call being human.
can i have 1btc, assuming you're not larping
Inspect element coin a brother up
How that shit supposed to work?
It's so unlikely that it's pretty much impossible. There are two possible explanations:
>You are larping or
>Some idiot chose his wallet by using your stupid site and choosing an address on page X, for X too small or not random enough (like 1000....0).
What would you even do if you found something on there? Convert to Monero with Shapeshift? I mean would this be traceable?
Thanks OP. Found 100k.
it would be traceable but if you own the keys you own the coins, that's how bitcoin works. you just transfer it to a safe address and the coins are yours. If someone accuses you (which would be hard since they have to know your identity) you just say you created that wallet yourself and it's impossible to prove otherwise since it's theoretically possible
these kind of steals where a private key is found are usually through unsafe word hashes where botnets or mining equipment crack them easily. I saw a presentation at defcon where the hacker found a 250 BTC wallet in 2013 and the private key was hashed from a poem or something. If you created it in a safe way collisions are very rare and your funds are safe.
No one in this thread or any future threads will find money like this. What I think the page is doing is caching a bunch of hashes to look like it's searching but it's actually using the input thing to fish for private keys with money. Why would anyone spend so much money on mining these keys and make them public? It's stupid
0 balance, 0 transactions, congrats lad
If you know anything about cryptocurrency you'll know OP is larping.