Post more virgin/chad memes Veeky Forums. I need someone to make a virgin Grendal vs. a Chad Beowulf.
Post more virgin/chad memes Veeky Forums. I need someone to make a virgin Grendal vs. a Chad Beowulf
Other urls found in this thread:
>No brown shirt on virgin
>No black shirt on Chad
You fucked up
>I need someone to make
The absolute state of Veeky Forums
how can christkikes even compete?
>the virgin full image
>the chad thumbnail
Ask and ye shall receive
first one I laugh to in a long time
I wish there was a less shitty one of this. I.E coherent and actually about the brandenburgers
t. varg
Can't think of shit to fill in so have fun with a rare Chad Bismarck and Virgin Napoleon III template
The Shah's walk is perfect omg.
This meme is terrible
>>the virgin emperor
>calls himself the third but is only the second ruler of his name
>gets captured in battle
>so inept that his empire has a communist revolution before communists even existed
>gets baited into a war that ends with his deposition
>on his death bed he still tried to excuse being an embarrassing cuck
>>the Chadcellor
>was the first and only
>united 30 different countries into one, while all of his neighbors tried to stop him
>enforced minor reforms to cuck socialists out of revolution
>didn't care about leading the country, was satisfied as a right hand man
>died in peace before the guy who fired him could destroy all of his work
>his last words were probably "my only regret is not killing more Austrians"
>critic of gender essentialism
Cringy libfag detected.
>never takes eye off the Niger
You're not really on the right board bossman
OH AHAHAH! fucking stupid sparrow meme why do you always post this shit?
But GJ for posting the original; always praiseworthy.
Most creative by far
9/10, needs a bit more text
t. Virgin
>the virgin post
>the Chad contribution
How about a Chad Peter the Great?
This made me laugh a lot.
You fucking delete this right now you Pastanigger kike.
>stiff small armies
>points at actual arms
It was stupid, but it made me laugh.
if somebody makes a Jew/Goy one I'll be satisfied
Jewish Chad
>literally controls the world
>big strong nose
>goyim tax dollars built his settlement
>Fired all goyim and moved his factory overseas for maximum profit
>complains about the holocaust to get sympathy and his fiercely ethnonationalistic
>Hunts muslim children for sport
>The Virgin Goy
>lost his job to globalization, gets called privileged anyway
>small weak feminine nose
>his tax dollars go to israel
>not allowed to defend or have pride in his people
Who has the Claudius vs. Commodus one?
This ones great because he's sacrificing a virgin
There you go
>thieves are more virtuous than moralfags
where can I find this in the Tao te Ching?
Close enough?
I thought stalin died in bed in a pool of his own piss and shit because nobody wanted to disturb him and get purged?
it's actually disturbing how much Chad looks like Chad
life imitates art
Chad's head was modeled on Chad.
is this the face r9k desires?
Any memes on sumerians or should I make some?
fuck you this is barely readable
I remember so. I was not there though!
Holy shit, he has a fingering stick
>probably a small penis
Lol, the text is very unsure.
t. Triggered Maoist
>wiped out by Christian and forcibly converted
Kek, larper's delusions are hilarious
Stop taking memes seriously
Lindybeige pls go
Made me lol. Gj
The only one larping is christcucks like you friend
>OP's pic
>Veeky Forums
It's a Zhuangzi thing I believe.
It's pretty fucking hilarious too, the entire chapter is basically a bandit btfo'ing confucius, who then flees for his life, crying.
It should be the opposite
who is the Austrian one?
>the virgin still has the original "wears neutral colors"
Virgin Charles needs a much bigger forehead desu baka
Should have added dwarf orgies and pet bears to
That's Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth flag. And the man is Tadeusz Kosciuszko
this one is a fucking mess, at least you didn't waste your time and money on learning design
>Good thing
>Bad thing
This meme used to mean something
You’re not smart are you