Any crypto day traders here tracking their daily gains? Post em
Any crypto day traders here tracking their daily gains? Post em
I don't do day trading, but I did make a spreadsheet to keep track of transactions, wallet/exchange amounts, and just import data from CoinMarketCap so I can compare rates and values and such.
This part of the spreadsheet imports the data from
I write it down on paper, i treat it like a game with a satoshi goal at the end of each week saturdays
Hello are you doing margin trading? Do you trade btc with long and short positions? Would love to know more about your strategy.
Any solid advice for a growing day trader
I don't even know what margin trading is. I only trade on Binance. I just set buy orders slightly lower than current price, then when they get fulfilled I set sell orders 5-10% higher depending on volume. I can usually do this a couple times per day
Wtf your whole chart is just a projection of what you would have if you made 5% gains
If you chase daily 5% gains you have to be so aggressive that you will end up wiping yourself out fairly quickly
Column E,F,G are my actual bitcoin amounts and gains. You can see that my current daily gains average is 7% so far in September
I dont track but i should, started with $10,000 on august 1st, im at $55,350 right now. started today with $51,000, nice little $4,350 profit today on the high volatility
btw ive been doing this full time 10-12 hours a day everyday, but worth making $45k in 44 days, plus i love doing this
Nice, care to share which coin you've been trading? I've been riding WTC waves
during bull markets im a fan of trading high volume alts like NEO, OMG but during this bear downtrends i only stick to the big 3 and only trade on GDAX so i can stay in cash mainly and not suffer BTC hold losses. today ive been doing a lot of ETH trading and a bit of BTC and LTC
Can I be your apprentice?
>september 5-10: 0%
what the fuck were you doing
I sux at this I'm the buy high sell low guy
Wasn't trading. Was stuck with coins I bought in high for a few days and had to wait for the market to catch back up. Was also the weekend so I was slaying some puss. Made up for it with the 33% trade day tho
its pretty easy man. Wait for a big red candle, then buy. Then wait for a big green candle, then sell. Dont buy after a bunch of green candles. You'll miss some moons, but you'll also miss some dumps. The goal isn't to moon, just to make something, each day.
just had a nice trade up to 56+ now
I'd love to use GDAX but coinbase banned me from buying/selling crypto on their platform.. with no reason as to why. I have been using them for years.. and one day i place like a $3000 order which gets cancelled. 2 weeks later I get an email:
"we've determined you are no longer eligible to buy/sell on coinbase. unfortunately we are unable to provide you with any more details"
something like that
Here's the exact email:
> APR 03, 2017 | 03:07PM PDT
> JORGE replied:
> Hello,
> A manual review has determined that you are not eligible to use the
> Coinbase platform to purchase digital currency. We're sorry for any
> inconvenience that this may cause.
> We regret that we are not able to supply you with any additional
> information.
> Please note that we have not blocked access to any balance currently
> in your Coinbase account. While we can no longer process buy orders
> via our banking relationship, you may withdraw these funds at any
> time.
> Again, I apologize for any inconvenience this has caused you.
> Jorge
fuck you Jorge
could be a number of things.
your bank may have placed a ban on it. if your living in the states, certain states may have fallen into this.
Thanks I'll give this a shot