>Western liberalism will be destroyed in your lifetime
Western liberalism will be destroyed in your lifetime
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>Meanwhile on 1929 Veeky Forums
Nothing points to this. On the contrary
>t. EU shill bot
Western society is l i t e r a l l y dying. Arabs, Russians, and Asians dgaf about your degeneracy. I’m chinese living in America and I’m glad we have whites to use as an example of letting society go too far. Your countries have no culture or values anymore, just money and sex. This is what happens when you let society atomize.
Hopefully western civilization sticks around too...
Revolution always devours it’s own. Catalonia will begin the deathnel of EU immorality. Hopefully traditionalist Europeans and Muslims will pick up the pieces.
>Western society is l i t e r a l l y dying
Not him but HDI is meaningless if you have to import third worlders. And we know how well that works. People make society, not the other way around. ISIS uses iPhones just like we do.
EU is stronger now than it was two years ago.You fuckers need a new hobby other than predicting its demise every year.
the third worlders are strong virtuous men who are against degeneracy. don't worry, they'll save the west
While western nations are struggling, everybody else is doing far worse. Islamic states are a clusterfuck, Russia went down from 8th biggest to 14th biggest economy, and all other countries are still sticking to western liberal gloablisation.
alright Nordau calm down
>this shit was made by an islamic philosopher and /pol/ post it as much as they can
Is Islam the real redpill? Was Guenon right?
Sufism is the final redpill
Russia is the saviour of Western civilization amirite fellow magapedes?? XD
>This universal truth was recognised by an islamic philosopher therefore if you recognise it too then you should believe Islam is all truth
Western civilization will be replaced by afro islamic jungle patriarchy.
Indeed, western liberalism is killing itself from within.
Western civilization has absolutely no spiritual or moral values and is literally getting replaced by Arabs and nigs. At least Russia will still be around.
What does Inequality-Adjusted mean here?
Oh boy, the best sociopolitical system in known history will be destroyed in my lifetime?
Western civilization is dying because of the birth rate and age distributions.
The median age in Europe in 2050 will be 52. "Literally dying" indeed.
>Western civilization has absolutely no spiritual or moral values
Nonsense. Western civilization's spiritual and moral values are rationality, liberty, meritocracy, impartial justice, and so on.
Lol to any of those.
>industrial civilization was a grand experiment that will fall in your lifetime
I hate this dumb image.
Alright, smartass. Is it the good times now or the bad times? Do you consider yourself a weak man or a strong man?
Crisis only makes capitalism more adaptable, its been like 50 years of marxists rambling on about late stage capitalism and yet it is still kicking, I doubt I'll see much change in my life time aside from the third world invasions we are accustomed to by now
More like casual sex, EDM, drugs, materialism, atheism, PC culture.
>Tfw I think I'm the only sperg on the 4 chins who shills for Liberalism on the reg and wishes that Neo Liberalism never happened instead opting for a moderate system between classical and social liberalism
>so superior that your birth rates drop, you have to replace your native population with 3rd worlders who despise your values and society is a spiritually dead, nihilistic hedonist shithole
tbqfh EDM, drugs and materialism is pretty good stuff.
what delusion do you live in there is a church in every corner
You don’t deserve freedom, but a brain dead r*dditor like you would obviously want to stay plugged into the pleasure palace forever
Yeah and they’re all empty
I'd rather live in all white Stalinist communism than multicultural democratic socialism
Unironically feels good man. Peak Oil, Climate Change and Automation will be the cure to the cancer that is Lib*ralism.
>Asians dgaf about your degeneracy
They've swallowed all the same poisons of modernity - except for ethnomasochism. They're just a bit late to the party.
Yes, Western "liberalism" will be destroyed, but classical liberalism will not be though.
Tbh the only problem with classical liberalism is that it has been poisoned by association with later iterations.
Hmm... you sound butt-mad. Why should we pay attention to your opinions about spiritual and moral values, exactly? You can't even participate in a simple discussion without getting upset.
>most prosperous, healthy, educated time in history
>literally unlimited access to the sum total of human knowledge
>dude just turn up lmao
You’re a waste of a life, literally
>Western liberalism
American Liberalism*
>xenoestrogens and plastics in the environment is accepting degeneracy
>I’m chinese
>your degeneracy
>Your countries have no culture or values
>just money and sex
Pick one
>This is what happens when you let society atomize.
Feels good mane. I have a good feeling about reactionary sentiments growing in the western world.
Aristocracy and Hierarchy, okay, not democracy and egalitarianism
T. Fascist spurdo
2/3 of the world will be an inhabitable desert in just 30 years so who cares.
In a way, it is. But there's also stuff like this. Not exactly a healthy culture with traditional values.
>Tfw western liberals are so obsessed with colonizing Mars and terraforming it that they can't see the fact that their economic system built around ad infinitum growth is going to destroy the whole world and make it into a miserable toxic sphere
Daily reminder that not even Hitler was this naive.
>you will still be able to legally shoot and kill criminals while Europeans, Australians and Canadians are imprisoned for troubling their designated population replacement rapists
Everyone knows how well adjusted japanese culture is, not degenerate at all!
Oh you mean the country that shed its cultural identity in a single generation and adopted the ideas of liberalism to the absolute extreme while becoming an atheistic society that regulates the number of births while polluting the world at a rate that is higher than any other country?
Japan isn’t Asian; they’re bananas at this point. Chinese and Koreans don’t care; and shit like gay marriage isn’t openly promoted there.
>A Chinese American thinking he knows shit about Asia
You don't even live here senpai
>Koreans don’t care; and shit like gay marriage isn’t openly promoted there
Just you wait, my friend. Just you wait.
>I hate this dumb image.
Of course you do, deep down you believe you're a weak man and you are terrified that your time is ending.
>Is it the good times now or the bad times?
It is the end of the good times.
>Do you consider yourself a weak man or a strong man?
It doesn't matter what we consider ourselves, what matters is whether or not we survive.
The weird stereotypes about japs being into all kinds of gross sexual fetishes is grossly overrated. You do realize Otakus and neets are considered just as subhuman over there as they are here, right?
*grossly exaggerated
It takes into account how wealth is distributed among different income groups. Countries with a high IHDI score have less income disparity than countries with lower scores.