So is this still worth all the pre-crash hype or is it really a joke now?
So is this still worth all the pre-crash hype or is it really a joke now?
It's a pump and dump scam.
the new dgb marines
literally nothing but an ambitious roadmap
you decide
Its still 9'after a crash. Buy this shit
you should be buying because other than these next few days you will never see these prices again
would buy now if you haven't already. it will go back up like it always does. very good coin to short if thats your sort of thing
solid dev team
solid tech
solid conference
solid partnerships
solid by October
solid concept
solid innovation
I set a sell wall a few days back from just under the ATH and didn't look back.
Id much rather buy one of the crystal balls you're using
guaranteed to double in a week
That partnership with Macy's is most likely bullshit though. They were barely sold on Plenti.
Solid token. If you are not convinced place a order at 8 USD.
and yeah, I think omisego is doing pretty good with the PR. They need to do something though.
>literally nothing but an ambitious roadmap
and created by a pre-existing payment gateway company
and going to be merging omise/omisego/facepay
and facepay is already being use in the ministry of finance in thailand
and they will be working with 240mcd locations in thailand to start and are confirmed now to be expanding to more mcd's in asian territory
and they will be the first erc-20 token to use plasma allowing billions of transactions a second and proof of stake
and already talking with the central bank of thailand
and backed by money skelly
and more but i think this is enough to prove how retarded you are
>>making all these assumptions
At this point i think omg holders are probably delusional
>all of this information easily verifiable.
ye stay noomg
this I'm weighted heavy in omg
solid posts
Inhave 5k on gemeni. When inconvert to eth do insend to bittrex to buy omg or etherdelta to by zrx
I don't know ZRX, but I recommend you use your research and make an informed decision on whatever coin you believe has the most potential and is undervalued the most.
For instance, I have a lot of money in verge, omg, and ark. I believe these coins have longevity and will do great in their niche.
I also have a fair amount in Walton because of meme magic. Bittrex followed them on twitter and with the market cap there and, with them being delisted on a few chinese exchanges, I have a feeling they might get listed on bittrex.
I think OmiseGO will bring at least 2x and possibly 100x if they do what they think they can do, which I believe they can.
So make an informed decision. It's your money and will definitely not tell you how to spend it, nor should anyone else.
Stop looking at the dollar value.
It's almost back to 270k. When btc rebounds this shit is gonna fly up to high teens.
When is this coin going to do something? Ive been holding for weeks and havnt gotten the moon gainz I so crave.
...where the fuck where you when this mooned 3 days ago to 330k?
It's a long hold. I expect to be holding a minimum of 3 months unless some seriously bad news hits.
look at the price of ethereum in December compared to the few months before, now look at the price of ethereum today.
your decision
i'm still ballsdeep in omg
Coin with the most potential.
Literally the only reason it went down was because of bitcoin. Some people on here are retarded as fuck.
Ark also has a lot of potential and was negatively affected by the drop in bitcoin/usd price.
It was not traditionally pumped, and if it was pumped by a whale then it was done so with hold intentions. OMG is also good though, but don't pretend it's the only one.
I can see Ark having a good future. However, the volume is still relatively low and the reason it didn't drop was because people were staking rather than selling.
ohmaigawd never goes down except for bitcoin dips.
I don't understand how you fucktards don't see that Omise is an actual company with 130 employees. OMG is the ONLY crypto at the moment that has the best shot of actually being implemented in the real world and serving the purpose of crypto. Why the fuck can't you morons see this?
Its fine. Its not chink so it will do fine.
neo on the other hand..
thats a good trick, I might steal that
>immutable fungible conference team
Fucking seriously. The amount of people floating around the crypto community freaking out are completely ignoring satoshi values.
And with Disrupt coming up this weekend, we will definitely see an impulse wave.
Ignore the FUD and get in.