Is he right?
Is he right?
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Moffat said the show had "no excuse" not to feature a more diverse cast, adding it would be "amazing" for it to have two non-white lead actors.
"Sometimes the nature of a particular show - historical dramas, for instance - makes diversity more of a challenge, but Doctor Who has absolutely nowhere to hide on this," he said.
"Young people watching have to know that they have a place in the future. That really matters. You have to care profoundly what children's shows in particular say about where you're going to be."
Moffat said the show must find new ways to get ethnic minority actors on screen in future.
"We've kind of got to tell a lie. We'll go back into history and there will be black people where, historically, there wouldn't have been, and we won't dwell on that.
"We'll say, 'To hell with it, this is the imaginary, better version of the world. By believing in it, we'll summon it forth'."
Cant wait for the new Shaft movie, stsrring Mel Gibson.
The BBC has always been like this. No BBC Newsreaders are white anymore. They kiss the Diversity Police's ass.
I'd rather look at some qt indian girl on the news than a bong desu
>"We'll say, 'To hell with it, this is the imaginary, better version of the world. By believing in it, we'll summon it forth'."
I doubt a world where my neighbourhood looks like Detroit is a better world.
This. Fucking I Claudius all the way back in the early 70s had full frontal kissing between two males.
>No BBC Newsreaders are white anymore
demonstrably untrue
that was normal back then idiot. The introduction of homosexuality ruined brotherhood between straigh males forever. In eastern europe it is still normal to kiss another man out of brotherhood
>tfw Doctor Who will never be worth watching again
I mean, it was never "good" but it was at least entertaining. The worst part of this clip was that race was already touched on more realistically in NuWho back in 2007. Apparently for the 2017 Christmas episode Moffat plans to tackle the "casual chauvinism" of William Hartnell and '60's Who.
>Minorities have existed in Europe since forever, don't be racist
>White people need to apologize for colonialism and slavery etc etc
Really makes me think.
Probably 1 in 10 are white.
Elise doucet?
>people are either white or black
why doesn't this meme die?
American influence.
Niggers aren't even that common in Britain, their biggest minority is Indians and other South Asians.
It's admirable, to raise expectations and aspirations of the less successful minorities (nobody is calling for masses of Indian or Chinese roles in historical settings).
But to do it by inventing or distorting history is a bit pernicious.
It's thanks to African American civil rights stuff, black kids here are taught as if it was their struggle, and that they suffered from state sponsored segregation.
My brother works in a school with a lot of African migrant kids, and when it comes to Black History month, they're all a not perplexed at the lack of actual African history, it's all African American slave stuff.
that wasn't historically inaccurate though
This is the racism of the left. You have to hold darkie by the hand or he will get lost and die like a little child.
>Black people have been a significant proportion of the UK since classical times!
>Population genetics mysteriously shows zero sub-saharan infusion from the neolithic on
Really makes one ponder. Almost like they're creating a simulacrum or something.
>"We'll say, 'To hell with it, this is the imaginary, better version of the world. By believing in it, we'll summon it forth'."
lol, they don't even deny their pathology anymore.
>Almost like they're creating a simulacrum or something.
Almost? The actor verbatim states that they are manufacturing a false account of history to intentionally gaslight people.
The modern west is insane.
Telling a population with an average IQ of 80 that they all deserve to be in the professional-managerial class and that the only thing keeping them back from realizing their birthright is the inherent evil of white gentiles who are collectively responsible for everything bad that has ever happened anywhere is not "admirable." It's a lie and it's evil.
Getting a segment of the population who have become habitual criminals, and accustomed to unemployment (more than double the rate of natives) to aim higher than accepting out of work benefits is admirable. Who wants to perpetually host a parasite, after all?
But to monkey around with history as if it were just another method of positive reinforcement is pretty dangerous.
>monkey around with history
What does Doctor Who have to do with history? Don't tell me you gleam historical information from a sci-fi program.
Fuck off.
In part I see American blacks (as in the descendants of slaves who were emancipated after the end of the civil war) as more european than either they themselves or most whites realize.
So asians and blacks also enslaved blacks?
It's obvious that the normalization of homosexuality has chilled relations between ordinary straight men, who fear that if they demonstrate any undue warmth or fondness they will be seen as gay. But when this fact is used to argue against the normalization of homosexuality, the logic seems circular.
>homosexuality is bad
>because homosexuality killed camaraderie
why did homosexuality kill camaraderie?
>because men don't want to be seen as homosexual, and so they act cold and reserved
why don't men want to be seen as homosexual?
>because homosexuality is bad
>"We'll say, 'To hell with it, this is the imaginary, better version of the world. By believing in it, we'll summon it forth'."
we NEED more diversity. Just a fact.
If leftists are allowed to pretend that Europe had a significant sub Saharan population prior to the 50s on the basis of "IT WOULD HAVE BEEN BETTER IF IT WAS ACTUALLY TRUE! " then why can't rightists pretend the holocaust didn't happen on similar grounds?
>Niggers in tophats
>That Black Nationalist we wuz everthang n shit message
>Niggress as the Doctor's assistant isn't enough for the coons
Can't wait for Leif Ericson too be a lesbian black women
Irl "it was real in my mind".
>Defending damnatio memoriae this hard
The problem is that they present it as a reality, and the common (stupid) folks (retards) might believe in it.
>wants minorities to know that they have a place in the future
>puts them in the past
>Getting a segment of the population who have become habitual criminals, and accustomed to unemployment (more than double the rate of natives) to aim higher than accepting out of work benefits is admirable. Who wants to perpetually host a parasite, after all?
Maybe we shouldn't let that segment of the population come to our country in the first place?
But why not? Think of all the food and culture they bring to us? Just look at life in Islamic countries like Egypt, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and Libya.
Bastions of freedom those places.
I don't know about this england being black shit but at least they acknowledge the real Jesus
>why don't men want to be seen as homosexual?
The answer to this is that men who are not homosexual do not want to have their affection misinterpreted as romantic interest thereby making the relationship in question awkward.
>they're all a not perplexed at the lack of actual African history, it's all African American slave stuff.
Duh it is their history,
>why don't men want to be seen as homosexual?
because women don't want to marry a faggot that will give then AIDS, therefore it is in the interest of men not to appear to be mentally ill fruitpickers, you dumb queer.
>The history of african-americans is also the history of somali's that moved to Europe 20 years ago
Why do you tell lies on the internet?
>"we need to uplift minorities!"
>don't show actual African history
>Africanize European/Arab history
the sad thing is Africa does have a lot of interesting history that is pretty much left untouched in the media
Because the aim is to africanize Europe, the great population replacement can only come from Africa, this is a concentrated effort to normalize it and make africans "europan".
I just hope I die fast enough
Don't womens loves fags ?
No, it doesn't. Most of the interesting parts of African history come from the coastal Islamic settlers came and then later European colonialism. It's hard to make exciting drama about niggers stabbing each other with sharpened rocks for thousands of years, they wouldn't dare talk about Islamic enslavement or treatment of niggers and stuff about Colonialism has been done before.
I'm going to start pretending that I served in Afghanistan. I believe in a better world where I have higher self esteem and recieve sweet benefits. What's wrong with a little lie if it helps summon forth a better future for me?
>have the hero of a massively popular show say "history is a whitewash"
>what's the big deal, it's just a show?
While they're at it, WW2 movies need a few tweaks to help explain how we've always been at war with Eastasia
you secretly want daddy dick i can tell
>fictional source presents itself as historical while claiming historical sources are fictional
w e | e w
Women don't love anything other than their own children, and even that the jury is still out on.
Women are more susceptible to peer and social pressure. If you keep telling them something they'll believe in it sooner than men they are also more susceptible to appeals to emotion as well.
Why the hell is the BBC so determined to invent and support lies with revisionist leanings to "colorize" British history to its citizens? And I ask this as someone whose "half brown". What is the purpose of this?
identifying with your enemy's smear term is fucking lame, but at the very least you learn to spell it
The Chosen people have chose you as their chosen slave race in their chosen future.
social conditioning so that native brits will remain docile as they are gradually replaced by third worlders because "britain has always been full of brown people lol why are you so obsessed with demographics? this is normal. what are you a nazi or something???"
Jesus? Fuck you BBC, i didnt care about whitebois getting buttblasted but calling jesus black is too damn far. Im a christian palestinian from Ramallah that nigga looked like my dad
Do you tell niggers the same thing?
I honestly think blacks would be a lot better off if they stopped calling each other nigga, let go of their sense of victimhood, and threw gangster culture in the trash. So yes.
ok but have you ever actually said that to a black person irl?
I think it has more to with Indians/South Asians outnumber black people almost 2 to 1 in the UK yet they are conspicuously absent from British TV
Why is Veeky Forums so racist?
I thought this board was supposed to not include /pol/ idiocy
>Why is history and humanity so racist?
We don't like it when people distort the truth to pander to social activist bullshit.
History is the only genuine redpill.
Yeah, we have blacks on advertisements in New Zealand. At high school, for example. there wasn't one African kid out of 500 people. It has to be American-influenced.
you mean (((american))) influence, after all we all know who controls the american media. and the same demographic shift is happening all over the west including the usa and this kind of media is promoted so that the demographic shift will be perceived as normal and inevitable. the reason they promote blacks as opposed to other minorities is because if people will accept black victorians or whatever they will also accept asians, middle easterners etc... because those groups are "whiter" than blacks so by normalizing the most foreign group all the other less foreign groups get normalized as well.
Surely you can agree that even this is too hamfisted? Having a couple of immigrants doesn't mean you're in fucking Congo or China.
Who's the second black girl? She's really beautiful.
>goes on Veeky Forums
>whines about racism
I'm still typing nigger whenever I come across legacy captcha.
Racism is fun
>Racism is fun
If only normalfags could haves good humor.
>jesus was black
>Doctor Who
>Massively popular
Britbong here, pick one. Most people stopped watching after Tennant left, the ratings are at an all time low and it'll probably get cancelled or sold soon.
No, because Jesus would be more Arab-looking in all likelyhood, but regardless no 19th century Englishman would ever say that.
He didn't say that though. He meant that Jesus was darker than the standard European depiction. Which is true.
>why are people getting angry that people are lying about history to push their political views? btw if you don't agree with me you are racist.
Most cultures made Icons of Jesus in their image though
So what?
We can use logic to know what he would have looked like. Or at the very least what he didn't look like.
My point being that it's no surprise that people made images of Jesus in their image.
Most people are regardless aware of the fact he was born in the holy land, and unless I was drunk and verbally shitposting, I wouldn't claim Jesus was an Irishman.
>darker than the standard European depiction. Which is true.
My guess is he probably looked similar to the Modern Lebanese.
Certainly anyone claiming he was sub-Saharan African should be gassed honestly.
Video Related:
>similar to the Modern Lebanese
So like this?
Potentially, though that would be on the Maximum whiteness side of scale desu
Doctor Who's a black soil
Maximum whiteness would involve blue eyes at least.
looks really creepily like my cousin whos english
Anglos are literally Meds.
>imaginary, better version of the world. By believing in it, we'll summon it forth
Has there ever been an increase in the standard of living that resulted from diversity? I'm seriously curious.
>le evil jews
You know a majority of British Jews supported Brexit and voted Tory in the last election, right?
> caring what women think
Beta af